第一句子大全 > 标签 > Rabbit



2007-09-12 #经典句子

睡前英语故事|Run  Rabbit! Run! 兔子快跑!

睡前英语故事|Run Rabbit! Run! 兔子快跑!

小朋友们晚上好呀~今天带来的绘本是Run, Rabbit! Run!《兔子快跑!》小朋友们,小兔子遇到了好多小动物,邀请她一起玩耍,但是她为什么要快跑呢?我们快来一起去看看故事吧~↓↓↓今天的绘本词汇量大概100-120左右,适合4-7岁...

2010-07-28 #经典句子



...言运用能力。教学目标:知识目标能够听、说、读单词 rabbit, duck,cat,chicken,dog,bird 并能用动作来表示这些小动物。能进行简单的 Chant: Hello cat hello.能力目标在日常生活中,能用英语 This is a .... 介绍小动物。情感目标通过...

2010-12-31 #经典句子

亲子互动 在游戏中学一年级英语

亲子互动 在游戏中学一年级英语


2014-05-15 #经典句子



...相反的假设(例句来了)①与现在事实相反:If I saw the rabbit now, I would bite him.②与将来事实相反:If I should see the rabbit tomorrow, I would bite him.③与过去事实相反:If I had seen the rabbit a few days ago ,I would have bitten him.02表达愿望、请...

2023-06-16 #经典句子

学英语 跟我一起进步!

学英语 跟我一起进步!

... Hello,Duck !Follow Zoom. Follow Pig. Follow me!Duck: Hello, Rabbit! Follow Zoom. Follow Pig. Follow Dog. Follow me!Zip: I have a carrot. Follow me ! Rabbit: Follow Zip! Follow me!祖姆: 喂,猪!跟我走! 喂,狗!跟猪走。跟我走!猪: ...

2023-11-16 #经典句子

说到动物 您想到了什么?看看这些动物您知道用英语怎么表达吗?

说到动物 您想到了什么?看看这些动物您知道用英语怎么表达吗?

...爱,是很受欢迎的动物。”兔子“用英文的表达方式的“rabbit”。下面,我们就一起看一些例句。She is as timorous as a rabbit .她胆小得像只兔子。They bagged nothing except a couple of rabbits.除一对野兔外, 他们什么也没有猎获。最后,我们...

2024-01-08 #经典句子

简单治愈的短句文案 温柔暖心 值得一看

简单治愈的短句文案 温柔暖心 值得一看

... You like me?嘿嘿~小兔子,你今天是被月亮又罚站了吗?Hey,rabbit,areyoupunishedbythemoontoday?不是所有的梦想都叫做梦想,你都睡不着不做梦,你怎么想!Not all dreams are called dreams. You can"t sleep without dreaming. What do you think!现实给了我一巴...

2019-04-19 #经典句子

英语晨读《Sandy Goes to the Vet》

英语晨读《Sandy Goes to the Vet》

Harry went to see his pet rabbit. “Here are some carrots for you, Sandy,” he said. “You like carrots!” But Sandy did not eat the carrots. She hopped slowly, over to her little house and went inside. 哈利去看他的宠物兔子。“桑迪,给你一些胡萝卜,”他说。“你喜欢...

2010-09-24 #经典句子

不会烂大街的短句文案 满满的无奈 却很现实

不会烂大街的短句文案 满满的无奈 却很现实

...ked you, are you secretly liking me?小兔子,你今天想了我几次?Rabbit, how many times did you think about me today?C先生,我希望你可以释怀过去,来拥抱我这个美好!Mr. C, I hope you can let go of the past and embrace me this beautiful!你就喜欢我一下嘛!我...

2023-08-19 #经典句子

特别治愈的晚安小句子 温柔暖心 值得收藏

特别治愈的晚安小句子 温柔暖心 值得收藏

...e.小兔子,我只有两个心愿:你在身边,在你身边。Little rabbit, I have only two wishes: you are by your side, by your side.你介不介意我每天都在梦里去见你啊。Do you mind if I go to see you in my dream every day.不要总是问别人要意见,你觉得你可以坚...

