

时间:2024-03-18 20:26:11



The "评判函数+evaluation+function英语短句+例句大全" is a comprehensive collection of English sentences and examples related to evaluation functions. This compilation provides an extensive resource for individuals seeking to understand how evaluation functions are used in various contexts. Whether exploring the concept of evaluation functions in mathematics, computer science, or other fields, this collection offers a wide range of examples that can help clarify their usage and application. With a diverse array of sentences and examples, this compilation serves as a valuable reference for students, teachers, and professionals alike, aiming to enhance their understanding of evaluation functions in the English language.

评判函数,evaluation function

1)evaluation function评判函数

1.The first order model and the second one for emergency plan evaluation are put forward as well as their correspondingevaluation function.结合模糊评估理论的多级评估方法,对突发事件处理过程中的应急预案进行综合评估,提出突发事件应急预案评估的一级模型与二级模型,并针对模型给出相应的评判函数。

2)judge function评判函数

1.Divide those which can not confirm the arranging deliverance into several groups, having the number of the group be equal to that of the elements to get an arrange opinion viajudge function.将诸多影响因素进行分组,把能给出具体排序意见的影响因素分为一组,此时,针对其中的每一个影响因素而言,对应着一种排序意见,可采用改进的加权Borda数法对这些意见进行集中,从而得出这一组的最优排序;把不能直接确定排序意见的影响因素按此种因素的多少分成若干组,使分组数与此种因素数相同,利用评判函数给出一个排序意见。

3)synthetic evaluation function综合评判函数

4)discriminant function判别函数

1.In the paper,thediscriminant function is derived from the Fisher principle to distinguish large pore paths in sandstone oil layers based on logging curves.根据测井曲线,运用费歇准则导出了识别砂岩油层大孔道的判别函数,判别函数是测井曲线的线性组合。

2.Methods: The dada from 22 patients with dermatomyositis complicated by malignant tumor and 43 patients with dermatomyositis without malignant tumor were analyzed and used to establish adiscriminant function.方法 : 2 2例皮肌炎合并恶性肿瘤患者作为一组 ,43例皮肌炎不合并恶性肿瘤患者作为另一组 ,对两组患者的临床及实验室指标进行分析 ,建立判别函数。

3.The geometry and information s distancediscriminant function are used in our work,the first only calculates the model parameters,so it is simpl.在以往通过建立火控系统误差时间序列的动态数学模型对火控精度做定性分析的基础上,提出基于时序判别函数对火控系统精度进行定量分析,其结果能给出火控系统精度更客观的检测评定。


1.Value of Discriminant Function Applied in the CT Diagnosis of Parotid Tumors判别函数在腮腺肿瘤CT诊断中的价值

2.The adhibition of magnify on differentiation of consistent convergence about function term progression;放大法在判别函数项级数(函数列)一致收敛时的应用

3.Study on Discriminant Function of Technique Types for Triple Jumpers;三级跳远运动员技术类型判别函数的研究


5.Application of ITO Method and Discriminant Functions in Full Sibling and Half Sibling IdentificationITO法和判别函数法在同胞关系鉴定中的应用

6.He analysed the results using a technique called discriminant function analysis.博士用一种叫做判别函数分析的方法对结果进行研究。

7.Evaluation of Discriminant Function for Rheumatism A Rthritis of TCM Identification and Initial Explore to Gene Expression类风湿关节炎中医证型判别函数效果评价及基因表达的初步探讨

8.Clinical significance of multiple tumor marker protein chip detective system and diagnostic function in diagnosis of female tumors多肿瘤标志物蛋白芯片检测及判别函数在妇科肿瘤诊断中的应用

9.Diagnostic Function Based on Multiple Tumor Markers in Ovarian Cancer by Bayesian Methods:Establishment and Clinical SignificanceBayes法建立卵巢癌多肿瘤标志物判别函数及临床意义

10.The Estimation of Consistent Convergence about a Kind of Function Series;关于一类函数级数一致收敛性的判别

11.A simple proof of higher derivative discriminance on function extreme value函数极值高阶导数判别法的简单证明

12.The Criteria of Harmonic α-Bloch Function and Harmonic Little α-Bloch Function;调和α-Bloch函数和调和小α-Bloch函数的判别准则

13.The Properties and Criterion of Normal Functions and α-normal Functions;正规函数与α-正规函数的性质及判别准则

14.On the two mistaken ways in solving fractional function s rangs by discriminant method;用判别式法求分式函数值域时的误区

15.In the paper, the criterion of the white exponential law of a discrete function is given after discussing the necessary and sufficient conditions of a continuous function being an exponential function.研究了函数为指数函数的充要条件 ,并给出了白指数律的判别准则 .

