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水稳性指数 water stable index英语短句 例句大全

水稳性指数 water stable index英语短句 例句大全

水稳性指数,water stable index1)water stable index水稳性指数2)stability index稳定性指数1.Based on the fractal theory and the calculation method of fractal dimension in the 2-D Euclidean space,fractal dimension values,stability index and correlative landscape index of main land-use type...


可以写入日记的情感句子 简单温柔 句句暖心!

可以写入日记的情感句子 简单温柔 句句暖心!

...to say goodbye in time或许最稳定的关系是无所谓Perhaps the most stable relationship is indifferent不能向你透露出我卑微而自卑的内心I can"t reveal my humble and inferior heart to you我可以体谅一切,但我不相信任何事I can understand everything, but I don"t beli...


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把英语单词拆分开来 进行理解记忆 保证你的单词记得又快又牢





...型。2)homologous relation同源关系1.It was found that 4844-12 was a stable alien additional line and 4844-2 and 4844-8 were stable alien substitution lines;the SSR analysis of the alien substitution lines revealed that in the substitution lines chromosome 6D of wheat were substituted by a pair ...


每日精选正能量句子 干净励志 值得分享

每日精选正能量句子 干净励志 值得分享

...都稳定。你要是没能耐,在哪都高危。There will never be a stable environment in this world, only a stable ability. If you have the ability, you will be stable everywhere. If you don"t have the ability, you"ll be in danger everywhere.图源网,侵联删想了解更多精彩内容,...


二次退火 Secondary annealing英语短句 例句大全

二次退火 Secondary annealing英语短句 例句大全

...退火4)secondary recrystallization annealing二次再结晶退火5)twice stable annealing process二次稳定化退火处理1.The measure oftwice stable annealing process is discussed.采用二次稳定化退火处理 ,解决了 Cr17Ni2钢异质焊接接头刀状腐蚀的问题。6)wet ROA湿氧二...


你的一个举动 你的一句话都是影响我心情的起因

你的一个举动 你的一句话都是影响我心情的起因

...关系,而是没有关系,没有关系是最稳定的关系。The most stable relationship in time is not the one we are for, but no relationship, and no relationship is the most stable relationship.我想知道到底我要笑到什么样子,才可以掩盖我所有的悲伤和痛苦?我更...


乐观阳光的说说心情短语 句句治愈人心!

乐观阳光的说说心情短语 句句治愈人心!

...make the steps under your feet more powerful and solid, and to live a more stable and stable life.没有谁的人生是轻松度过的,还没到万劫不复的境地,就埋头苦干,总有柳暗花明的那天。No one"s life is easy to live through. Before reaching the end of a thousand catas...


时间沉淀之后的语录 经典睿智 让人瞬间清醒

时间沉淀之后的语录 经典睿智 让人瞬间清醒

...工作稳定,工资稳定,未来可期。My ideal state is to have a stable job, a stable salary and a promising future.大海翻动着一片片浪花,好像在说来跟我玩啊。The sea waves, as if to play with me.总得去尝试新鲜的事物,才会知道到底好不好。You have to t...


写进备忘录的文案|将军不下马 各自奔前程

写进备忘录的文案|将军不下马 各自奔前程

...那这个人就值得爱。If being with someone can make you emotionally stable, open your heart, laugh more, be more confident and curious to explore the world, that person is worth loving.将军不下马,各自奔前程。The general didn"t get off his horse and ran his own way.我们从窗台...


最近很火的自律短句 温情三观正 适合做座右铭

最近很火的自律短句 温情三观正 适合做座右铭

... yourself.切忌焦躁,平稳的心态更胜一筹。Don"t be anxious. A stable state of mind is better.不想去惊艳谁的生活,只想在自己的世界里保持清醒,保持平稳。I don"t want to amaze anyone"s life. I just want to keep awake and stable in my own world.梦想大同小...


伊索寓言双语故事11:驴和买驴人(The Ass and His Purchaser)

伊索寓言双语故事11:驴和买驴人(The Ass and His Purchaser)

...n trial to see what he was like. When he reached home, he put him into his stable along with the other asses. The newcomer took a look round, and immediately went and chose a place next to the laziest and greediest beast in the stable. 一天,一个想买驴的人去赶集,遇到了一头看起...


心酸委屈的句子 放下执着 让一切都随缘吧!

心酸委屈的句子 放下执着 让一切都随缘吧!

...ady dont appreciate.五、你值得一个慢爱,简单。没有rush.sure.stable.consistent。你值得这份爱。你值得确信你的人,你确信的人。You deserve a slow love.Uncomplicated.no rush.sure.stable.consistent.you deserve that love.you deserve someone that"s sure of you,that you ...




...O masersH_2O脉泽3)hydrogen maser氢脉泽1.Thehydrogen maser is the most stable frequency standard generally available today for all but the shortest measuring time.氢脉泽是至今为止除极短时间测量间隔之外最稳定的频率标准,它是甚长基线干涉测量仪(VLBI...


让人觉得温馨的句子 温暖治愈 你最喜欢哪一句?

让人觉得温馨的句子 温暖治愈 你最喜欢哪一句?

...安稳。The more people go up, the more their heart can go down, the more stable their heart is, and the more stable the road under their feet can be.你要想得到这世界上最美好的东西,就要让生活看见努力的你!If you want to get the most beautiful things in the world, you mu...


空间稳定剂 steric stabilizer英语短句 例句大全

空间稳定剂 steric stabilizer英语短句 例句大全

...用。空间稳定剂,steric stabilizer1)steric stabilizer空间稳定剂1.Stable polyaniline(PAn)aqueous and colloidal dispersions were obtained using poly(vinyl pyrroli- done)(PVP)assteric stabilizer via dispersion polymerization.采用水溶性高聚物聚乙烯吡咯烷酮(PVP)作为空间稳定...


氘通量 deuterium flux英语短句 例句大全

氘通量 deuterium flux英语短句 例句大全

...unity, especially in the field of nuclear and plasma physics. Deuterium, a stable isotope of hydrogen with one proton and one neutron, plays a crucial role in understanding nuclear reactions and fusion processes. The measurement and analysis of deuterium flux provides valuable insights into the beha...


雅思考试想从小作文上拿高分 那么你需要了解这一点

雅思考试想从小作文上拿高分 那么你需要了解这一点

...d to increase steadily to 31q in 2030, whereas after 2014, gas will remain stable at 25q. ”这是考官范文的节选,可以看出这段话中充满了图例之间的各种比较。但动态图不只有动态比较,还有静态比较!很多考官会把起始值单独列出来做静态比较...


高强稳定 high strength and steady英语短句 例句大全

高强稳定 high strength and steady英语短句 例句大全

...,此结果在某种程度上推广了独立随机变量的相应定理。4)stable intensity稳定强度1.This paper provides a hierarchical way of selecting optimal scene matching area and defines the measurement of thestable intensity and generalized peak acutance.提出了由粗到细的层次景...


恒定跨导 constant transconductance英语短句 例句大全

恒定跨导 constant transconductance英语短句 例句大全

...elated to this concept: - The constant transconductance amplifier provides stable performance over a wide range of input voltages. - The transistor"s constant transconductance allows for accurate signal amplification. - Understanding the concept of constant transconductance is essential for designin...
