
医疗事故 medical malpractice英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-03-12 16:42:13


医疗事故(medical malpractice)是指医护人员在诊断、治疗或护理病人时犯下的错误、疏忽或不当行为,导致病人遭受身体伤害或健康受损的行为。医疗事故可能造成严重的后果,包括残疾、甚至死亡,对患者和其家庭造成无法挽回的损失。以下是一些关于医疗事故的英语短句和例句: 1. Medical malpractice can result in serious harm or even death to patients. 2. The doctor"s failure to diagnose the patient"s condition was considered medical malpractice. 3. Lawsuits for medical malpractice are becoming increasingly common in today"s society. 4. Hospitals and healthcare providers must take steps to prevent medical malpractice. 5. The consequences of medical malpractice can have a lasting impact on the lives of patients and their loved ones. 通过了解医疗事故的英语表达,我们可以更好地意识到医疗安全的重要性,并希望医护人员和机构能够避免这种情况的发生。

医疗事故,medical malpractice

1)medical malpractice医疗事故

1.Review the reasons ofmedical malpractice from judgingmedical malpractice;从医疗事故鉴定中反思医疗事故成因及防范

2.To enhance management, improve quality and deal withmedical malpractice legally;加强管理 提高质量 依法做好医疗事故处理工作

3.Status and role of appraisal conclusion ofmedical malpractice in civil proceedings;论医疗事故技术鉴定结论在民事诉讼中的地位和作用


1.On the Legal Relationship in Medicine and the Civil Liability in Medical Accidents;论医疗法律关系及医疗事故民事责任

2.Review the reasons of medical malpractice from judging medical malpractice;从医疗事故鉴定中反思医疗事故成因及防范

3.The Character of medical malpractice and expert conclusion of medical malpractice;论医疗事故及医疗事故技术鉴定结论的性质

4.Analysis of 112 Medical Disputes Based on Medical Appraisal;112例经医疗事故鉴定的医疗纠纷分析

5.On the medical negligence problems in the medical negligence crime;我国医疗事故罪的医疗过失问题探讨

6.Identification of Medical Malpractice in Lawsuit;民事诉讼中的医疗事故技术鉴定问题

parison and Analysis of "Regulations for Settling Medical Malpractice Cases"and"Measures for Settling Medical Malpractice Cases;《医疗事故处理条例》与《医疗事故处理办法》比较分析

8.Medical Unit May be the Subject of Crime of Medical Accident;论医疗机构应可以成为医疗事故罪的主体

9.Implementing New 《Medical Negligence Ordinance》and Medical Treatment Management;新《医疗事故处理条例》的实施与医疗管理

10.A Legal Research on Dispute of Medical Treatment and the Solution to the Accident of Medical Treatment;关于医疗纠纷和医疗事故处理的法律探讨

11.Significance of the Theory of Accident Participant Degree in the Analysis to Cases of Medical Accidents;事故参与度理论在医疗事故个案分析中的意义

12.Legal Liability of Medical Compensation for the Hospital and Its Staff;医院和医务人员在医疗事故中的损害赔偿责任

13.Discussion on Status on Disposing Medical Accident and doctors Defensive Medicine;试论《医疗事故处理条例》与医生的自卫医学行为

14.On the Compensation Arising from Medical Accident;论我国医疗事故损害赔偿制度的完善

15.Review and Reconstruction of the Malpractice Identification System in China;现行医疗事故鉴定体制的反思及重构

16.Study on the Legal System of Expert Evaluation of Medical Malpractice in China;我国医疗事故技术鉴定法律制度研究

17.The Comparative Study on Chinese and Foreign Legal System of Medical Malpractice;中外医疗事故主要法律制度比较研究

18.Study on Determination of Crimes of Medical Accidents and Arrangement of the Statutory Punishment;医疗事故罪的认定与法定刑配置研究


medical accident医疗事故

1.Analysis of the technic appraisal conclusion of two class area medical associations to themedical accidents;某省医疗事故省市两级鉴定结论分析

2.Analysis of the undertaking responsibility ofmedical accident;浅析医疗事故的责任承担


1.Mental Changes in Patient Parties afterMalpractice and Intervention Measures;患方在医疗事故发生前后的心理变化与干预

2.A comparison on the new legislation concerning malpractice management with the old one;我国医疗事故处理新旧立法之比较

3.The Problems should be Paid More Attention during Implementing the Regulations ofMalpractice.;实施《医疗事故处理条例》值得重视和商榷的问题

4)medical accidents医疗事故

1.The Investigation and Analysis on Medical Student’s Levelson Knowing about Medical Accidents;医学生对医疗事故了解程度的调查分析

2.A brief analysis on tort caused bymedical accidents;医疗事故侵权纠纷若干问题浅析

5)medical negligence医疗事故

1.On the Psychological Influences of Regulations of Handling of Medical Negligence on Chongqing s Licensed Doctors and the Countermeasures;《医疗事故处理条例》对重庆市临床医师的心理影响及对策研究

2.It is the characteristics of《rules of settlingmedical negligence》to system,science,transparency,justice,practicability.与 1 98 7年颁布的《医疗事故处理办法》相比 ,国务院 2 0 0 2年 4月颁布的《医疗事故处理条例》具有系统性、科学性、透明性、公正性、可操作性等特点。

3.Due to the high risk level of medical health work,medical negligence takes place occasionally.由于医疗卫生行业的高风险性,医疗事故时有发生,我国法学界对医疗事故民事责任的认识还存在着争议。

6)Crime of medical accident医疗事故罪

1.Research on the Objective of Crime of Medical Accident;医疗事故罪犯罪对象研究

2.Application of the Principle of Reliance in Crime of Medical Accident;信赖原则在医疗事故罪中的适用

3.After studying the medical treatment in criminal law of Taiwan Province and Japan, I think that the medical treatment of crime of medical accident in Criminal Law is the action in medical science which include diagnosis and cure and so on.本文在研究了我国台湾地区和日本刑法中的医疗行为后,认为我国刑法中医疗事故罪中的医疗行为是指对疾病的诊断、治疗、堕胎等以医学知识与医学技术为行为的准则,直接作用于人体,导致人体的形态和/或功能发生一定变化或恢复的医学行为的总称。


医疗事故医疗事故medical negligence医疗机构及其医务人员在医疗活动中,违反医疗卫生管理法律、行政法规、部门规章和医疗护理规范、常规,过失造成患者人身损害的事故。根据对患者人身造成的损害程度,医疗事故分为四级:一级医疗事故是指造成患者死亡、重度残疾的;二级医疗事故是指造成患者中度残疾、器官组织损伤导致严重功能障碍的;三级医疗事故是指造成患者轻度残疾、器官组织损伤导致一般功能障碍的;四级医疗事故是指造成患者明显人身损害的其他后果的。具体分级标准由国务院卫生行政部门制定。

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  1. sodas2024-03-12 17:34sodas[海南省网友]
  2. 一个自由的橘子2024-03-12 17:17一个自由的橘子[河北省网友]
  3. Duo冰冰2024-03-12 16:59Duo冰冰[天津市网友]
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