

时间:2024-09-04 20:10:53



补充灌溉,Supplementary irrigation

1)Supplementary irrigation补充灌溉

1.Research on technique of storing rainwater in pit for crop supplementary irrigation;窖蓄雨水与农作物补充灌溉技术研究

2.Effect of Supplementary Irrigation on Grain Yield and Water Use Efficiency of Different Wheat Cultivars补充灌溉对不同品种小麦产量和水分利用效率的影响

3.Based on analyzing the regional feature of weather & soil water deficit, the production integer-correction function of typical counties and the effects of rainfall on winter wheat, cron, apple production in different district is studied, the optimal supplementary irrigation periods of above plants in different districts are concluded.在分析陕北、渭北地区早地小麦、玉米和苹果生育期水分供需状况的地区分异基础上,研究不同分区典型县区3种作物的降水产量积分回归函数,探讨其降水对产量的影响规律,确定了不同分区3种作物的最佳补充灌溉时期。


1.Research on technique of storing rainwater in pit for crop supplementary irrigation窖蓄雨水与农作物补充灌溉技术研究

2.Study on Runoff Sediment and Benefits of Supplement Irrigation in Watershed of Ninxia s Mountainous Areas;宁夏南部山区小流域径流产沙分析及土壤补充灌溉效益研究

3.Effects of supplemental irrigation and different nitrogen and phosphorus rates on yield and water use efficiency of Triticum aestivum L. on Loess Tableland补充灌溉及氮磷配施对黄土塬区冬小麦水分利用及产量的影响

4.Analysis on the effect of controlled drainage and supplemental irrigation on crop yield and drainage农田控制排水与补充灌溉对作物产量和排水量影响的模拟分析

5.Effect of Supplementary Irrigation on Grain Yield and Water Use Efficiency of Different Wheat Cultivars补充灌溉对不同品种小麦产量和水分利用效率的影响

6.coefficient of recharge from irrigation灌溉水入渗补给系数

7.Research on Irrigation Water Management and Compensation for Water Usufruct Transfer;农业灌溉用水管理及其使用权转让补偿研究

8.Study on Limited Irrigation Based on Crop Water Production Function;基于作物水分生产函数下的非充分灌溉研究

9.The Analysis of Wheat Economical Irrigation Norm under Sufficiency of Water Source;水源充足条件下的冬小麦经济灌溉定额分析

10.Study on Deficit Irrigation Schedule for Maize under Agronomic Management农艺节水条件下春玉米的非充分灌溉制度研究

11.A Study of Deficit Irrigation Schedule of Spring Wheat under Agronomic Management农艺措施下春小麦非充分灌溉制度的研究

12.Physiological Resistance Analysis of Citrus Plants under Deficit Irrigation Conditions非充分灌溉条件下柑橘的抗性生理研究

13.Experimental Study on Crop Deficit Irrigation and Crop Evapotranspiration作物非充分灌溉及蒸发蒸腾量的试验研究

14.Preliminary Study on Insufficient Irrigation of Winter Wheat in Longzici Irrigation District of Linfen city临汾市龙子祠泉冬小麦非充分灌溉模式初探

15.Stem Diameter Variation Subjected to Full Irigation and Drought Stress in Cotton充分灌溉和干旱胁迫对棉花茎直径变化的影响

16.The Correlativity between Photosynthetic Rate and Yield of Winter Wheat under Full-Irrigation and Insufficiency Irrigation充分与非充分灌溉条件下冬小麦光合速率与产量的关系

17."Our irrigation system starts off at this channel here but comes into this pit which in turn fills up our irrigation lake or dam..."我们的灌溉系统在这个河道开始,但是流进这个凹槽,让灌溉水霸充满水。

18.Micro-sprinkler irrigation is the way of good water-saving irrigation for pear trees gardens at present, which makes, up and overcomes disadvantages in the practice of trickle and sprinkler irrigation.微喷灌是目前梨园较好的节水灌溉方式,它弥补和克服了滴灌和喷灌在果园应用中的许多弊病。


