第一句子大全 > 标签 > Tobacco
【05月】香烟生产消费 Tobacco production and consumption英语短句 例句大全

【05月】香烟生产消费 Tobacco production and consumption英语短句 例句大全

香烟生产消费,Tobacco production and consumption1)Tobacco production and consumption香烟生产消费英文短句/例句1.The characteristics of tobacco production and consumption and raising tobacco tax in China我国香烟生产消费的特点与增收香烟税2.A cigarette company owes a du...


烟草赤星病 tobacco brown spot英语短句 例句大全

烟草赤星病 tobacco brown spot英语短句 例句大全

Tobacco brown spot, also known as tobacco red star disease, is a pervasive fungal disease that affects tobacco crops worldwide. The disease is characterized by the appearance of small, brown spots on tobacco leaves, which can merge to form large, irregularly shaped lesions. These lesions can cause s...


烟区 tobacco-growing area英语短句 例句大全

烟区 tobacco-growing area英语短句 例句大全

烟区是指专门用于种植烟草的地区,也称为tobacco-growing area。在烟区, 人们种植烟草,并通过各种技术来进行烟草生产。以下是一些描述烟区的英语短句和例句,可以帮助我们更加深入地了解烟区的概念。例如: "The tobacco-growing a...
