
变分-差分方法 FDM based on the principle of variation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-08-27 16:38:57


变分-差分方法 FDM based on the principle of variation英语短句 例句大全

变分-差分方法,FDM based on the principle of variation

1)FDM based on the principle of variation变分-差分方法

1.In this thesis,starting from the variation model,the finite difference scheme of the boundary problem was constructed withFDM based on the principle of variation.由问题的变分模型入手,应用变分-差分方法构造了该边值问题的一个差分格式。


1.On the Finite Difference Method Based on the Principle of Variation of the Bending Problem of Plate with Beam-strengthened Edges具有边梁加固的板弯曲问题的变分-差分方法研究

2.variance components method方差分析法 方差分析法

3.Variational Methods: Applications to Nonlinear Differential and Difference Equations;变分法及其在非线性微分差分方程(组)中的应用

4.On the Finite Difference Method Based on the Principle of Variation of a Kind of Compounding Elastic Structure;一类组合弹性结构的变分—差分方法的研究

5.differential equation with deviating argument偏差自变数微分方程

6.The Analysis of Method of Measuring the Dip Angle By Using the Differential Pressure Transducer利用差压变送器实现倾角测量方法分析

7.To Get the Digital Expectation and Variance of Random Variance by the Method of Termwise Differentiation;用逐项微分法求随机变量的数学期望与方差

8.Segmented Compensation Algorithmfor Thermal Deformation Error of Ball Screw in Grinding滚珠丝杠磨削加工热变形误差的分段补偿方法

9.Method of Normalized Frame Difference of Gray Distribution for Video Shot Detection视频突变检测的规范化灰度分布帧差方法

10.On the Finite Difference Method Based on the Principle of Variation of the Bending Problem of Plate with Beam-strengthened Edges;具有边梁加固的板弯曲问题的变分—差分方法研究

11.Darboux Transformations of Two Nonlinear Differential-Difference Equations;两个非线性微分差分方程的达布变换

12.Oscillation Criteria of Difference Equations with Continuous Deviating Arguments;具有连续变量的偏差变元差分方程的振动性

13.Error Analysis in RC Integral and Differential Circuit ExperimentRC积分微分电路实验的误差分析方法

14.An Analysis of the Errors of the Conjugate Assimilation Method of the Difference Equation Models;差分方程模型共轭同化方法的误差分析

15.The Difference Method Simulation of Parabolic Equation with Control Parameter;带控制变量抛物方程初边值问题的差分方法模拟

16.finite difference method for boundary value problem ofpartial differential equation偏微分方程边值问题差分方法

17.finite difference method of initial value problem of partialdifferential equation偏微分方程初值问题差分方法

18.Research on High-Resolution Finite-Difference Methods for the Shallow Water Equations;浅水方程高分辨率有限差分方法研究


finite difference method差分方法

1.High-orderfinite difference method for solving two-points boundary value problem;两点边值问题的一种高精度差分方法

2.The nondimensional control equations, initial conditions and boundary conditions of fluid flow in porous medium in low permeability reservoir are given, and thefinite difference method is employed to simulate the fluid flow.针对低渗透问题,给出了无量纲化的渗流控制方程、初始条件以及边界条件,并使用差分方法进行数值模拟。

3.The numerical model is solved byfinite difference method and its program is designed, and verified by indoor experiment data.基于示范区田间试验与数值模拟的方法,考虑冬小麦根系吸水的影响,建立了冬小麦田间土壤水分运动的数学模型;采用差分方法求解了数学模型,并进行了程序设计和程序验证;数值计算结果表明,实测值与计算值有较好的一致性;对不同灌水定额方案作了模拟计算,提出了冬小麦节水灌溉模式。

3)difference method差分方法

1.High-order compactdifference method for the 2-D Poisson equation;二维泊松方程的高精度紧致差分方法

2.High-order implicitdifference method for the diffusion equation;求解扩散方程的一种高精度隐式差分方法

3.A high-order compact implicitdifference method for the unsteady convection-diffusion equation with source term;含源项非定常对流扩散方程的高精度紧致隐式差分方法

4)Differential method差分方法

1.According to the theory of applied optics and coordinate transformation, the mapping transformation differential method (MTDM) is developed.根据应用光学知识和坐标变换理论,提出了映射变换差分方法(mappingtransformationdifferentialmethod,MTDM)。

