第一句子大全 > 标签 > treat


...说, drunk 仅用作表语, drunken仅用作定语。2.The dentist was treating her decayed tooth. He said to her, “ This medicine can also cure your headache.”牙科医生正在治疗她的虫牙,他对她说:“这药还能治好你的头痛。”[说明] treat 指“治疗”、“治...

2015-03-10 #经典句子

扇贝英语地道表达法——“capable hands”是什么意思呢?

扇贝英语地道表达法——“capable hands”是什么意思呢?

...小时后这个男人终于恢复了理智。4.He promised that he would treat John as his own son.他承诺会将约翰当作自己的儿子一样对待。treat在上面的例句中是作为动词使用。treat someone as就表示“把某人当作……对待”。除此之外,treat还可以表...

2023-11-17 #经典句子

天天英语 | See the light in others and treat them as if...

天天英语 | See the light in others and treat them as if...

...表达吧!51Talk一句话教你说早安▽See the light in others and treat them as if that is all you see.看别人的优点,与别人相处时仿佛他们没有缺点。这句话来自韦恩戴尔 (1940- ) 为美国著名励志作家,且参加过许多电视及广播节目,他的著作已...

2008-03-06 #经典句子

元气满满的早安句子 柔情似水 令人心醉!

元气满满的早安句子 柔情似水 令人心醉!

...你从未好好善待生活,就别期盼岁月优待你。If you never treat life well, don"t expect years to treat you well.2、春天一定会对你温柔以待,会轻轻抚摸你的头顶,对你说:乖,会好的。Spring will be gentle to you, will gently touch your head, said to you: g...

2015-10-07 #经典句子



...top【为什么这里要有个to?】无论你想何时终止I know I can treat you better我都会好好对你than he can比他更珍惜你And any girl like you deserves a gentleman【“每个”为什么是any,不是every?没有“一个”的意思,为什么要有个a?】每个像你这...

2023-08-09 #经典句子



...匆忙地、简单吃点什么make you feel better 让人振作起来Dutch treat 平摊go Dutch AA制二、沟通必备句式1.“请客”怎么说?(1)It"s my treat. 我来请客(2)I will treat you. / It"s on me. 请客(3)I"ll shout you. 请客(4)It’s on me. 我请客。2.“AA...

2017-03-06 #经典句子

PHXC|什么?万圣节的英语竟然不是 “Halloween”?

PHXC|什么?万圣节的英语竟然不是 “Halloween”?

...源~ 万圣节很快就要到来啦,除了“Knock knock, trick or treat?”,你还知道哪些万圣节英语小知识呢? 10月31日是万圣夜,英文:Halloween.我们常将万圣夜称为万圣节。11月1日万圣节,英文:Hallowmas.南瓜是万圣节的代表。 想过...

2023-12-01 #经典句子

表达内心悲伤的句子 温柔而文雅 简单又文艺!

表达内心悲伤的句子 温柔而文雅 简单又文艺!

...温柔待你,上帝不会特殊照顾你,可我会。The world won"t treat you kindly, God won"t treat you special, but I will.最不需要,莫名其妙的冷淡,以及,过期不候的温暖。The most do not need, puzzling cold, as well as expired without waiting for the warmth.向往天...

2008-04-06 #经典句子

最治愈的晚安心语 温暖人心 送给疲惫的你

最治愈的晚安心语 温暖人心 送给疲惫的你

...我们不好的人。晚安!Life is so short, we have to love those who treat us well and forget those who treat us badly. Good night!在人生这条道路上,走得慢点没有关系,只要你能够坚持走下去,那么总有一天你会到达终点的。晚安!In this road of life, it d...

2012-10-09 #经典句子



...怪的服装,挨家挨户地去索要糖果,不停地说:“trick or treat”(意思是:“给不给,不给就捣蛋。”)要是你不肯给糖果的话,孩子们就会很生气,用各种方法去惩罚你,例如:把垃圾倒在你家里等等的方法去惩罚你,直到你...

