第一句子大全 > 标签 > detach


... as a class, an element in national life representing irresponsible wealth detached from the land and the duties of the landowners;and almost equally detached from the responsible management of business. 【词汇突破】manipulation 操纵 detached 分离,如果表示态度则是表示中立,...


丧我 detach oneself英语短句 例句大全

丧我 detach oneself英语短句 例句大全

丧我,detach oneself1)detach oneself丧我2)missing self丧失自我英文短句/例句1.willing to deprive yourself.心甘情愿丧失自我的。2.he loses himself after his failure, when he is converted to Buddhism to escort the Monk seeking the sacred books.二是他斗争失败后,皈依佛门...




单词解析de,可以理解为离开、分开,更多例子还有:detach, destructive, deduct, etc. part,部分、一部分,更多例子还有:impart, apart, compartment, etc. depart,动词,意思是出发、启程、动身,尤其是开始一段旅途,所以离开是旅程的一...


“家是最好的港湾”用英语怎么说?家和房屋类单词分类总结 快收藏

“家是最好的港湾”用英语怎么说?家和房屋类单词分类总结 快收藏

...onservatory [knsvtri] n.温室 ,暖房cottage [ktd] n. 小屋;村舍detached house n.独立房屋dining room n. 餐厅door [d(r)] n. 门doorbell [dbel] n.门铃doorstep [dstep] n. 门阶driveway [dravwe] n. 车道elevator [elvet(r)] n. 电梯entrance [entrns] n.入口;进口estate ag...


牛津大学外教课:用英语谈论你的家Talking about your home .

牛津大学外教课:用英语谈论你的家Talking about your home .

...的房子和公寓。For example, do you live in a terraced house, a semi-detached house, or a detached house? Terraced houses have other houses on both sides, a semi-detached house has another house just on one side, and a detached house stands by itself. Detached houses are usually larger and more...


最快捷的Linux命令查询工具来了 一句话自动返回操作指南

最快捷的Linux命令查询工具来了 一句话自动返回操作指南

...are screens on: 4964.myprogramrunningunderscreen (05/31/2013 09:42:29 PM) (Detached) 4874.pts-1.creeper (05/31/2013 09:39:12 PM) (Detached)Source: https://askubuntu.com/questions/302662/reattaching-to-an-existing-screen-sessionscreen -d -rSource: https://askubuntu.com/questions/302662/reattaching-to...


治愈人心的句子 安静美好 值得收藏

治愈人心的句子 安静美好 值得收藏

... else"s version of tenderness你的若即若离让人又爱又恨You"re so detached that people love you and hate you慢慢变凉的人心和渐渐变黄的树叶才是悲哀It is the heart that cools slowly and the leaves that turn yellow that are sad失望堆积多了,才会变成失去It takes ...


激励自己上进的句子 句句有哲理 干净睿智 给你力量!

激励自己上进的句子 句句有哲理 干净睿智 给你力量!

...al trait that belies a deep sense of emptiness, low self-esteem, emotional detachment, self-loathing, extreme problems with intimacy.五、真理就像太阳。你可以暂时把它拒之门外,但它不会消失。Truth is like the sun. You can shut it out for a time, but it"s not going to go awa...


走心文案:鼓起勇气 逃离那些让你痛苦的一切!

走心文案:鼓起勇气 逃离那些让你痛苦的一切!

... someone that you forgive them and don"t say anything but in your head you detach yourself from them completely.二、我想念你,直到我意识到,除了认识你之前的那种平静,我再也没有什么可想念的了。I missed you until realized there was never really anything to miss ...


情绪舒缓烦躁小句子 煽情贴心 忍不住收藏!

情绪舒缓烦躁小句子 煽情贴心 忍不住收藏!

...在宽容中强化自己。Disturb your life. Learn to laugh it off, to be detached, and to transform potential energy. Smart people know how to bear, how to forgive people around them, and how to strengthen themselves in tolerance.我们一直在寻找,寻找,我们都有的结局。We have bee...


久久不能忘怀的语录 句句惊艳 蕴含人生感悟!

久久不能忘怀的语录 句句惊艳 蕴含人生感悟!

....7.超脱于世,灵魂属于天地精华,来去无形,并无牵挂。Detached from the world, the soul belongs to the essence of heaven and earth.8.当内心能容纳很多你不喜欢的东西,这就叫智慧和慈悲。When your heart can hold many things you don"t like, it is called wisdo...


怂人短句 拽到炸天 十分有趣 赶紧收藏!

怂人短句 拽到炸天 十分有趣 赶紧收藏!

...就是一场悲剧。Being in a social circle is an annoyance, while being detached is a tragedy. 七,别装可怜其实我比你更会演,只是我不屑像你一样装。Don"t pretend to be pathetic. In fact, I can act better than you, but I don"t bother to act like you.八,蝴蝶飞不过...


充满人生感悟的句子 字字深入人心 让人一眼就惊艳

充满人生感悟的句子 字字深入人心 让人一眼就惊艳

...然。Don"t care about other people"s sharp comments on you, learn to be detached.


非常伤感的朋友圈句子 温馨 暖心还有正能量 简直太爽了

非常伤感的朋友圈句子 温馨 暖心还有正能量 简直太爽了

...是与平淡联系在一起。With zen mind to see the world will be more detached, more indifferent. In the flowing years, happiness is always associated with insipid.


干净治愈的扎心句子 愿时光温柔 不负相思

干净治愈的扎心句子 愿时光温柔 不负相思

... someone that you forgive them and don"t say anything,but in your head,you detach yourself from them completely?六、接受它。拥抱它。让它把你撕裂。哭吧,当它爬过你的皮肤。因为明天是新的一天,很快你就会自由地感受新事物。Accept it.Embrace it.Allow it...


射孔孔眼应力 stress state of perforation holes英语短句 例句大全

射孔孔眼应力 stress state of perforation holes英语短句 例句大全

...很注意地听着,眼光射定了赵伯韬的面孔。7.To Cure Retinal Detachment Caused by Macular Hole by Doing Intraocular Injection;眼内注射C_3F_8治疗黄斑裂孔性视网膜脱离8.Plastic injection mould, coolant passages, eject pin and electrical heating holes.塑胶射出模具–...


电离速率 ionization rates英语短句 例句大全

电离速率 ionization rates英语短句 例句大全

...电离速率方程4)photoionization rate coefficient光电离速率系数5)detachment rate分离速率1.The relationship between soildetachment rate and sediment load was simulated in an experimental flume with varing slope in a larger scale of flow dis- charge(0.6%)范围内,系统研究了坡面...


眼表面 ocular surface英语短句 例句大全

眼表面 ocular surface英语短句 例句大全

...膜前表面特征与像差相关性研究16.Negative influence of retinal detachment surgery on ocular surface视网膜脱离手术对眼表健康的负面影响17.Influences oftear-film interrupting on corneal surface aberration and ocular aberration泪膜干扰对角膜表面像差与眼像差的...




...探测器灵敏度12.mutual aid fire消防队互援扑救的火灾13.non detachable type fire detector不可拆式火灾探测器14.manually resettable fire detector手动复位火灾探测器15.light obscuration smoke detection减光型感烟火灾探测16.fire company inspection火灾保险公司...




...xiety / fear无忧无虑/无所畏惧derive from取得;起源;由来be detached from 把…从…上卸下from memory 凭记忆 preserve from保护,使…免遭 stray away from走离;走失;漫游 abstain from 戒除,弃权,避开 excuse oneself from 借口推托;婉言拒绝issue fr...