2.In this paper, a differential method for solving geometrical shock dynamic equations is presented and a series of phenomena of diffraction and reflection of shock waves, in particular, the reflections of shocks on the surfaces of concave cylinders and double wedges, are calculated by using this method.介绍了一种求解激波动力学方程的差分方法,并用该方法计算了一系列激波绕射和反射问题,尤其是,完成了激波在凹圆柱表面和双劈表面反射的计算。

5)variational difference method变分差分法

1.Avariational difference method based on the variational principle and finite difference is presented, and applied to stress analysis of an arch dam and its foundation.本文提出了一种基于变分原理和有限差分的变分差分法,应用于拱坝及其基础的应力分析,将二维壳体模型和三维地基模型耦合在一起进行求解。

6)variational method变分方法

1.Based on the free boundary theory andvariational method on convex set, an approximate formula to compute the instantaneous oil film forces for real bearings with large perturbed motions of the journal is presented in this paper.基于自由边值理论和凸集上的变分方法 ,提出一种求解当轴颈大扰动时实际轴承瞬态油膜力的近似公式。

2.This paper discusses thevariational method of extrme value probelm of functional of more than one functions,changes the isoperimetric problem of functional of more than one functions to unconditional extrem value problem by using Lagrange′s method of multipliers,and gives the solution of this problem′s polar strip by usingvariational method.先讨论含有多个函数的泛函的极值问题的变分方法,然后用拉格朗日乘子法将含多个函数的泛函的等周问题转化为相应的无条件极值问题,并用变分方法给出此类等周问题的极带的解法。

3.By using the improved Hardy inequality andvariational methods, we discuss the positive solutions of the elliptic boundary value problem -△u-μu/|x|2=u2*-1+f(x, u),whereΩ(?)RN is a smooth bounded domain such that 0∈Ω,andμ∈R is a parameter.应用改进型Hardy不等式和变分方法,讨论了一类椭圆边值问题的正解:-△u-μu/|x|2=u2*-1+f(x, u),u∈H0 1(Ω),其中Ω是RN(N≥3)中包含的0有界光滑区域,μ∈R是一个参数。


边界变分方法边界变分方法boundary variation . method of【补注】边界变分方法的基本引理亦称Sch疏r定理(Schiffer theorem).边界变分方法l卜川nda乃,耐浦加,methodof;,,圈.,I.以朋p.au浦嫩,川研咒单叶函数(univalentt’unct1on)的一种方法,该方法以研究二平面区域内单叶函数w=f(z)的变分(varlat一on of a funetlon)为基础,这种变分系通过适当变更象域的边界而确定.边界变分方法的基本引理.设D是w平面内区域,D在扩充平面内的余集A由有限个连续统组成.设I足△中的一个连续统,且在r上存在解析函数、(w)铸0使得对于任意一点w。6r及D内可表为月,pZ卢,〔‘)二、+月(,+一一计O(户,)(*)W一W{的任一单叶函数F(w),不等式 Re{A、s(、。)J十O(p))O成立,并假定(*)式中余项的估计在D的所有闭子域中是一致的.则f是一条解析曲线,它可以用实参数t的函数w=w(t)作为其参数表示;且可选取该参数使得r满足微分方程 !咖;2}一}s〔w)十l二0!dI{一、一”‘此结果显不了二次微分(quadrat一e different:al)在求解单叶函数论的极值间题中的重要作用;因为在许多应用问题中、伽)是亚纯函数.在某些场合,从问题的条件推出s(w)的特定的极点属于极值区域的边界,且边界变分方法的基本引理表明该区域的边界属于二次微分Q(叫咖2二一、(叫而二的临界轨道的闭包之并集.在一些极值问题中,基本引理不仅产生定性的结果,也给出确定极值区域边界的足够信息,因而使问题得到完全解决.下列结果是借助于边界变分方法解决的:关l二万族的系数问题(眼ffident Problem)的定性结果;具有给定容量的一族连续统的n级直径的最大值问题二连通区域单叶共形映射的某些极值问题的解;关于多连通区域的畸变定理(distortion theorem),该定理同时也证明了给定多连通区域到典型域的单叶共形映射的存在性宁理.等等_



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