
完整导航:就业竞争力 employment competitiveness英语短句+例句大全

时间:2024-03-20 09:14:12


完整导航:就业竞争力 employment competitiveness英语短句+例句大全

Employment competitiveness, a key factor in today"s job market, is a topic of great significance for individuals and organizations alike. In this collection of English short sentences and example sentences, we delve into various aspects of employment competitiveness, offering insights and guidance for those seeking to enhance their employability. From emphasizing the importance of continuous learning and skill development to discussing the impact of technological advancements on job opportunities, these sentences provide a comprehensive overview of the challenges and opportunities in the contemporary employment landscape. Whether it"s crafting a compelling resume, acing a job interview, or adapting to the demands of a changing workforce, the examples presented here strive to equip readers with the knowledge and tools necessary to thrive in a competitive job market.

就业竞争力,employment competitiveness

1)employment competitiveness就业竞争力

1.Onemployment competitiveness of student party members in universities and colleges of Chongqing area重庆高校党员学生就业竞争力探讨

2.By means of the platform,students′ comprehensive quality which includes abilities of adaptation,expression,innovation,sociality,independent work and group cooperation will be trained,andemployment competitiveness will be enhanced.在分析我国高校大学生就业现状和趋势的基础上,提出了通过开展丰富多彩的课外活动,给大学生提供一个陶冶情操、培养能力、接触社会、积累经验的平台,培养大学生的适应能力、表达与应变能力、创新能力、社交能力、独立工作能力以及团队协作能力,全面提高大学生的就业竞争力。

3.Through the investigation on the employment situation of graduates of informatics specialty of Wuhan University,this paper analyzes the issues of theemployment competitiveness of graduates of informatics specialty.通过对武汉大学情报学相关专业毕业生就业情况的调查,分析了情报学专业毕业生的就业竞争力问题。


1.Implement Whole Employment Guide Improve Employment Competition;实施全程就业指导 提升就业竞争力

2.Optimization of specialty structure and raising competitive force of college students;优化专业结构,提高毕业生就业竞争力

3.Increase the Information Capacity of Medical Students in Order to Enhance the Competitive Employment提高医学生信息能力,增强就业竞争力

4.Developing Professional Certificate Training and Enhancing Abilities of Employment;开展职业证书培训,增强就业竞争力

5.Exploration of the Training of Higher Vocatinal Gradates of Liberal Arts in Employment Competitive Power;高职文科毕业生就业竞争力培养初探

6.On the Cultivation of Employment Competitiveness of Students in Higher Vocational Colleges;试论提升高职学生就业竞争力的措施

7.Evaluation of Graduate Employment Competition Capability Using AHP Method;用层次分析法评测大学生就业竞争力

8.Adhering to Teaching Reform and Heightening Employment Competition Power;坚持教学改革 提高学生就业竞争力

9.Research on Improving the Competitiveness of Employment of Fujian XX Institute提升福建XX学院就业竞争力的研究

10.A SWOT Analysis on how to Improving Employability of the Poverty-Stricken College Students提升高校贫困生就业竞争力的SWOT分析

11.Setting Employment Education and Security System to Build Employment Competitiveness;建立就业教育与保障体系,打造就业竞争力

12.Increasing Knowledge,Deepening Reform and Improving the Employment Competitive Power of the Graduate with Great Effort;提高认识,深化改革,努力提高毕业生就业竞争力

13.How to improve employment competitive ability of graduates from water and power vocational school;提高水电职业院校毕业生就业竞争力初探

14.Thought on Improving the Employability of Computer Major Graduates;关于提升计算机专业毕业生就业竞争力的思考

15.Cultivating Nursing Students" Interpersonal Skills and Increasing Their Employment Competitiveness培养人际沟通能力 增强护生就业竞争力

16.How to Improve the Employment Technology of Students in Highway and Bridge Specialty of Higher Occupational School;关于提高高职路桥专业学生就业竞争力的研究

17.Study on Correlative Effects of Obtaining Employment Competitiveness for Advanced Vocational School Graduates;高职毕业生就业竞争力组成的相关因素研究

18.The Core Employment Competitiveness of Graduates Majored in Library and Information Science图书馆学专业毕业生就业核心竞争力


employment competence就业竞争力

1.Carrying out "double certificates" system to improve theemployment competence of students at higher vocational colleges推行“双证书”制度 提升高职学生就业竞争力

2.It then builds up a system of universitiesemployment competence which includes nine indictors,such as quality of students source,famous degree of university,education outlay, etc.文章打破单纯就业率评价的局限,从招生、培养和就业三大子系统入手,构建了包括生源质量、高校知名度、教育经费等9方面指标的高校就业竞争力体系,并针对浙江省高校就业竞争力现状作了聚类分析,进而结合价值链模型提出了提升高校就业竞争力的若干对策。

3.Non-agricultural people from agriculture usually are short ofemployment competence.农转非人员普遍缺乏就业竞争力,文化水平和劳动技能低下已经成为困扰其就业的瓶颈,而农转非人员就业培训现状不容乐观。

3)employment competition就业竞争力

1.The employment questionnaires toward graduates and corporations are made,main factors influencing graduateemployment competition capability are analyzed,and a hierarchical model of graduateemployment competition capability is established.通过对大学生及用人单位进行就业问卷调查,分析了影响大学生就业竞争力的一些主要因素,建立了大学生就业竞争力层次模型。

2.The paper has analyzed several causes of leading to a student producing perplexed thoughts,has pointed out that class-monitor s work must be carried out around studentsemployment competition,and employment guidances should be given through entire learning phase,in order to improve students study enthusiasm and promote theemployment competition.该文分析了导致学生产生思想困惑的具体原因,指出班主任工作必须围绕学生就业竞争力开展,把就业指导贯穿整个学习阶段,由此提高学生学习积极性和就业竞争力。

3.This paper gives generalized analysis on theemployment competition of students,based on SWOT analytic method in marketing,which makes them to know theiremployment competition power and embark from the reality to seek suitable post.文章从市场营销学中的SWOT分析法出发,对师范院校大学生的就业竞争力进行综合分析,使其清醒地认识自己的就业竞争实力,从实际出发,适应社会需求,寻求适合自己的理想就业岗位。

4)core competence of employment就业核心竞争力

5)employment competition就业竞争

6)to obtain employment by competition竞争就业



  1. 我心悠然2024-03-27 01:14我心悠然[辽宁省网友]
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