16.Two Discriminances of the Uniform Convergence of the Series of Functions;关于函数级数一致收敛性的两个判别法

17.Necessary and sufficient conditions on uniform convergence with functional series关于函数项级数一致收敛判别法的充要条件

18.The Properties and Operations of ω-Ultradistribution Spaces;Beurling型ω-超广义函数空间的一些判别定理


judge function评判函数

1.Divide those which can not confirm the arranging deliverance into several groups, having the number of the group be equal to that of the elements to get an arrange opinion viajudge function.将诸多影响因素进行分组,把能给出具体排序意见的影响因素分为一组,此时,针对其中的每一个影响因素而言,对应着一种排序意见,可采用改进的加权Borda数法对这些意见进行集中,从而得出这一组的最优排序;把不能直接确定排序意见的影响因素按此种因素的多少分成若干组,使分组数与此种因素数相同,利用评判函数给出一个排序意见。

3)synthetic evaluation function综合评判函数

4)discriminant function判别函数

1.In the paper,thediscriminant function is derived from the Fisher principle to distinguish large pore paths in sandstone oil layers based on logging curves.根据测井曲线,运用费歇准则导出了识别砂岩油层大孔道的判别函数,判别函数是测井曲线的线性组合。

2.Methods: The dada from 22 patients with dermatomyositis complicated by malignant tumor and 43 patients with dermatomyositis without malignant tumor were analyzed and used to establish adiscriminant function.方法 : 2 2例皮肌炎合并恶性肿瘤患者作为一组 ,43例皮肌炎不合并恶性肿瘤患者作为另一组 ,对两组患者的临床及实验室指标进行分析 ,建立判别函数。

3.The geometry and information s distancediscriminant function are used in our work,the first only calculates the model parameters,so it is simpl.在以往通过建立火控系统误差时间序列的动态数学模型对火控精度做定性分析的基础上,提出基于时序判别函数对火控系统精度进行定量分析,其结果能给出火控系统精度更客观的检测评定。

5)decision function判别函数

1.Through simplification of key normal equation set,thedecision function is obtained and the effect of decision is not affected.给出了多元判别分析的数学原理和方法,通过对正规方程组解的简化处理,在不影响分类判别决策的前提下获得了判别函数。

2.This approach is better than old ones where thedecision function is calcul.跟过去一贯采用的每走一步都要计算判别函数的传统方法比较 ,具有较强的优越性 。

6)discrimination function判别函数

1.Normally we i-dentify the properties of unknown geological object by mul-tivariatediscrimination function.判别分析是化探常用的一种地质统计方法,通过多变量判别函数来判别未知的地质体的属性。


高斯函数模拟斯莱特函数尽管斯莱特函数作为基函数在原子和分子的自洽场(SCF)计算中表现良好,但在较大分子的SCF计算中,多中心双电子积分计算极为复杂和耗时。使用高斯函数(GTO)则可使计算大大简化,但高斯函数远不如斯莱特函数(STO)更接近原子轨道的真实图象。为了兼具两者之优点,避两者之短,考虑到高斯函数是完备函数集合,可将STO向GTO展开:式中X(ζS,A,nS,l,m)定义为在核A上,轨道指数为ζS,量子数为nS、l、m 的STO;g是GTO: 其变量与STO有相似的定义;Ngi是归一化常数: rA是空间点相对于核A的距离;ci是组合系数;K是用以模拟STO的GTO个数(理论上,K→∞,但实践证明K只要取几个,便有很好的精确度)。ci和ζ在固定K值下, 通过对原子或分子的 SCF能量计算加以优化。先优化出 ζS=1 时固定K值的ci和(i=1,2,...,K),然后利用标度关系式便可得出ζS的STO展开式中每一个GTO的轨道指数,而且,ci不依赖于ζS,因而ζS=1时的展开系数就是具有任意ζS的STO的展开系数。对不同展开长度下的展开系数和 GTO轨道指数已有表可查。

  1. 尜怪獸╮2024-03-30 20:26尜怪獸╮[西藏网友]
  2. NAGUOQU2024-03-26 20:26NAGUOQU[湖北省网友]
  3. 喻 天2024-03-22 20:26喻 天[北京市网友]
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