第一句子大全 > 标签 > lonely
英语口语学习:I am lonely.我很孤独和I am alone我一个人

英语口语学习:I am lonely.我很孤独和I am alone我一个人

I am lonely.我很孤独。I am alone我一个人两个词区别lonely孤独的; 寂寞的; 在孤单中度过的; 偏僻的; 人迹罕至的带有较强感情色彩,可用作表语或者定语若不带感情色彩,只是表示“孤单的”,“没有伴侣的”则通常只做定语#英语#a...








文/陈德永lonely与alone 的不同,是初中学生必须解决问题。对于这两个英语单词,在区别的时候,注意他们的语体色彩不同。1. alone 既可以作形容词也可以作副词,作形容词的时候,往往作表语。作副词的时候,往往放在动词之...


经济学人精读:孩子上网成瘾 危害不可思议 | 外刊双语

经济学人精读:孩子上网成瘾 危害不可思议 | 外刊双语

...ound. She thinks excessive use of the internet and social media makes them lonely and depressed and poses serious risks to their physical and particularly their mental health, sometimes to the point of driving them to suicide. Others note that similar warnings were sounded when television started to...




...们可以说:a healthy girla sick boy 二、 前缀-a开头的词:alone asleep awake afraid alive 我们会发现一个规律,这些词都是二重。小贴士:千万不要以为所有以-a开头的形容词都是表语形容词:看下面这些词,都以-a开头:amazed amazing ang...


相遇与相知的句子 我一边享受生活 一边尝试孤独

相遇与相知的句子 我一边享受生活 一边尝试孤独

...,却不甘心,于是浮躁,享受寂寞,也许是最好的选择。Lonely, endure, but unwilling, so impetuous, enjoy loneliness, may be the best choice.人总是要学会享受寂寞才不会感到寂寞,而学会享受寂寞的人是在寂寞中才会享受生活的人。People always ha...


春风唯美小句子 值得收藏

春风唯美小句子 值得收藏

...你就不会感到孤独。When a person becomes a habit, you won"t feel lonely.有一些人,这一辈子不会在一起,但那份情却可以藏在心里一辈子。Some people will not be together in this life, but that feeling can be hidden in their heart for a lifetime.在这个世界上,...


无关爱情的温柔小众句子|过不去的就搁着 忘不了的就记着

无关爱情的温柔小众句子|过不去的就搁着 忘不了的就记着

...曲曲竖萧吹落漫天雪花,一片片独叶飘落人间。Empty and lonely, overlooking a vast expanse of white, the ground covered with a layer of cream, shivering. The branches and leaves of a city withered, and the prosperity of a person disappeared. Lonely winter, lonely I, wearing snow to ...


初中英语:形容词的重点句型 词组及易混形容词辨析(干货满满)

初中英语:形容词的重点句型 词组及易混形容词辨析(干货满满)

... famous for/as 因/作为......而闻名3.易混形容词辨析a.区分alone,lonely:alone意为单独的,lonely意味孤独的。例如:If you think you are lonely , you migh t always be alone .如果你认为你很孤单 ,你可能总是独自一人。b.lonely还...


每日一句英译英:I'm depressed

每日一句英译英:I'm depressed

...depressed,or feeling depressed,you feel sad/you"re sad and unhappy,you are lonely and blue,and feel that you cannot enjoy anything,you"re in low spirits2. I often feel depressed in this strange city.So,If you are depressed in this city,you feel sad/you"re sad and unhappy,you are lonely and blue,and ...


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...独。 It"s awkward when two people are together, but never when they"re alone. Learn to enjoy loneliness, then you will not feel lonely, you do not know what is lonely.既然习惯了孤独,又怎么会害怕孤独呢?Since we are used to loneliness, how can we be afraid of loneliness?不是所...


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内心绝望崩溃的句子 简单温柔 经典温暖

...无上的享受。Solitude is a kind of enjoyment. Everything is relative. Loneliness is not only painful, it is lonely, lonely, isolated, sometimes for some ambitious, maverick people, is a kind of supreme enjoyment.在一个没人会说话的地方,不要浮躁,学会安静地思考,学会...


一个人孤独心酸的说说 简短虐心 触碰泪点!

一个人孤独心酸的说说 简短虐心 触碰泪点!

...似孤独,又好像是不安I always perfunctory that suddenly sad, like lonely, like uneasy二、落幕的夜,走在这热闹的街,怎显得自己与这繁华是那么的格格不入At the end of the night, walking in this busy street, how can you seem that you are so out of line with the pr...


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让人超级孤独 超级心酸的句子 现实到让人心碎

...两个人 In fact, I always don"t like a person, a person is particularly lonely and miserable, but where do two people come from.5.后来我终于知道,她并不是我的花,我只是恰好途径了他的盛放。Later, I finally know that she is not my flower, I just happened to pass his bloo...


只属于你的深情句子 温柔简单 令人难以忘怀

只属于你的深情句子 温柔简单 令人难以忘怀

...逐自己的命运,只有你想要,然后才可能拥有。Life is a lonely and lonely practice, whether high or low, to pursue their own destiny, only you want, then you can have.是不是在寂寞的时候才会想起我。Is not in the lonely time will think of me.真像一场独角戏,而...




...like to live ______ in such a ______ mountain village for so many years.A. lonely ; lonely ; alone B. alone ; alone ; lonelyC. alone ; lonely ; lonely D. lonely; alone; lonely此题选D。他说他从不感到孤独...


一个人深夜孤独的心情语录 句句催泪 你中了几条

一个人深夜孤独的心情语录 句句催泪 你中了几条

...到自己一放下手机,立刻就能睡着,你才不会感到孤独。lonely people probably like to hold the phone until late at night every day, because there is no one around you to hug and talk to, so only a person in the bed to brush the phone, brush their phone as soon as they put it down...


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值得收藏的感悟句子 个性经典 有韵味

...然的歇斯底里。Silence is sometimes the catharsis of inner unease. Loneliness is often the silent call of the soul. No one will understand your entire day of silence, just as no one will understand your sudden hysteria.即使两个人相爱,他们的灵魂也不能走在一起。世界上最...


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快到七夕了 咱们一起发的沙雕语句

...end. I ordered toad for you on Tanabata. Now I"m going to start screaming. Lonely, lonely, lonely, lonely!7.情人节我掐指一算,不出意外,跟我半毛钱关系都没有!Valentine"s Day I pinch my fingers, no accident, nothing to do with me!8.七夕声明:我不是不谈恋爱,我是...


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杨钰莹《心雨》英文版 听到前奏瞬间沦陷!

...,听起来别有诗意。Heart Rain《心雨》英文版女: sitting alone 一个人坐着 i keep thinking of your love 一直想起你的爱 trying to get far 越来越远 男: all of my lonely time 我所有的寂寞时光 女: i can feel the rain 我可以感觉到雨 falling down the who...
