文化负载词,culture-loaded words
1)culture-loaded words文化负载词
1.Due to differences in environment,religion,tradition and cultural images between English and Chinese culture,it seems difficult to achieve complete equivalence in translatingculture-loaded words.文化负载词是指标志某种文化中特有事物的词组和短语。
2.The consideration is fairly positive when Hawkes pays attention to readers cognition and thinking way and communication customs,yet likely negative when the attention goes to their religious faiths and cultural backgrounds due to the inappropriate handling ofculture-loaded words.当霍氏关照西方读者的思维认知和社交语言时,读者关照是积极地;对宗教信仰和文化生活的关照却因为文化负载词的失当处理,容易形成消极关照。
3.It is written in the style of dialogue,but it is a book with political,ethical as well as philosophical nature,which,together with its translation purpose,determines the principle and then the strategy for translating theculture-loaded words in it,that is,the academic feature of the original version and the popularity of the translated version should be both concerned simultaneously.《论语》的哲学文本性质及《论语》翻译的目的决定了翻译其中文化负载词时应遵循的原则——"学术性"与"通俗性"兼顾,且以"学术性"为主,"通俗性"为辅。
1.Culture-loaded Words and Expressions in Fortress Besieged and Their Translation;《围城》文化负载词(词组)及其翻译
2.On Translation of Culturally-loaded Words of Literary Significance;从文学角度论“文化负载词汇”的汉译英
3.On the Translation of Culture-Loaded Words and Expressions in the Scholars;论《儒林外史》中文化负载词的翻译
4.On the Translation of Chinese Culture-Loaded Words in Fortress Besieged;论《围城》中汉语文化负载词的翻译
5.On the Expressions of Culturally-loaded Words in Context;试论语境中文化负载词汇的表达方式
6.On the Translation of Religious Culture-Loaded Words and Expressions in Strange Tales from Make-Do Studio;《聊斋志异》宗教文化负载词语的翻译
7.On the Translation of Culture-loaded Terms in Yang Bi s Version of Vanity Fair;《名利场》杨必译本中文化负载词研究
8.Analysis of the translation of the culturally-loaded words and expressions in the chapter titles in the Dream of Red Mansions;《红楼梦》回目中文化负载词的翻译
9.The Comprehension and Translation of the Culture-loaded Words in The Analects;《论语》中文化负载词的理解与翻译
10.The Handling of Culture-Loaded Words in Two English Versions of Ah Q Zhengzhuan;文化负载词在《阿Q正传》中的处理
11.Relevance-Theoretic Account for Culture-Loaded Words and Translation;从关联理论看文化负载词语及其翻译
12.Register Theory and Translation of Culture-bound Expressions;功能语法语境理论与文化负载词翻译
13.A Study on Translation Methods of Culture-Loaded Words in the Analects《论语》中文化负载词汇翻译方法研究
14.On Pragmatic Translation of Culture-loaded Words in Fortress Besieged《围城》中文化负载词汇的语用翻译
15.On Translating Culture-loaded Words in The True Story of Ah Q《阿Q正传》中文化负载词的翻译研究
16.Cultural Transfer: A Comparative Study on Translations of Culture-loaded Words in the Art of War;传输中的文化:《孙子兵法》文化负载词英译研究
17.Lost and Found in the Translation of Culture-loaded Chinese Words and Expressions;汉语文化负载词语英译中的文化损失与补偿
18.Intercultural Comparison of Culture-loaded Animals in Brand Translation;品牌翻译中动物文化负载词的跨文化解读
culturally-loaded words文化负载词
1.This paper attempts to compare and contrast the translation strategies used in translating thoseculturally-loaded words in three English versions of HongLouMeng from the perspective of Peter Newmark s semantic and communicative translation theory.纽马克的语义翻译和交际翻译理论为指导,对比分析了《红楼梦》的三个英译本(霍译、杨译和乔译)对原文中文化负载词语运用的翻译策略,探讨三个英译本在再现原文文化负载词的文化内涵方面的得失。
2.Taking the Book of Rites translated by James Legge as an example to analyze the translation ofculturally-loaded words,this paper summarizes that Legge mainly adopts the method of literal translation,liberal translation,footnote,transliteration and paraphrase in translating theculturally-loaded words of the Book of Rites to achieve his translation purpose.以理雅各英译的《礼记》为蓝本,对其英译本中的文化负载词的翻译策略进行探讨,研究结果表明理雅各采用了一些主要翻译策略如直译、意译、脚注、音译和释义等方法来翻译文化负载词以实现其翻译目的。
3.Therefore,there inevitably exist specificculturally-loaded words to reflect the particular culture in different countries.语言与文化密不可分,语言承载并反映文化,文化反过来影响语言,因而语言中不可避免的会产生一定数量的文化负载词;每个民族的语言和文化都或多或少地相似,为了方便不同文化背景的人更好地交流,从宗教、历史、地域及思维方式等多方面探讨文化差异对"文化负载词"翻译的影响。
3)culture-loaded word文化负载词
1.By analyzing the case of how the dialect word"cí"is rendered in Turbulence,the paper concludes that precision in understanding and subtlety in expression are especially important in the translation ofculture-loaded words.本文从关联翻译理论出发,结合《浮躁》英译本中有关"瓷"的译例,探讨了方言文化负载词的翻译策略及需要注意的问题。
2.This paper analyses the translations of someculture-loaded words in the three English versions of Hongloumeng through comparation.选取《红楼梦》三个较好的英译本,就原文中某些文化负载词的翻译进行比较分析。
4)Olympic Culturally-loaded Words奥运文化负载词
1."Lucky Cloud": an Indisputable Design and an Inadequate Translation——On the Translation ofOlympic Culturally-loaded Words Based on Skopostheorie;“祥云”:不争的创意与不等值的直译——从目的论探析奥运文化负载词的翻译
5)culture-loaded words文化负载词语
1.Sinceculture-loaded words express the customs,attributes,allusions,the way of thinking,the values and the religious beliefs of a certain nation,translating them may pose some difficulties.文化负载词语集中反映或表达了某一民族的风俗习惯、气质情感、历史典故、思维模式、价值取向、宗教心态。
6)Chinese culture-loaded words汉语文化负载词
1.The translation ofChinese culture-loaded words into English is difficult.汉语文化负载词是翻译中的难点。
2.After the analysis of different interpretations of culture-loaded words put forward by many scholars, the definition and Classification ofChinese culture-loaded words is clear.接着,根据一些学者提出文化负载词的含义,得出汉语文化负载词的定义和分类。
如此江山 泛曲阿后湖 曲阿词综曲阿词综中,【诗文】:依依杨柳,青丝缕、掩映绿波南浦。燕掠横斜,鳞游荡漾,恰是湔裙时序。清泠如许。恍镜影空磨,簟痕密聚。欲问伊人,且自溯洄前渚。并倚木阑无语。到来还、远树遥山,凝眸同睹。雁齿参差,*流逦迤,多少鸥群鸳侣。最饶闲趣。且酒斟绿蚁,玉杯时举。*乃一声,移入柳阴深处。西半夜惊罗一首,乃黄 词。 眼儿媚萧萧江上荻花秋一首,乃张孝祥词。堞恋花越女采莲秋水畔一首,乃欧阳修词。相见欢无言独上西楼一首,【注释】:【出处】: