
朝阳区 Chaoyang District英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-08-07 19:45:44


朝阳区 Chaoyang District英语短句 例句大全

朝阳区,Chaoyang District

1)Chaoyang District朝阳区

1.Principles and Method of Ecological Planning at District Scale——A Case Study ofChaoyang District,Beijing;生态城区规划的原则与方法——以北京市朝阳区为例

2.Plant disposition patterns of three dimensional greening of multi-level crossing bridge inChaoyang District,Beijing;北京市朝阳区立交桥立体绿化植物配置模式

3.An Analysis of the Status of the Students Constitution in the Primary and Secondary Schools inChaoyang District in Beijing;北京市朝阳区中小学学生体质状况分析


1."ICBC Chaoyang Sub-Branch, Chaowai Office"中国工商银行朝阳区支行朝外大街分理处

2.Anding Road Chaoyang District Beijing P.R. China中国北京市朝阳区安定路3号

3.A Study of Urban-suburban Social Relief System, Chaoyang District, Beijing;北京市朝阳区城乡社会救助体系研究

4.Current situation and strategy of groundwater resources management in Chaoyang District朝阳区地下水资源管理的现状与对策

5.Explore to the practice of community correction in Beijing--A Case Study in Chaoyang District of beijing北京社区矫正的实践探索——以北京朝阳区为例

6.Application Research for Demand Side Management of Beijing Chaoyang District;北京朝阳区电力需求侧管理的应用研究

7.Status of wearing myopia glasses of students in primary and secondary schools of Chaoyang District in Beijing;北京市朝阳区中小学生近视镜配戴情况调查

8.Analysis on eyesight of middle school students in Chaoyang District of Beijing City: 2001~;2002~北京市朝阳区初中毕业生视力状况分析

9.An Analysis of the Status of the Students Constitution in the Primary and Secondary Schools in Chaoyang District in Beijing;北京市朝阳区中小学学生体质状况分析

10.Analysis of Modern Manufactures Conformation in Chaoyang Borough of Beijing;北京市朝阳区现代制造业发展构架探讨

11.Status of opening health education course in middle and primary schools of Chaoyang District,Beijing City;北京市朝阳区中小学健康教育课现状调查

12.Analysis and Countermeasures of Food Safety Problems in Catering Industry in Chaoyang District of Changchun City长春市朝阳区餐饮业食品安全问题分析与对策

13.Analysis on concentration of nitrite in salt vegetables长春市朝阳区市售腌制菜中亚硝酸盐含量分析

14.Survey of HIV infection in STD outpatients in Chaoyang District,Beijing in ~北京市朝阳区~性病门诊HIV感染状况调查

15.Distribution characters of municipal solid waste in Chaoyang District of Beijing北京市朝阳区城市生活垃圾组分分布特性研究

16.Investigation and analysis on maternal death status from 2001 to in Chaoyang District,Beijing北京市朝阳区2001~孕产妇死亡情况调查分析

17.Research on well patterns thickening of Block Chao 55 in Chaoyanggou Oilfield朝阳沟油田朝55区块井网加密研究

18.The Administrative District s Changes and Regional Development of Danyang Jun during the Western Han Dynasty and the Six Dynasties;西汉至六朝时期丹阳郡政区变迁与区域发展


chaoyang area朝阳地区

1.The distribution of mineral elements in soil profiles and iron oxide were analyzed based on five representative samples of the Quaternary Red Palaeosols in Chaoyang area Liaoning Province .以辽宁省朝阳地区5个具有代表性的第四纪古红土剖面为研究对象,经大量室内分析,研究其土壤中矿质元素的剖面分布状况及其氧化铁的分布特征。

3)Chaoyang district朝阳地区

1.A Preliminary Study on Developing Artificial Rainfall During Soil Freezing Period to Improve Soil Moisture Content in Spring Sowing Ti me in Chaoyang District;朝阳地区开展封冻期人工增雨对改善春播期土壤墒情的探讨

2.Chaoyang District Heat Resources Trend Changes and Effect on Agricultural Production朝阳地区热量资源变化趋势及对农业生产的影响

3.Evaluation of the Agro-climate of Frost Disaster and Defense Strategies in Chaoyang District朝阳地区霜冻灾害农业气候评价及防御对策

4)Chaoyang region朝阳地区

1.Wind Resources Characteristics in Chaoyang Region of Western Liaoning;辽西朝阳地区风资源特点

2.The article analyzes the necessary and feasibility of implementing mechanization drought-resistant and moisture-conserving techniques inChaoyang region,and summarizes the function and effect after implementing the technology also.朝阳地区干旱少雨,抗旱保墒成为农业可持续发展的关键。

3.Results showed that southern part ofChaoyang region was suitable for planting wine-making grapes of middle or high quality.根据酿酒葡萄各个生育阶段的气象指标,全程分析当地气候资源的利弊程度,为朝阳地区酿酒葡萄区域化生产提供气候依据。

5)Chaoyang district of Changchun city长春市朝阳区

1.The factors of affecting the spatial distribution of terminal markets were analyzed and studied through the on-the-spot investigation on the terminal markets inChaoyang district of Changchun city.通过对长春市朝阳区集贸市场的实地调研,分析研究影响集贸市场空间分布的因素,主要包括:人口分布因素、空间的接近性、竞争因素、经营者的素质和政策因素。

6)Chifeng-Chaoyang area赤峰-朝阳地区


朝阳区北京市工业集中地之一。位于北京市区东部。面积470.8平方公里,人口146.4万。区府驻朝阳门外神路街。汉、唐为蓟县地。辽以后属大兴县。1958年始名朝阳区,因北京朝阳门得名。全区皆平原,海拔50米以下,西北略高,东南略低。通惠河、温榆河、清河、坝河等流经。经济旧以农业为主,种植小麦、水稻、蔬菜。50年代以来建设大批工业企业,现有大中企业近50个,形成东郊纺织工业、双井机械工业、垡头化工、酒仙桥电子工业4个工业区。随现代工业兴起,城市建设迅速发展,在和平街、酒仙桥、 大山子、三里屯、 朝阳路北、垂阳柳、劲松、团结湖等地建成新居住区。此外有南、北两个大使馆区。著名的大型公共建筑有工人体育场、全国农业展览馆、 北京友谊商店、 北京国际俱乐部、长城饭店、三元立交桥等。位于顺义县境的首都国际机场亦属本区管辖。 又有北京工业大学、北京经济学院等7所高校。东岳庙、日坛、西黄寺、元大都土城遗址是著名文物古迹。现代化的亚运村建于区境西北。

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