2022-12-21 #经典句子

今日精选正能量句子 干净励志 一见倾心

今日精选正能量句子 干净励志 一见倾心

...way and live a good life according to your own principles. Even if someone treats you badly, time will not treat you badly, and life will not treat you badly!我不知道年少轻狂,我只知道胜者为王I don"t know young frivolous, I only know the winner is king人生的黑夜也没什么不...

2023-11-13 #经典句子

中考英语:动词的被动语态全面解析+真题再现 你掌握了我吗

中考英语:动词的被动语态全面解析+真题再现 你掌握了我吗

...2. The pet dog is warm and loving. It ______ as a daughter of my family.A. treats B. treated C. is treated D. was treated3. When Tim ______ why he was late for school, he just kept silent.A. was asked B. asked C. was asking D. is asked4. He is very surprised that all the houses in ...

2023-09-20 #经典句子



...魔 :悪魔【あくま】还有其他的各种装扮。四、Trick or Treat【トリックオアトリート】万圣节有一个非常传统的活动,那就是小朋友们会乔装打扮一番,手里拿着南瓜灯,一边说着“Trick or Treat”,一边挨家挨户的要糖吃!“Tric...

2015-12-09 #经典句子

几句让人保持清醒的句子 积极上进 读完充满力量!

几句让人保持清醒的句子 积极上进 读完充满力量!

...,你让别人怎样对待你也反映了你自己。How people want to treat you is a reflection on them,how you let people treat you is a reflection on you.二、呼吸并不意味着你活着。每个人都会死,但真正的生活是你自己的选择。Breathing doesn"t mean you are alive.ev...

2022-11-27 #经典句子

充满仙气的温柔文案 干净治愈 让人越看越爱

充满仙气的温柔文案 干净治愈 让人越看越爱

...r?曾经被温柔地对待过,所以也想温柔地去待人。Have been treated gently, so also want to treat people gently.期待夏天,和你一起牵手兜风,看海看日落。Looking forward to summer, hand in hand with you for a ride, watching the sea and sunset.不要让自己沉溺在...

2008-08-06 #经典句子

有故事短句 一眼便触动你的内心

有故事短句 一眼便触动你的内心

...不爱,你将不再被善待。If you don"t love, you will no longer be treated well.有人笑着对你说一句话,你会觉得好像。If someone says a word to you with a smile, you will feel like.反之,真正认同你的人,绝不会轻易放弃。On the contrary, people who really agre...

2023-05-05 #经典句子

适合留言的温柔治愈句子 简单大方 拿去发朋友圈!

适合留言的温柔治愈句子 简单大方 拿去发朋友圈!

...When you meet someone who doesn"t know how to be grateful, the better you treat him, the less satisfied he is.为了女人,心一旦燃起爱情的火焰,便会越烧越旺。For women, once the heart ignites the flame of love, it will burn more and more.这时,你才开始审视自己的处...

2022-11-28 #经典句子

感人肺腑的心情说说 精致细腻 句句沁人心脾!

感人肺腑的心情说说 精致细腻 句句沁人心脾!

...s of others. Things are impermanent, and people go to tea and cool. Try to treat the comings and goings in life with an ordinary heart.世事无常,人走茶凉。试着用一颗平常心,去对待生命中的来来往往。Things are impermanent, and people go to tea and cool. Try to treat the ...

2023-07-24 #经典句子



...发生什么事情。People"s hearts are always mutual. If you want to be treated sincerely, first of all, you should treat people sincerely, treasure and love them, and first of all, you should protect them.人心,永远是相互的,要想被人真心对待,首先你要真心待人,要想...

2020-10-17 #经典句子

早安正能量励志语录:与晨光赛跑 坦然面对 不要放弃!

早安正能量励志语录:与晨光赛跑 坦然面对 不要放弃!

...对待他人时,他们会不遗余力地帮助你成功。永远善良。Treat people like how you want to be treated. When you treat people with respect and dignity, they will go to great lengths to help you succeed. Always be kind.十三、不要讨厌不了解的东西。Don’t HATE what you d...

2018-02-15 #经典句子