产品购买保证,products purchase guarantee
1)products purchase guarantee产品购买保证
1.This paper establishes game models under the situations that BOT(build-operate-transfer) project company hasproducts purchase guarantee and competing restrain guarantee at the same time,and has only the competing restrain guarantee.在构建了BOT项目公司同时拥有政府的产品购买保证和限制竞争保证时与政府的博弈模型基础上,进一步构建了项目公司仅有产品购买保证时的博弈模型,对两种情况下的结果进行了比较分析。
2)margin purchasing保证金购买
1.A basic caculating method on themargin purchasing securities and its risk analysis;保证金购买证券的基本计算方法及其风险分析
1.A basic caculating method on the margin purchasing securities and its risk analysis;保证金购买证券的基本计算方法及其风险分析
2.Buying stock on Margin gives speculators the opportunity to extend the scope of their operations.用保证金购买股票使投机者有扩大其活动规模的机会。
3.To buy or hold(securities) by depositing or adding to a margin.缴纳保证金通过存入或添加保证金来购买或持有(证券)
4.Buying Power Amount of money available in a margin account to buy securities based on excess margin divided by the margin requirement.购买力保证金账户中超过利差要求,可以买入证券的那部分超额保证金。
5.To guarantee the purchase of(a full issue of stocks or bonds).认购保证购买(全部发行的股票或公债)
6.small deposit will guarantee any dress.只要付少量定金就能保证购买到任何种类的衣服。
7."The Federal Reserve Board regulates the minimum margins, the amount that must be paid in cash as a percentage of purchase"联邦储备委员会调节保证金最低额,即投资人购买股票必须用现金支付的金额所占的百分比。
panies also buy futures to guarantee costs for materials.公司可以购买期货在保证原料价格。
9.Develop procedures to ensure that your purchase order documents precisely describe what you want to buy.制定程序以保证购买定单文件准确说明要购买的内容。
10.The capital adequacy of the leasing firms should reach the bottom line of10 per cent and accumulated investment from other companies should not exceed20 per cent of net assets.打算购买金融租赁公司的股份的商业银行,信托投资公司,证券和保险公司,必须符合相应的条件.
11.authorization to purchase (A/P)采购委托书,委托购买证
12.I see, that arrangement ensures the obligation of the other party to buy.桂:我明白了。这样做就保证了对方购买的义务。
13.Research on Government Purchase Guarantees for Infrastructure BOT Power Plant Projects;基础设施BOT电厂项目中的政府购买保证研究
14.Failure to deliver securities to a purchaser within a specified time.保证失信未能在特定时间内将保证金交给买主
15.Often the subject matter acquired with the loan funds will be the security.通常将贷款资金购买的标的物作为担保物。
16.The Thinking on How to Perfect the System of Government Purchasing Bid Cash Deposit完善政府采购投标保证金制度的思考
17.money given by a buyer to a seller to bind a contract.为履行合同买主付给卖主的保证金。
18.One that guarantees the purchase of a full issue of stocks or bonds.证券包销商保证购买全部发行的股票或公债的人
margin purchasing保证金购买
1.A basic caculating method on themargin purchasing securities and its risk analysis;保证金购买证券的基本计算方法及其风险分析
3)government purchase guarantee政府购买保证
4)buying on margain,on margin付保证金购买
5)product warranty产品保证
1.Mode and method ofproduct warranty cost integration management产品保证成本集成管理模式与方法
2.Theproduct warranty involved in many fields,the interactions among technology,manufacturing cost and warranty cost were not taken into consideration in the design phase due to non-effective information communication channel.产品保证涉及不同的领域,由于缺乏信息传递的有效手段,在产品设计阶段不能考虑加工技术与制造成本和保证成本的相互影响。
3.After researching theproduct warranty based on the cost /benefit analysis, both the character and the policy category ofproduct warranty are discussed.从成本/效益角度对产品售后保证策略问题进行研究,对产品保证的特征和保证策略类型进行论述,探讨了产品保证策略的形成过程,最后运用产品保证策略成本模型对我国彩电产品保证策略优化处理。
6)purchase argumentation购买论证