Compensation irrigation补充灌溉

1.The effects of rainfall on corn yield is studied, and the optimal corn growth stage for compensation irrigation in different regions also is presented in this paper.分析陕北渭北地区旱地玉米生育期的水分盈亏量和各旬的降水自给率的地区分异 ,研究不同分区典型县区旱地的降水产量积分回归函数 ,探讨其降水对产量的影响规律 ,确定了不同分区玉米的最佳补充灌溉时期。

2.It is concluded that the optimal compensation irrigation period is tillering before winter and reviving jointing stage in the north of Shaanxi hilly ar.在分析陕北、渭北地区旱地冬小麦生育期水分盈亏量和不同月份降水自给率地区分异的基础上 ,研究了不同分区典型县旱地降水产量积分回归函数和降水对产量的影响规律 ,确定了陕西丘陵沟壑区和渭北台塬东部冬小麦最佳补充灌溉时期为 :冬前分蘖期和返青、拔节期 ;洛川塬区 :返青、拔节期 ;渭北台塬西部 :越冬

3)supplemental irrigation amount补充灌溉量

4)full irrigation充分灌溉

5)water source compensationirrigation补源灌溉

6)deficit irrigation非充分灌溉

1.A PDA-based decision-making system fordeficit irrigation;一种集成于PDA的非充分灌溉决策系统

2.Optimal irrigation schedule model of forage crop by RAGA-DP underdeficit irrigation;基于RAGA-DP的饲草料作物非充分灌溉制度优化模型

3.Research Progress on Deficit irrigation Diagnosis Index of Crop;作物非充分灌溉决策指标研究进展


《核损害补充赔偿公约》《核损害补充赔偿公约》Convention on Supplementary compensation for Nuclear Damage(( Hesunha一Buehong Pe一ehong Gongyue《核损容补充赔偿公约》((介脚vent俪砚S“户户介阴entary‘omPe月店at加了b犷NuclearD口nZage)一项保护因核事故而导致核损害的受害者的国际公约。1997年9月12日通过,9月29日开放供签署。截至1999年3月10日,已有13个签署国家,1个国家批准,但尚未满足《公约》生效条款的要求,迄未生效.前苏联切尔诺贝利核电厂事故使国际社会认识到,在严重核事故的情况下,仅凭一个国家的能力可能难以对所有的受害者给予充分的赔偿,故签订本公约.其主要目的是藉以建立一个补充和加强国家立法所规定的核损害赔偿措施的世界范围的责任体制,以提高核损害的赔偿额.《公约》适用于缔约方领土内和平用途的核装置的运营者依据有关公约或法律负有责任的核损害。《公约》的主要规定为:①对每一核事件所造成核损害的赔偿,先由装里国提供3亿特别提款权(SDR),或对于临时有困难的国家,从《公约》开放签字之日起的l。年内发生的核事件,可减少为至少1.5亿SDR;当应赔额超出上述装里国赔偿额时,则由各缔约方按本公约的规定提供的公共资金来补充赔偿;②公共资金的筹集方案为,绝大部分按缔约国所拥有的核装机容t分摊(每兆瓦热功率为300sDR),小部分按缔约国应缴的联合国会费比率分摊,同时为装机容t大国规定了一个分摊上限,即其分摊额占公共资金总数的百分数不超过其联合国会费比率加8个百分点,③一旦发生核事件,看起来其损害将超过或可能超过装t国应赔额而需公共资金来补充时,装置国即将该核李件通知其他缔约方,后者即应按实际要求的数量和时间提供所分摊的公共资金;④公共资金的50%和装t国的应赔额一起用于装t国内、外所受核损害的索赔,另5。%应只用于装置国领土外所受核损害的索赔;⑤装t国的立法可规定:如果核损害是由运营者方面的过错所造成,可从该运营者那里收回依据本公约提供的公共资金。中国派代表参加了本公约的制订和审议过程,但未签署本公约。

  1. leenius2024-09-04 20:48leenius[广西网友]
  2. 紫苏叶2024-09-04 20:40紫苏叶[安徽省网友]
  3. нoнo!2024-09-04 20:33нoнo![天津市网友]
  4. 枫秋荻瑟2024-09-04 20:25枫秋荻瑟[国外网友]
  5. 寂候花开2024-09-04 20:18寂候花开[天津市网友]
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