

时间:2024-03-20 16:37:55



The "碎石机" (Lithotripter) is a medical device used to break up kidney stones and gallstones through the application of shock waves. It is a crucial tool in the field of urology, providing a non-invasive and effective treatment for patients suffering from urinary stones. Here are a few examples of short sentences and phrases related to Lithotripter: 1. The Lithotripter is a revolutionary device in urology. 2. The doctor used the Lithotripter to break up the kidney stones. 3. This Lithotripter machine employs shock waves to disintegrate stones. 4. Patients prefer Lithotripter treatment due to its non-invasive nature. 5. The Lithotripter has transformed the treatment of urinary stones. These sentences showcase the importance and functionality of the Lithotripter in modern urological practice.



parison of China-and Germany-made ElectromagneticLithotripters for Upper Urinary Tract Calculi:Preliminary Report of Perspective Study;国产与德产电磁式碎石机治疗上尿路结石的临床疗效比较:前瞻性研究

2.Although there is great technological disparity between the best foreign lithotripters and domestic ones, the clinical efficacy of the latter is quite good.虽然国产体外冲击波碎石机与国外最先进的优质碎石机相比,在技术和工艺上存在差距,但国产碎石机的临床使用效果是勿庸置疑的。

3.This paper describes a new minim Extracorporeal Shock WaveLithotripter (minim ESWLter)using a B-ultrasonic location system.本文介绍了一种新型的使用B型超声波检测仪定位的小型化体外冲击波碎石机。


1.A machine that crushes rock or ore.颚形碎石机一种碾碎岩石或矿石的机器

2.The clinical contradistinction of two oral care methods in patients with oral endotracheal tube应用成人碎石机进行小儿体外震波碎石的围手术期护理

3.The machine crushed the rocks into powder.机器将石块碾成碎末。

4.tar-macadam plant焦油沥青碎石拌制机

5.Stones were ground down by road roller石头被压路机碾碎。

6.The machine can crunch the rock up.这台机器可作碎石之用。

7.Study on Rock-breaking Rule in Deep Wells and Rock-breaking Fractal Mechanism;深井岩石破碎规律及破碎的分形机理研究

8.One that breaks, as a machine for breaking up or crushing a substance, such as rock, coal, or plant fibers.轧碎机,破碎机用来轧碎或碾碎一种物质,如岩石、煤或植物纤维的机器

9.millstone for pulping exceeding 1200mm in diameter and 500mm in thickness捣碎磨石机,直径超过1200mm、厚度超过500

10.This machine can also he used to crush the rock down.这台机器也可以碎石之用。

11.tar-macadam batch mixer焦油沥青碎石分批拌和机

12.This machine is used to crush the rock up for road building.这台机器用于碎石,以供筑路之需。

13.This machine crushes the rock up so that it can be used for road building.这台机器能粉碎石头, 可用来筑路。

14.How many tons of ore can this machine crush in an hour?这机器每小时可以破碎多少吨矿石?

15.The mechanism of granular transition layer crack preventing and construction application级配碎石过渡层防裂机理及工程应用

16.Study on Compaction Properties of High Embankment Crushed Stones at Mountainous Airport山区机场高填方碎石土压实性状研究

17.crushing machine for earth stone ores or other mineral substances in solid form轧碎机器,用于固体泥土,石料,矿石或其它矿物

18.Value of endoscopic mechanical lithotripsy(EML) in management of common bile duct stones内镜下机械碎石术在胆总管结石治疗中的价值



1.Analysis and Experimental Study on the Boom Structure Stress ofBreaker;碎石机支臂结构的应力分析与试验研究

2.Application of the breaker in Pingguo Bauxite Mine is described.本文描述了USG-5型液压碎石机工作原理及性能,介绍了其在平果铝土矿的生产应用情况。

3.This paper mainly deals with the key technologies involved in a guide tracked drop hammer breaker, including the working mechanism of the drop hammer, the design conception and working principle of the hydraulic control system, Indoor tests conducted on the prototype show that main parameters have met the design requirements.本文重点论述了导轨式落锤碎石机的关键技术─-落锤工作机构及其液控系统的设计思路、工作原理。