2022-12-26 #经典句子



...内单词的正确形式。Once there was acompetition between adog and arabbit. Their owner, afarmer dug ahole in one of his biggest fields, and hid acarrot and abone in it. He wanted to see _____31_____ animal would find them first. The _____32_____ (cheer) and optimistic rabbit threw himself into...

2023-05-26 #经典句子

舍不得情绪化的温柔小句子 简单而大方 爱情永存

舍不得情绪化的温柔小句子 简单而大方 爱情永存

... more tata noodles, which led to the misunderstanding of visual confusion. Rabbit thinks it is because Bell Tower doesn"t worship carrots. Little thought it was the result that she didn"t bathe the rabbit obediently on time, which made Grandpa Zhong Ta angry.塔上的钟停了,医生说是因为...

2022-12-16 #经典句子

英语游戏教学环节 你知道老师应该怎么做吗?一起来看看吧

英语游戏教学环节 你知道老师应该怎么做吗?一起来看看吧

...指合并放在头顶,蹲着蹦来蹦去,学生很容易猜出来是 rabbit。学生很愿意一起跟着做动作一起读 rabbit,学生愿意学也就很快记住这个单词了。故事导入学生爱听故事,讲故事能引起学生的注意力,使学生能够快速地进入学习状...

2014-01-15 #经典句子



... in the moonlight, it’s large ears and bright eyes on high alert for the rabbit’s next move.”Paraphrase:“The rabbit stayed still in the light of the moon while the fox surveyed the land using its spectacular hearing and night vision.”Summary:“Foxes hunt rabbits at night using their e...

2022-11-28 #经典句子

儿童玩的英语小游戏推荐 让孩子玩中学 太有趣了!

儿童玩的英语小游戏推荐 让孩子玩中学 太有趣了!


2017-01-14 #经典句子

三年级孩子英语复习阶段必会单词 句型 英汉互译 家长不担心了

三年级孩子英语复习阶段必会单词 句型 英汉互译 家长不担心了

...ella(雨伞) violin(小提琴)fire(火) noodles(面条) rabbit(兔子)queen(女王) money(钱) panda(熊猫)watermelon(西瓜) X-ray(X光) yo-yo(溜溜球)二、重点句型:1、询问他人姓名:What’s your name? 你叫什么名字?My nam...

2023-12-15 #经典句子

北大英语霸总结 150个最常用的动物单词大全 超级详细 收藏

北大英语霸总结 150个最常用的动物单词大全 超级详细 收藏

...句1】animal:①An animal is a living creature such as a dog, lion, or rabbit, rather than a bird, fish, insect, or human being. 动物 (不包括鸟类、鱼类、昆虫和人类)②Any living creature other than a human being can be referred to as an animal. 兽类; 动物 (不包括人类)croc...

2013-06-12 #经典句子

朋友圈很搞笑的句子 幽默有趣 治愈你的不开心

朋友圈很搞笑的句子 幽默有趣 治愈你的不开心

...慌的小白兔说:“我怕你抢我的胡萝卜!”The little white rabbit was eating carrots at the edge of the nest when he saw a weasel coming towards him in the distance. He was so scared that he ran away. The weasel said, "what are you running about for? I don"t like rabbits Panic rabbit ...

2022-12-14 #经典句子

四年级英语期末测试卷 你家孩子能及格吗?

四年级英语期末测试卷 你家孩子能及格吗?

...一、二句Lily would like a CD. Mary would like a toy monkey and a toy rabbit.莉莉想要一个光盘。玛丽想要一个玩具猴子和玩具兔子。可知应该选B。15.答案C解析:玛丽想要——。A.一个光盘 B.一个玩具猴子 C.一些玩具动物;根据最后一句Mary would li...

2023-05-13 #经典句子