天目木兰,Magnolia amoena
1)Magnolia amoena天目木兰
1.Genetic diversity of rare and endangered plantMagnolia amoena;珍稀濒危植物天目木兰(Magnolia amoena)遗传多样性的RAPD分析
position Analysis of the Volatile Chemicals inMagnolia amoena;天目木兰的挥发性化学成分
3.The experiment for the germination ofMagnolia amoena seed under different treatments such as different time of seed collecting,different methods of seed storing,different time of seed storing and different trees was performed,and the see- cling,property was researched.对天目木兰的种子进行了不同采种时期、不同储藏方式、不同储藏时间和不同植株等不同处理的发芽对比试验,并对其育苗特性进行了初步研究,以探讨天且木兰种子发芽特性以及从种子到幼苗的生长特性。
1.The Resource Collection of the Magnolia Species and the Study on the Seedings Characteristics and Adaption of M. Amoena木兰属植物资源收集和天目木兰种苗特性与抗性研究
2.Studies on Conservation Biology and Genetic Diversity of Magnolia Amoena Cheng;天目木兰的保护生物学及遗传多样性研究
3.The Magnoliales are not seen as an ancestral group.木兰目不能看作是一个祖先类群。
4.One day, a young Chinese girl named Hua Mulan,一天,一个叫花木兰的中国小姑娘
5.Study on Comprehensive Evaluation of Tourism Resources in Mulan Tianchi Scenic Area;木兰天池景区旅游资源综合评价研究
6.(5) Natual gas pipeline from Sebei of the Chaidamu Basin -Xining-Lanzhou5.柴达木盆地涩北-西宁-兰州天然气输气管道
7.Study on Tourism Environmental Carrying Capacity Management in Wuhan Mulan Celestial Lake View Spot;武汉木兰天池景区旅游环境容量管理研究
8.Resources Survey and Fauna of Butterflies in Mulan Tianchi in Wuhan City武汉市木兰天池蝶类资源及区系组成初报
9.Isolation and identification of steroids from the leaves of the Magnolia sieboldii K. Koch天女木兰叶中甾类化合物的分离与鉴定
10.Physiological and biochemical changes respond to seed after-ripening in Magnolia sieboldii K. Koch天女木兰种子后熟期间的生理生化变化
11.Effects of Shading on the Photosynthetic Characteristics and Growth of Magnolia sieboldii遮荫对天女木兰光合特性及生长的影响
12.Atlanta is down to just a 90-day supply of water.亚特兰大目前仅有90天的水供应量。
13.This program is beamed to Australia and New Zealand at 12:00 daily.本节目每天12点向澳大利亚和新西兰播送。
14.This programme is beamed to Australia and New Zealand at 1 2 : 0 0 daily .本节目每天十二点向澳大利亚和新西兰播送。
15.Transit Villa large state-owned enterprises -- Central China Power Development Corporation in Magnolia invest in the construction of the lake.中天山庄是国有大型企业--华中电力开发公司在木兰湖投资兴建的。
16.Quantification Assessment of Tourism Resources in Mulan Tianchi Scenic Spot--Based on Approach of AHP and Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation;木兰天池景区旅游资源量化分析评价——运用AHP和模糊综合评判法
17.Study on Pollination Habits and Fructification of Magnolia sieboldii at Different Altitudes天女木兰的传粉习性及其在不同海拔下的结实情况
18.” Her half-solar for New York Client Four,( New York) had the sign of Sagittarius on the cusp( beginning) of the5 th house( romance) but Jupiter was in the previous house.我建议他去纽新兰,我们可以看到,在纽新兰的返照盘上,木星和中天构成精确相位。
Magnolia sieboldii天女木兰
1.Studies on Tissue Culture ofMagnolia sieboldii to Get Bacteria-free Explants;天女木兰组织培养中有效获得无菌外植体的研究
2.Embryo Culture and Rapid Propagation ofMagnolia sieboldii;天女木兰幼胚离体培养及组织快繁
3.Preliminary Study on the Cutting Propagation of Firmwood Branches ofMagnolia sieboldii;天女木兰硬枝扦插繁殖初步研究
3)Magnolia sieboldii K.Koch天女木兰
1.The research situation and conservation strategies ofMagnolia sieboldii K.Koch;天女木兰研究现状及保育对策
2.To understand the physiological and biochemical changes in after-ripening for seeds of Magnolia sieboldii K.为了解天女木兰种子后熟期间生理生化变化,探讨解除种子休眠机理及寻找种子快速催芽技术提供参考和依据,将天女木兰种子分别用250mg/L赤霉素(GA3)溶液和清水浸种48h,然后进行室外自然低温层积、室内低温层积(5℃)和室内人工控制变温层积(5℃、20d和10~15℃、10d交替变换)催芽处理。
4)Mulan Tianchi木兰天池
1.Resources Survey and Fauna of Butterflies inMulan Tianchi in Wuhan City武汉市木兰天池蝶类资源及区系组成初报
5)Ostrya rehderiana天目铁木
1.Analysis on Physical Mechanics Property ofOstrya rehderiana Wood;天目铁木物理力学性质初步分析
2.Genetic diversity ofOstrya rehderiana revealed by RAPD markers;濒危植物天目铁木遗传多样性的RAPD分析
3.Gas exchange and chlorophyll fluorescence characteristics in leaves of three endangered species including Carpinus putoensis,Ostrya rehderiana and Acer yangjuechi were determined under natural conditions.在自然条件下,测定了普陀鹅耳枥(Carpinus putoensis),天目铁木(Ostrya rehderiana)和羊角槭(Acer yangjuechi)植物叶片的气体交换参数和叶绿素荧光参数,并对其进行比较。
6)Magnolia parviflora oil天女木兰油
天目木兰【通用名称】天目木兰【其他名称】天目木兰 (《浙江天目山药植志》) 【来源】为木兰科植物天目本兰的花蕾。 【植物形态】天目木兰 落叶乔木,高8~12米。树皮灰色或灰白色,纵裂。小枝带紫色,芽具白色长柔毛.叶互生,膜质,宽倒披针状矩圆形或矩圆形,长10~15厘米,先端长渐尖或短尾尖,基部楔形或圆形,全缘,下面叶脉及脉腋有毛;叶柄长8~11毫米。花先叶开放,单生于枝顶,杯状,有芳香,直径约6厘米;花被片9,形状相似,倒披针形或近匙形,长约5~6厘米,粉红色或淡粉红色;雄蕊多数,长约1厘米,花丝紫红色。聚合果圆筒形,长约4~6厘米;菁荚少数,木质,有瘤状点,顶端圆或钝。 生于山坡杂木林内.分布浙江。 此外,同属植物黄山木兰的花蕾亦同等使用。其主要区别为:树皮近光滑,小枝初有绢毛;叶聚生于嫩枝顶部,长椭圆状倒卵形,上面网脉显著。 【性味】苦,寒。 【功用主治】利尿,消肿。治酒疸,重舌,痈毒。 【选方】治肺损咳嗽,痰中带血:天目木兰干花苞一两,牛人参(豆科苦参)、桔梗、明党参各五至六钱,甘草二至三钱。水煎,每日早、晚饭前各服一次。