1.The measurement of pressure waveformof extracorporeal shock wavelithotriptor;体外冲击波碎石机压力波形的测定

2.This article describes in detail the classification of extracorporeal shock wavelithotriptors, charging and discharging circuit of shock wave, wave source and the locating system of thelithotriptor, makes a comparison between three kinds of conventional shock wave sources, and analyzes the advantages and shortcomings of the different locating systems.介绍了体外冲击波碎石机的分类、冲击波充放电电路、碎石机的波源及其定位系统,对其常用的三种冲击波波源进行了比较,全面介绍了不同定位系统的优缺点。

4)stone breaker碎石机

1.Explains the process of troubleshooting for the X-ray position system andstone breaker system of HB-ESWL-VG impact wavestone breaker.阐述了湛江海滨HB—ESWL—VG型体外冲击波碎石机X线定位系统和碎石系统的故障维修过程。

5)mechanism of stone destroy碎石机理

6)stone spreader铺碎石机


碎石机碎石机rock break unitshu一sh,Jl碎石机(roek breaker unit)由破碎锤冲击破碎大块岩石的二次破碎机械。用于矿山和采石场大块二次破碎,拆毁工程,冶炼厂打炉口,以及破碎混凝土、沥清、冻土、硬土层,也可用于隧道挖掘、清理松石和刷帮。按使用的破碎锤型式分为落锤碎石机、气动碎石机、液压碎石机;按冲击能分为小型(150kJ);按安装方式分为自行式和固定式两类。言冷一图1固定式液压碎石机1液压锤;2一支臂;3机座;今一操作台;5一液压泵站;6一矿石;7一旋回破碎机自行式碎石机有履带行走和轮胎行走两种。前者行走速度低(镇3.Zkm/h),适于短距离频繁移动;后种行走速度高()18km/h),机动性好,作业范围大,应用最广。自行式碎石机有露天用和地下用的两种。露天自行式碎石机由液压反铲挖掘机(见液压挖掘机)或前端装载机去掉铲斗换装破碎锤而成,用2个铰接销轴和两根高压软管连接,换装时间为20一30m。,也可用轮胎式推土机改装;地下自行式碎石机由铲运机底盘、支臂系统、破碎锤和控制阀组成,支臂有折叠式和伸缩式,用液压缸升降和回转(见彩图插页第19页)。固定式碎石机适用于露天和地下溜井格筛、破碎机给料口、扒矿绞车装载平台之前扒矿水平。分为机座式、悬吊式和靠臂式三种。机座式应用最广,它由支臂、回转机构、底座、液压系统和操纵台组成(图1)支臂为二节铰接式,铰接在底座上,用液压缸控制伸缩,最大伸出可达llm;回转机构有360a回转盘和转动1800的销轴转架两种,前者用液压马达驱动,后者用液压缸驱动;液压泵站为单独总成,操作台设在机架上或单独的司机室内。悬吊式碎石机用于扒矿巷道或溜井格筛旁,它的破碎锤用伸缩支臂或提升钢绳吊在巷道顶板或钢框架上的两根水平横梁上,由行车机构位移对准大块矿石,液压泵站为单独总成,操作台设在司机室内。靠壁式碎石机,支臂系统安装在响室帮壁支承板上,动力机组装在单独的机架上,使用距控操纵盒操作。破碎锤碎石机的工作头。按动力分为落锤、气动锤和液压锤三类。落锤由重锤、导向架、提升机构和控制系统组成。工作时导向架下端凿头对准矿石,由装在导向架后侧的绞车钢绳提升重锤,升到上端用限位器限位,操作控制阀重锤下落,锤击凿头破碎矿石。支臂控制导向架位移可翻动岩块找到薄弱面破碎。重锤重量为500一l000kg,单次冲击能达20一70kJ,冲击频率1.7H:。根据矿岩性质和大块尺寸不同,破碎能力达50~100t/h。具有结构简单、维修量小、造价低等优点。气动锤由缸体、活塞、凿杆和配气阀组成。配气阀交替向活塞两侧缸体内供气,使活塞往复运动冲击凿杆破碎岩石。

  1. 尼可2024-03-27 08:38尼可[台湾省网友]
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