
库存总量 Inventory quantity英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-08-20 23:40:50


库存总量 Inventory quantity英语短句 例句大全

库存总量,Inventory quantity

1)Inventory quantity库存总量


1.Research of Domestic Large Supermarket"s Optimization Inventory Control under Lean Supply Chain Management精益供应链管理下的国内大型连锁超市库存总量优化控制策略研究

2.material In store summary库存材料汇总表(会计学)

3.stock reduction减少库存数量(文件储存)

4.Hong Kong"s two largest reservoirs, High Island and Plover Cove held 507 million cubic metres.本港两大水塘──万宜水库和船湾淡水湖,总存水量合共5.07亿立方米。

5.domestic asset formation; domestic capital formation: Gross fixed capital formation plus increase in stocks.国内资产形成;国内资本形成:指固定资本形成总值加库存的增加量。

6."Massive stock, clear out "大量库存,清仓甩卖

7.programmed forecasting inventory technique程序预算库存量技术

8.nuclear materials inventory system核材料库存量甸系统

9.A large quantity of water is stored in the reservoir.水库存了大量的水。

10.The Impact of Warehouse Centralization on Inventory Quantity;仓库中心化对库存持有量的影响分析

11.Research on Multi-item Inventory Strategy under Fuzzy Limited Storage Capacity;模糊库存容量约束的多产品库存策略研究

12.A Reparation the Textless Catalogue of Superorder of Complete library in the Four Branches of Literature·Zi Radical·Miscellaneous Scholars;《四库全书总目·子部·杂家类》存目补正

13.Control material stock level according output and lead time, including safety stock, fixed lot-size, reorder point and planned delivery time.根据产量控制库存量,包括安全库存,定货批量,计划交货期。

14.4 mana and health potions are now available at any given time.魔法瓶和大血瓶库存增加到4,并且总能保持这个库存。

15.What is the probability that today"s demand will exceed our inventory?今天销售量超过库存量的是概率多少?

16.Design of refrigerator temperature measurement based on CAN bus;基于CAN总线的冷库温度测量设计

17.Spatiotemporal distribution of total nitrogen and total phosphorus in sediments of Xiangxi Bay,Three Gorges Reservoir三峡水库香溪河库湾底泥中总氮、总磷含量的时空分布

18.Amendments to the Eclectics Category of General Catalogue of the Imperial Collection of Four;《四库全书总目·子部·杂家类·杂纂之属》存目补正


aggregate lot-size inventory总批量库存

3)plutonium inventory determination钚总量(库存)测定

4)stock total cost库存总费用

puting formula ofstock total cost and rate of shortage is given.给出库存总费用和缺货率的计算公式,将二者加权平均得到策略的综合系数。

5)Total stock cost库存总成本

6)aggregate safety stock inventory总安全库存



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