
竹材 bamboo英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-08-16 10:32:16


竹材 bamboo英语短句 例句大全



1.The design of auto-inspecting system onbamboo-roughcast orientation;竹材毛坯定位监测系统设计

2.Research and Development of Production Technology of Bamboo Waferboard and Oriented Strand Board Based on Biological Characteristics and Timber Adaptability;基于竹材生物学特性和材性适应性的竹大片/定向刨花板生产技术的研发

3.Stress Relaxation of Bamboo in Transverse Compression;竹材横纹压缩的应力松弛


1.durability of bamboo and wood竹材和木材的耐久性

2.Press Drying Technology and Properties of Heat Transmission and Mass Transfer of Bamboo Timber of Dendrocalamus Giganteus;龙竹竹材的热压干燥及传热传质特性

3.Practice on Ecological of Bamboo Forest and Its Timber Recycle Utilization in Zhejiang Province;浙江省竹林生态与竹材循环利用实践

4.Effect of Glue Immersion Parameters on Performance of Reconstituted Dendrocalamopsis oldhami Lumber浸胶工艺对绿竹重组竹材性能的影响

5.Chemical Components in Culms of Different Variation Types of Phyllostachys nigra紫竹不同变异类型的竹材化学成分分析

6.Bamboo Vinegar Antifungal Performance and Mold Inhibition竹醋液制剂的抑菌性及其竹材防霉性评价

7.Development and Application of Bamboo-plastics Veneer Board装饰复塑竹材复合板的开发与应用

8.Testing methods for physical and mechanical properties of bamboosGB/T15780-1995竹材物理力学性质试验方法

9.The Application of Low Moles Proportion UF Resin Adhesive to Bamboo Particle Boards低摩尔比脲胶在竹材碎料板中的应用

10.Study on the Decay Resistance Property and the Choice of Preservatives of Bamboo;竹材耐腐性的研究及防腐药剂的选择

11.Highlights on Science and Innovation in Processingand Utilization of Bamboo Timber in China;我国竹材加工利用要重视“科学”和“创新”

12.Bamboo Utilization Standards and the Need for International Standardization;竹材利用标准及其国际标准化的需要

13.Study on the Preparation and Properties of Bamboo Plastic Composites竹塑复合材料的制备及主要材性研究

14.These thin, and long bamboo strips are all materials for weaving mats and crates.这些细长的篾子, 都是编制竹席竹篓的材料。

15.Effect of Particle Size of Bamboo Flour on Mechanical Properties of Bamboo/Polypropylene Composites竹粉粒径对竹/聚丙烯复合材料力学性能的影响

16.Study on Relation of Bamboo Stem Structure Factors of Pleioblastus amarus for Bamboo Shoot and Timber苦竹笋材兼用林立竹结构因子关系研究

17.Analysis of Traditional Bamboo-culms Furniture and New Glue-laminated Bamboo Furniture传统圆竹家具和新型竹集成材家具的分析

18.Researches on Wood Characteristics of Main Papermaking Bamboos in Hubei Province and Phyllostachys Pubescence in Different Growth Period;湖北省主要竹种造纸材特性及楠竹不同生长期材性变化的研究


bamboo wood竹材

1.Surface chemical performance ofbamboo wood treated by different methods.;不同处理竹材的表面性能分析

2.The mechanical strength,gluing performance and decay-resistance of 4-year-oldbamboo wood treated with chitosan copper/zinc complexes(CCC and CZC),CCB(copper,chromium,boron composites),ACQ and zinc chloride were reported in this paper.结果表明:1)CCC处理的竹材对棉腐卧孔菌的耐腐性能不及CCB和ACQ处理材;但是,随着CCC处理浓度的增加,处理材耐褐腐性能明显增加,当处理材中金属离子保持量达到5。

3.The leachability and decay resistance of 4-year-oldbamboo wood treated with chitosan copper/zinc complexes (CCC and CZC) were reported in this paper.结果表明:壳聚糖金属配合物在竹材中固着率略高于CCB,明显高于相应的金属盐,具有较强的抗流失性能;CCC处理的竹材对彩绒革盖菌的耐腐性能高于CCB处理材,当CCC处理材中金属离子保持量达到6·35kg·m-3时,腐朽后质量损失为0;CZC处理毛竹试材的耐腐效果和CCC效果相当,明显高于氯化锌处理材,当防腐剂中金属离子保持量高于2·41kg·m-3时,CZC处理的竹材都达到最耐腐等级,且随着防腐剂中金属离子保持量的提高,处理材的质量损失率接近于0。

3)Bamboo timber竹材

1.Anti-mold effects of bamboo timber treated with different solutions;不同浸提处理后竹材的防霉性能

2.The impact of different treatment on the characters of water-absorption and expansion of bamboo timber was studied based on the determination and analysis of no treatment,water cooked treatment and steam treatment.对未处理、水煮处理和汽蒸处理的龙竹竹材的吸水膨胀特性进行了测试和分析,以了解处理方式对竹材吸水膨胀性能的影响。

3.The characteristic of water movement during the process of hot-press drying of bamboo timber was studied.研究了竹材热压干燥过程中的水分迁移特性。

4)bamboo material竹材

1.One innovation of this plastic-bambioo materials was that the lining of PVC profile material wasbamboo material instead of steel,so the raw material cost of plastic windows & doors was reduced by 13.介绍了一种用于建筑的硬质PVC塑竹门窗,其创新点是不用钢材而用竹材作PVC型材的衬材,这可使塑料窗原料成本降低13。

2.Application of strain electric method and VB program in measuringbamboo material’s elasticity modul E and poisson ration μ;竹材制品具有广阔的市场。

5)Bamboo timber of Dendrocalamus giganteus龙竹竹材

6)Phyllostachys edulis Carr.H.de Leh毛竹竹材

1.Testing and Analysis of the Thermodynamics Parameters ofPhyllostachys edulis Carr.H.de Leh;毛竹竹材几个热力学特性参数的测试与分析



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篇目 pieces英语短句 例句大全

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