海洋波导,ocean waveguide
1)ocean waveguide海洋波导
1.This paper studied the inverse problem of reconstructing a 3D unknown object in anocean waveguide from near-field measurements of the scattered fields with many acoustic point source incidences.研究了用声点源入射波所获得的近场散射数据来成像海洋波导环境中三维未知目标的反问题。
2.In order to analyze electromagnetic propagation loss inocean waveguide,a parametric model was set up.为了分析电磁波在海洋波导环境中的传播损耗情况,建立了海洋波导环境中典型的五参数经验模型。
1.Ocean duct inversion from radar clutter using Bayesian-Markov chain Monte Carlo method利用Bayesian-MCMC方法从雷达回波反演海洋波导
2.The determination of observation weight in inversion ocean duct using radar clutter雷达回波资料反演海洋波导中观测值权重的确定
3.Ocean duct inversion using radar clutter and its noise restraining ability雷达回波资料反演海洋波导的算法和抗噪能力研究
4.An evaporation duct prediction model coupled with the MM5基于中尺度模式MM5下的海洋蒸发波导预报研究
5.Conference of Baltic Oceanographers波罗的海海洋学家会议
6.Baltic Oceanographers Group波罗的海海洋学小组
7.Sensitivity experimentation and error analysis of electromagnetic propagation loss in ocean waveguide海洋上大气波导中电磁波传播损耗的误差分析和敏感性试验
8.Nonlinear Numerical Analysis of Offshore Structure Failure Due to Seabed Liquefaction Induced by Wave Loading;波浪诱发海床液化导致海洋结构物破坏的非线性数值分析
9.acceleration cancelling hydropone消加速度海洋检波器
10.sound transmission in ocean声波在海洋中的传播
11.Fatigue Life Prediction of the Offshore Jacket Platform Subjected to Random Wave Force;随机波浪荷载作用下海洋导管架平台疲劳寿命预测分析
13.A marine detector is a hydrophone.海洋检波器是水中地震检波器。
14.Study of Sea Echo Spectrum Characteristics for Sky-wave Over-the-horizon Radar天波超视距雷达海洋回波谱特性研究
15.Convention on the Protection of the Marine Environment of the Baltic Sea Area保护波罗的海地区海洋环境公约
16.Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission波罗的海海洋环境保护委员会
17.The Data Processing Method of Zhonghai Dahai Naval Measuring Navigation Program中海达海洋导航软件的数据处理方法
18.The Pacific is more desolate than other seas; its spaces seem more vast.太平洋看来比别的海洋更加荒凉,更加烟波浩渺。
oceanic waveguide海洋波导
1.The interaction of acoustic waves with the scattering object in an multiscaleoceanic waveguide was examined.研究了二维多尺度海洋波导中声波与散射体相互作用的问题。
2.When a sound source is point one theoceanic waveguide effect on the sound field scattered by objects is introduced;.论证波导中被点源激发的目标散射场受海洋环境的影响;给出剥离海洋波导对目标强度预报的影响和声纳方程有效性的判据;用时域有限差分法(FDTD)分别计算不锈钢球、球锥顶柱在无限空间和波导中三维散射近场分布,用格林函数方法将其外推到远场,求目标散射场的空间指向性;通过无限空间和波导中目标强度指向性的对比,已证明浅海波导对目标强度空间分布的影响;从 FDTD 计算的结果和解析解对比的结果,已印证本文计算结果的有效性和计算三维空间中复杂形状目标散射场的可行性。
3)ocean internal wave海洋内波
1.Based on ship hydrokinetics, internal wave dynamics and determinate solution condition, a dynamic mathematical model of slender body in the stratifiedocean internal wave was established.在船舶流体动力学和内波动力学基础上,根据定解条件,建立了层化海洋内波对水下细长潜体的作用力的数学模型,结合潜体运动方程,对细长潜体在层化流体界面波中受扰运动进行了仿真。
2.Having been simplified by the linear approximation and the uniform-strati- fied assumption, the amplitude of free propagationocean internal wave should satisfy hyperbolic partial differential equations and the constraint condition with the sea bottom and sea surface being stream line.经过线性近似、海水均匀层化假设等一系列简化处理后,自由传播的海洋内波的振幅应满足双曲型偏微分方程和海底海面为流线的约束条件。
4)sea echo海洋回波
1.Noise researched in HFGW radarsea echo processing;高频地波雷达海洋回波处理中的噪声研究
2.The algorithm separates thesea echo from different bearings in the radar s transmitting beam to realize super-resolution extraction of ocean surface parameters, such as wave, wind and surface current.该算法将待测海域分割成小的方位元 /海元 ,以 DBF方式实现接收波束扫描 ,获得陈列在不同指向的接收波束下海洋回波的多个接收值 ,再通过奇异值分解得到最小二乘意义上每个海元的后向散射回波 ,进而实现方位超分辨率的海洋环境参数的提取 。
3.In this paper,sea echo detection using the system of ionospheric backscatter sounding is described in detail.本文对用电离层返回散射探测系统监测海洋回波做了详细的描述,给出了该探测系统的基本结构及海洋回波的信号处理方法,并对获得的实验数据进行了分析,通过与Barrick关于Doppler频移的公式进行了比较,验证了本次实验结果的正确性与该探测系统监测海洋回波的可行性。
5)ocean echo海洋回波
6)internal wave海洋内波
1.Diagnostic analysis ofinternal wave in different mode;不同模态海洋内波特征的诊断分析
波导通信(见毫米波通信)波导通信(见毫米波通信)wave guide communicationbodao tongxin波导通信(wave guide communieation)见毫米波通信。