
清化血浊法 HUA-ZHUO-XING-XUE TANG英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-09-03 22:21:16


清化血浊法 HUA-ZHUO-XING-XUE TANG英语短句 例句大全



1.Objective: To discuss the therapeutic effects to treat the Primary asymptomatic hyperuricemia patients with deficiency of the Spleen-kidney and Retention of phlegm-dampness after takingHUA-ZHUO-XING-XUE TANG, so as to provide mechanism.结论:清化血浊法对原发性无症状性高尿酸血症具有良好的治疗效果。


1.Effects and Mechanism of Eliminating Blood Turbid Principal in Treating Ischemic Cerebral Injury;清化血浊法治疗缺血性脑损伤的作用及机制研究

2.The Clinical Study of Using the Methods of Yishenqingli, Heluoxiezhuo to Treat the Patients of CKD 2~3 Phase益肾清利、和络泄浊法对慢性肾脏病2~3期患者蛋白尿及血清肌酐变化影响的临床研究

3.Method Serum Lp(s) were measured with immune turbidimetry.方法 采用免疫比浊法检测血清Lp(a)的含量。

4.Rapid detection of serum syphilis antibodies with latex agglutinate immunoturbidimetry assay胶乳凝集免疫比浊法快速检测血清梅毒抗体

5.Mechanism of Eliminating Blood Turbid Principal in Treating Hyperlipidemia MCAO Rats清化血浊汤治疗高脂血症MCAO大鼠作用机制的研究

6.A research of F0 extraction and prediction algorithm for HMM-based speech synthesisHMM语音合成中基频清浊音优化算法研究

7.Optimal wavelet threshold denoising method based on separation of unvoiced sounds and voiced sounds基于清浊音分离的优化小波阈值去噪方法

8.Effects of Huazhuo Ruanjian decoction on serum indexes of immune hepatic fibrosis in rats化浊软坚汤对免疫性肝纤维化大鼠血清学指标的影响

9.The Transform Phlegm Open the Orifices and Drain Turbidity Treatment of Intracerebral Hemorrhage化痰开窍泻浊法在脑出血治疗中的应用

10.Evaluation of method of detecting glycosylated hemoglobin A_(1C) in whole blood with latex particle intensified immunity transmission turbidity胶乳增强透射比浊法测定糖化血红蛋白的方法学评价

11.Influence of Moving Blood Stasis and Tonifying Liver and Kidney Method on Quality of Life in Patients with Essential Hypertension;化瘀浊益肝肾法对高血压病患者生存质量影响的研究

12.The Clinical and the Experimental Research of Metabolic Syndrome Treated by the Method of Eliminating the Turbidity in Blood and Warming Yang化浊行血兼以温阳法治疗代谢综合征的临床和实验研究

13.Resolving Turbidity, Promoting Blood Circulation and Reinforcing Qi by Tonifying Spleen to Interfere with Metabolic Syndrome in Elderly Clinical Efficacy Study化浊行血、健脾益气法干预老年代谢综合征临床疗效研究

14.Initial Devoicing in Xiang Dialect Observed from Aspirate or Unaspirate Unvoiced Distribution in MC Voiced Initial Entering Words;从全浊古入声字送气/不送气清音的分布看湘语的浊音清化

15.Voicing Judgment Based on RLS Algorithm;基于RLS自适应预测算法的清浊音判决

16.Significance of screening of gastric cancer by assaying for serum pepsinogen with immunoturbidimetry of latex-enhanced乳胶增强免疫比浊法测定血清胃蛋白酶原水平在胃癌筛查中的价值研究

17.On the Problem of Voiced Sounds Turning into Voiceless Sounds in Yuan Sheng Yun Xue Da Cheng;论《元声韵学大成》浊声母清化问题

18.Voicelesslization Phenomena Reflected in Hongwu Zhengyun(洪武正韵)《洪武正韵》所反映的浊音清化现象


pruifiying turbid blood清化血浊

3)initial devoicing浊音清化

1.The paper analyzesinitial devoicing and aspirate/unaspirate unvoiced distribution in MC voiced initial entering words,reveals that voiced initial would have changed to aspirate unvoiced consonant,butinitial devoicing of time difference brings about the differentces in today.一般认为湘语的全浊声母清化规律是不论平仄都读为不送气清声母;老湘语保留了浊音声母,少数仄声字浊音清化为送气音。

4)purifying turbid blood and promoting blood circulation化浊行血

1.Decoction forpurifying turbid blood and promoting blood circulation was put forward as the fundamental prescription to tr.陈述血浊证的基本表现,并将其分为气滞血浊、热毒血浊、寒客血浊、痰湿血浊、正虚血浊等证候;提出行气化浊、清热化浊、散寒化浊、祛痰化浊、补虚化浊等治疗方法和治疗血浊证的基本方剂化浊行血汤,列举了化浊系列方剂。

5)removeing blood stasis and clearing away turbidness活血化浊

6)clearing liver and relieve turbity formula清肝化浊饮

1.Objective:To observe the clinical effects ofclearing liver and relieve turbity formula in treating hyperuricemia.目的:探讨"从肝论治"高尿酸血症,拟定清肝化浊饮进行临床观察。



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