预算模式,Budget model
1)Budget model预算模式
1.Research on Applying Kaplan Budget Mode in a Company;Kaplan预算模式在A公司应用的研究
2.The confirmation of product s lifespan period and of financial budget mode;产品寿命周期与财务预算模式的确定
3.Attending budget: local government budget system reform mode research;参与式预算:地方政府预算制度改革模式研究
4.Exploration on Budgetal Management Model and Budgeted Vevenue and Expenditure management of Colleges and Universities;高校预算管理模式与预算收支管理探讨
5.Double Entry Budget Calls for Double Entry Finance;“复式预算”呼唤“复式财政”——“复式财政”模式初探
6.Application of Comprehensive Budget Management in Power Generation Corporations;全面预算管理模式在发电集团的应用
7.Fast Intra-Prediction Mode Decision for H.264;H.264帧内预测模式选择快速算法研究
8.The Researches on Budget Management Modes of Large and Medium-Sized Enterprises in Jilin Province;吉林省大中型企业预算管理模式研究
9.The Research on the System of Comprehensive Budgeting Management of Conglomerates in Our Country;我国企业集团全面预算管理模式探析
10.Optimize the Total Budget Management of Lanzhou Petrochemical Company;兰州石化公司全面预算管理模式优化
11.The Choice of Enterprise s Budget Management Mode Based on Strategy-orientation;战略导向下的企业预算管理模式选择
12.Research of the Comprehensive Budget Management Framework Beyond the ISO9000System;ISO9000体系基础上全面预算管理模式研究
13.The Research of the Comprehensive Budget Management Framework Beyond the ISO9000 System;ISO9000体系平台上全面预算管理模式研究
14.Rational Choice of Enterprise,s Control Budget Model and its Matching;企业预算控制模式的合理选择与匹配
15.On Improving the Management Model of Enterprise Assets Budget;论事业单位资产预算管理模式的完善
16.Definition of and Control over the Budget Scale of Expenditure in the Form of Taxation;界定与控制税式支出预算规模的思路
17.Analysis on Behavior Factor in Budget Management Mode;预算管理模式形成中的行为因素探析
18.Study on Reservoir Management-orient Oilfield Block Budget Management Model油藏经营导向区块预算管理模式研究
Kaplan budget modeKaplan 预算模式
3)budget management model预算管理模式纲
4)budget management mode预算管理模式
1.Because of different financial management systems, there are three basic types ofbudget management modes: centralized, decentralized and the combination of the both.预算管理模式因财务管理体制的不同有集权式、分权式和集权分权结合式三种基本类型,并以预算的编制、执行、调控、考评四个阶段形成集团公司预算管理循环。
5)total budget mode全面预算模式
6)Budgetary Control Mode预算控制模式
1.The Research on Enterprises FinancialBudgetary Control Mode;企业财务预算控制模式研究