1.Thespeech writing is not of"Litcrariness"in nature.演讲词的写作在本质上是非"文学性"的,是为交流而最终用口头语言来表达的,其修辞原则是现场性、认同性与效果性三原则。
2.This paper takes the America famous black civil rights leader, Martin Luther King sspeech as an example.本文以美国著名的黑人民权运动领袖马丁·路得·金的演讲名作为例,分析了排比、引用、比喻、对照、重复及短句等修辞方法在演讲词中的作用,指出了修辞所具有的语言魅力。
1.Forgetting his speech disconcerted the speaker.忘了演讲词使得这位讲演者手足无措。
2.Glen"s speech was word-perfect.格伦的演讲词说得一字不误。
3.The Control of the Implicating Degree and the Implicating Quality in English Speech Words;英语演讲词含意化程度和性质的控制
4.The function of rhetoric in "I Have a Dream";“我有一个梦想”演讲词中修辞的运用
5.The speaker quite spoiled the effect by reading his speech from notes, so that he seemed insincere, and failed to excite the crowd.演讲人照笔记念演讲词,大大损害了演讲效果,以至他显得不真诚而未能激发听众。
6.I forgot the words of my speech, so I had to improvise.我忘了我的演讲词,所以我只得临时凑合。
7."Peggy wrote the Pointe du Hoc speech, Mr. President," said Ben.本说:“总统先生,是佩吉写的那篇奥克角的演讲词。”
8.A Contrastive Study of Political Speeches in Presidential Election in Light of Appraisal Theory从评价理论角度对比分析总统竞选演讲词
9.The Translation of Public Speeches from the Theory of Equal Value Translation等值翻译论视角下的公共演讲词翻译研究
10.a verbose speaker, speech, style言词冗赘的演讲者、 讲话、 文体.
11.The speaker had to ad - lib his speech when his papers suddenly blew off the podium .当演讲稿突然掉下台时,演讲者不得不现编词。
12.used as a term of address for those male persons engaged in the same movement.演讲时,对从事同一运动的男性称呼的演讲用词。
13.He garnished his speech with humor他用幽默的词句来点缀他的讲演。
14.extended verbal expression in speech or writing.在演讲或写作中动词表达的延伸。
15.an uninspired lecture. See also Synonyms at stupid lively缺乏创见的演讲参见同义词stupidlively
16.Her speech was full of flourish.她的演讲充满了华丽的词藻。
17.The speech was full of ad-libs and witty asides.讲演中满是即兴之词和诙谐离题之语。
18.uttered through the medium of speech or characterized by speech; sometimes used in combination.通过媒体发表演讲的或有演讲特色的,有时用于连接词。
and speech演讲词文体
1.The Importance and Application of Silent Language in Speeches;论无声语言在演讲中的重要性及运用
2.Intercultural Perspectives on Bush s Speech at Tsinghuain a Visual Audio and Oral Class;视听课教学跨文化案例分析——析美国总统布什在清华大学的演讲
3.The necessity of analyzing the Englishspeeches delivered by UK/US leaders in intercultural contexts is discussed from a critical perspective,and comments are made on the new trend in the fields of intercultural communication and critical discourse analysis.简要述评近几年批评话语分析在跨文化交际学研究中的应用,讨论从批评的视角对英美领导人在跨文化交际语境中所作的英文演讲进行分析和研究的必要性,评介跨文化交际学和批评话语分析研究领域中的新动向,并就如何深化跨文化交际语境演讲的批评分析研究提出了3点建议。
1.At first, the wonderful lecture needs people to make a good appearance,thus, he will give the audience a good impression, and it will help him to:succeed.出色的演讲首先形象要美 ,这样才会给观众留下美好的第一印象 ,为演讲成功打下良好的基础。
2.So this article is trying to apply the proposition theory to lecture pratice ,and analyses the importance of this theory, illuminates the great influence on lecture caused by the propriety of proposition theory.但纯粹的理论无法结出累累硕果,本文旨在将逻辑理论中有关命题理论的运用与演讲这一文化交流的重要方式相结合,分析命题理论在演讲中的重要性,说明命题的适当性对演讲效果产生的重要影响,同时以格赖斯的合作原则为依据,解答如何在演讲中使人们的思想交流得以顺利进行。
1.The mistakes about the time and location of thespeech,On Women-the Speech Draft at Suzhou Women School by Xu Zhimo,appear in recently published related books and collected works which reflect the mistakes in editing and publishing collected books and related collected works of modern authors.徐志摩《关于女子——苏州女中讲稿》讲演的时间、地点在最近出版的相关论著和文集中出现讹误,反映了目前编辑出版现代作家作品集及相关论著存在的疏失。