第一句子大全 > 标签 > Coverage
可见星数 N Asset Coverage英语短句 例句大全

可见星数 N Asset Coverage英语短句 例句大全

可见星数,N Asset Coverage1)N Asset Coverage可见星数1.The availability of the system is validated through the simulation of the area and six representative cities about Geometric Dilution Of Precision(GDOP)andN Asset Coverage.通过对所选区域及六个有代表性城市的几何精度衰...


种植面积 planting area英语短句 例句大全

种植面积 planting area英语短句 例句大全

...0万公顷,占水稻总面积的一半以上;8.The Study of Paddy Rice Coverage Monitoring Based on Multi-temporal CBRES CCD Data;基于多时相CBRES CCD图像的水稻种植面积监测9.Remote sensing measurement of corn planting area based on field-data地块数据支持下的玉米种植面...


浮动车 floating car英语短句 例句大全

浮动车 floating car英语短句 例句大全

...数据融合技术2.Study on the density offloating car based on the route coverage;基于路段覆盖率的浮动车样本数量研究3.Study on The Key Technology of Floating Car Information Processing System;浮动车信息处理系统关键技术的研究英文短句/例句1.Traffic Data Collect...


奥运转播 Olympic TV relay英语短句 例句大全

奥运转播 Olympic TV relay英语短句 例句大全

...运会电视转播权及其营销问题研究13.A case study of new media coverage of Beijing Olympic Games on 央视国际北京奥运会新媒体转播的个案研究14.Study on Marketing Strategies of Relay Rights in Olympic Games关于奥运会电视转播权销售策略的思考15.Problems and ...


【06月】典型人物报道 typical character report英语短句 例句大全

【06月】典型人物报道 typical character report英语短句 例句大全

...放以来《人民日报》典型人物报道传播价值观研究5.Figure Coverage and Sex: An Analysis of the Structure of Sex in Media Coverage of Representative Figures;人物报道与性别陈规——对中国媒介典型人物报道的性别框架结构分析6.In recent years, traditional typ...




...们为职工提供极好的福利包.All employees have health and dental coverage.所有的员工都有健康和牙齿保险.What about the pay rate?工资收入怎么样?I am working for munimum wage.我的工资最低.They don't give extra pay for overtime.他们不给加班费.Overtime is ou...


记忆里的英文歌 还有一些古风 城市有关的歌

记忆里的英文歌 还有一些古风 城市有关的歌

... 、 Say I Love You-BWO、Lubov-Ross Tallanma、Far Away From Home- Groove Coverage最开始流行的英文歌,要数以前网红鼻祖后街男孩翻唱的一大堆英文歌,都是比较好听的。接着推荐一些古风歌曲:锦鲤抄-双笙、我的一个道姑朋友-双笙、山外小...


能治愈伤心的温情小句子 简单又文艺 令人惆怅!

能治愈伤心的温情小句子 简单又文艺 令人惆怅!

...。Whether living or dead, in my heart is also irreplaceable, even if time coverage.以后不会再表露那一厢情愿的心了,每次表露,每次受伤。I won"t show my wishful thinking any more, every time I show it, every time I get hurt.于万千人之中我也能一眼便认出你 因...


英语 精读 之 雅思8 Land of the rising sum D 译文

英语 精读 之 雅思8 Land of the rising sum D 译文

...ession is that the logical nature of the textbooks and their comprehensive coverage of different types of examples, combined with the relative homogeneity of the class, renders work sheets unnecessary. 课本的逻辑性,不同类型例题讲解深度与广度,再加上全班学生的稳定均...


归一化植被指数(NDVI) NDVI英语短句 例句大全

归一化植被指数(NDVI) NDVI英语短句 例句大全

...77年的62。2.The indexNDVI which can reflect the state of the vegetation coverage well is selected to interpret and analyze the spatial change characteristics with multi-temporal landsat TM images and the support of GIS and RS.选用对植被状态表征较好的归一化植被指数(NDVI),在GIS...


考研英语作文朱伟VS写作160篇 基础薄弱选后者!

考研英语作文朱伟VS写作160篇 基础薄弱选后者!

...学分Diploma 文凭环保旅游类:Nature reserve 自然保护区Forest coverage 森林覆盖率Emission 排放Haze 雾霾Ecological equilibrium 生态平衡Renewable resources 可再生资源Environmental indicator 环境指标Degradation 恶化Acid rain 酸雨Ecosystem 生态系统永恒哲理...


精巧简洁唯美小句子 满怀遗憾 深刻有涵义!

精巧简洁唯美小句子 满怀遗憾 深刻有涵义!

...。Whether living or dead, in my heart is also irreplaceable, even if time coverage.有些伤只适合放在心里,就像有些人只适合忘记。Some injuries are only suitable for in the heart, just like some people are only suitable for forgetting.思念的感觉又浮现了,用手挥开,...




...找保险公司为货物投保。6. We can serve you with a broad range of coverage against all kinds of risks for sea transport, such as Free of Particular Average (F. P.A.), With Particular Average (W.P.A.), All Risks and Extraneous Risks.我们可以承保海洋运输的所有险别,如:平...




...满的回忆。01《God is A Girl》 由德国2001年创立的乐队Groove Coverage演唱的, 已被G.C粉丝称为该乐队的三大经典神曲之一,其它两首是:Far Away From Home,She。歌曲中,女主唱Mell有些慵懒而清脆柔美的声音,加上猛烈撞击碎拍呈现出的...




...do you [accomplish goal] during quarantine?Coronavirus update: Changes to [coverage/services]Struggling with [problem] during COVID-19? We’re here to helpHow can I help?How to [solve problem/accomplish goal] through COVID-19 and beyondOur best resources for [type of customer] during COVID-19Action...


卫星导航信号 satellite navigation signals英语短句 例句大全

卫星导航信号 satellite navigation signals英语短句 例句大全

...信号模拟器伪距生成实时仿真研究11.Analysis and Simulation on Coverage of No.2 Beidou Satellite Navigation System“北斗二号”卫星导航系统覆盖仿真分析12.The technology blocks satellite signals that guide bombs, missiles and even troop movements."这种技术将破坏用...




...nered a loyal following due to their compelling storytelling and impactful coverage.7. I am constantly impressed by the quality of journalism showcased on KMJS.8. KMJS has set a high standard for investigative reporting and documentary filmmaking.9. The impact of KMJS on raising awareness about impo...


消防通信 Fire Communication英语短句 例句大全

消防通信 Fire Communication英语短句 例句大全

... Fighting第三代移动通信技术在消防中的运用13.jurisdictional coverage network管区覆盖网指挥中心与通信指挥消防车14.Not complying with the provisions to check and repair, and test the communication and fire prevention equipment;不按规定检修、检测通信设备和...




...肾合并慢性肾脏病1例报告16.On Moral and Legal Control of Covert Coverage;论隐性采访的道德与法律的双重制衡17.A Rethink on Androgyny: Criticism. Theory. Approach;双性同体的重新认识:批评·理论·方法18.Synthesis of Polymericial Amphiphilic Polymer by Using Macrom...


【06月】电视直播 TV transmission英语短句 例句大全

【06月】电视直播 TV transmission英语短句 例句大全

...视直播节目我觉得非常紧张。7.The immediacy of live television coverage.电视现场直播的直观性8.From "TV Transmission" to a Live Radio Programme;从“直播”到直播——论电视新闻现场直播的发展阶段9.a live television program.现场直播的电视节目10.direct...
