1.How thegrandparents influenced eating behaviors of young children in three-generation families.;三代同堂家庭中祖辈对幼儿饮食行为的影响
2.people, born after 1980 is very dependent ongrandparents, include daily life、the nursing of children, and so on.本研究探讨了婴幼儿早期成长的家庭物质生态、人际生态,并着重讨论了父辈与祖辈带养人的育儿行为、育儿能力和育儿态度,以揭示当前城市婴幼儿家庭的育儿环境。
1.stories that came down to us from our forefathers祖祖辈辈传下来的故事.
2.He derogated from his ancestors.他毁坏了祖祖辈辈的名声。
3.They kept their ancestral customs.他们保持了祖辈的习俗。
4.My generation behaves differently from my father"s and grandfather"s.我这一代人和我父辈及祖辈表现不同.
5.all my ancestors are from Shandong. I have only been in Beijing for more than half a year.我祖祖辈辈都是山东人﹐刚到北京半年多。
6.grandparents, our link with the past.祖辈们,我们与过去的纽带
7.Joe wants to visit the island where his forefathers lived.乔想去走访祖辈居住过的那个岛屿。
8.The cords of all link back, strandentwining cable of all flesh.That is why mystic monks.所有脐带都是祖祖辈辈相连接的,芸芸众生拧成一股肉缆,所以那些秘教僧侣们都是。
9.The life history of the individual is first and foremost an accommodation to the patterns and standards traditionally handed down in his community.个人的生活史,首先就是适应他的社团中祖祖辈辈传下来的行为模式和准则的历史。
10.This generation can match their fathers and grandfathers in ability, in courage, and in resolution.这一代的能力、勇气和决心能与祖辈并驾齐驱。
11.Young and old would crowd onto one small boat handed hown hy their forefathers.那时一家老小都住在祖辈留下来的一条小船上。
12.How Grandparents Educate Grandchildren in Families;幼儿的祖辈主要教养人与隔代教育的研究
13.They have shown that a famine at critical times in the lives of the grandparents can affect the life expectancy of the grandchildren.他们发现祖辈一生中如果经历过饥荒将会影响他们孙辈的生活期望值。
14.Today the pickpockets have overtaken their forefathers of Dickens" time in both number and skill.今天,扒手在数量及技巧方面都已超过了他们在狄更斯时代的祖辈。
15.A person from whom one is descended, especially if more remote than a grandparent;a forebear.祖先,祖宗繁衍后代的人,特别是远于祖父辈;前辈
16."ancestor: a person from whom one is descended, especially if more remote than a grandparent; a forebear."祖先: 祖宗繁衍后代的人,特别是远于祖父辈;前辈
17.A relative descended from a common ancestor, such as a grandparent, by two or more steps in a diverging line.远亲,远房亲戚具有同一长辈如(祖父或祖母)的亲戚,有家庭分支上与这个长辈相隔两辈或多辈
18.Thanks to the generous ancestral estate, he has enough food and clothes for his entire life.由于祖业丰厚, 他这辈子可以衣食无忧了。
An ancestor;a forebear.祖先;祖辈
3)an ancestral dream祖祖辈辈的梦想
4)Ancestral Care祖辈监护
5)grandparent"s breeding祖辈教养