
创编步骤 procedure of creation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-03-10 09:59:44



创编步骤,procedure of creation

1)procedure of creation创编步骤

2)establishment step编制步骤

1.The material code establishment is an extremely important foundation work in the development on the system of process preparation of production technique of guest elevator timing by alternating current,the paper introduces the importance of material code establishment,the establishment principle,the establishment method,theestablishment step,and has given the example.物料代码的编制是交调客梯生产技术工艺准备系统开发中一项十分重要的基础工作,文中介绍了物料编码的重要性、编码原则、编制方法、编制步骤,并给出了实例。


puting Software Execution Step and Validation Method of the Duplicate Reciprocating Pump Main Machine双缸泵主机构计算软件编制步骤及检验方法

2.He asked his teacher to expand on the steps of programming.他要老师进一步阐述编制程序的步骤。

3.Steps in preparing a bank reconciliation. The following procedures have to be gone through for preparing a bank reconciliation.编制银行往来调节表的步骤如下。

4.Programming: The steps involved in the preparation of a computer program; including problem definition, flow chart, coding, assembly, testing and application.程式编写:有关编制电脑程式的各个步骤:包括介定问题,流程图,代码,直译,测试和应用。

5.Script the steps to create this pull subscription编写创建该请求订阅的步骤的脚本

6.Script the steps to delete this pull subscription编写删除该请求订阅的步骤的脚本

7.Drag to add a marketing step chart with 3 pre-numbered steps.通过拖动添加包括3个预编号步骤的营销步骤图。

8.You can specify who can modify the required steps in your Static Workflow and you can also limit who can edit the document while it is in progress.您可以指定谁可修改静态工作流中的必需步骤,也可以限制谁在运行时可以编辑文档。

9.You can choose who can modify the required/optional steps in your Dynamic Workflow and you can also limit who can edit the document while in progress.您可以选择谁可以修改动态工作流中必需的/可选的步骤,也可以限制在运行时谁可以编辑文档。

10.Step 2: Edit the rule description (click on an underlined value)步骤 2: 编辑规则说明(单击带下划线的值)

11.Effects of Encoding Solution Steps of Worked Example on Principle Learning and Transfer;样例解题步骤编码对原理学习和迁移的影响

12.Often you compile the program as a separate step, and then execute the compiled code later.你经常将编译程序作为独立的步骤,在以后再执行所编译的代码。

13.The authorities should take steps to cut short such outrages当局应采取步骤制止这类暴行。

14.They are taking steps to keep down the rabbit population.他们采取步骤控制兔子的繁殖增长。

15.The use of a responsibility accounting system involves three basic steps.实施责任会计制度包括三个基本步骤。

16.The government may take steps to compel compliance with the law.政府可能采取步骤强制遵守法律。

17.Three Steps for Establishing the Stimulating Mechanism both in the Suppliers and Sellers;试论建立供销双方激励机制的三步骤

18.Step 3: Review rule description (click on an underlined value to edit)步骤 3: 检查规则说明(单击带下划线的值进行编辑)


establishment step编制步骤

1.The material code establishment is an extremely important foundation work in the development on the system of process preparation of production technique of guest elevator timing by alternating current,the paper introduces the importance of material code establishment,the establishment principle,the establishment method,theestablishment step,and has given the example.物料代码的编制是交调客梯生产技术工艺准备系统开发中一项十分重要的基础工作,文中介绍了物料编码的重要性、编码原则、编制方法、编制步骤,并给出了实例。

3)compile step编译步骤

4)programming step编程步骤

5)Content and Procedure编制步骤与内容


1.On the analysissteps and measures on the crime psychology marks;犯罪心理痕迹的分析步骤和方法

2.Threesteps to be heeded to in English-Chinese translation in college English for sports majors;体育专业大学英语英译汉应注意的三个步骤

3.Information Under the Condition of Interior of Their Flats Difficulties in the Audit and Audit of Computerized Steps信息化条件下单位内部审计的难点及审计电算化步骤


ANSYS的应用和步骤ANSYS为最著名的FEA软件,工程设计人员可用它完成以下工作: 建立模型或转换结构,产品,零件或系统等的CAD模型。施加工作载荷或其它设计执行条件。研究物理反应,例如应力水平,温度分布,或电磁场在开发过程的早期优化设计以降底生产成本。由于恶劣或不可能的环境(如生化应用)而用其他方式不可行时,可用它进行模拟试验。一个典型的ANSYS分析有三个步骤:1,建立模型。2,施加载荷和得到求解。3,后处理查看结果。1,建立模型:1) 指定一个工作名和分析标题。(如不指明系统默认工作名为file)工作名:运行intractive在initial jobname后把file改为你的工作名。或者进入后用以下方法:命令输入: /FILNAMEGUI: Utility Menu>File>Change Jobname分析标题:命令: /TITLE (副标题/STITLE)GUI: Utility Menu>File>Change Title指定单位系统:/UNITS 2)定义单元类型ET,1,......Main Menu>Preprocessor>Create>Elements>Elem Attributes3)定义单元常量REAL Main Menu>Preprocessor>Create>Elements>Elem Attributes4)定义材料性质命令: MATGUI: Main Menu>Preprocessor>-Attributes->Define>Default Attribs线性材料命令: MPGUI: Main Menu>Preprocessor>Material Props>非线性材料命令: TBPLOT, TBLISTGUI: Main Menu>Preprocessor>Material Props>Data Tables>Graph Main Menu>Preprocessor>Material Props>Data Tables>List 5)生成几何模型2,施加载荷和求解1)定义分析类型和选项命令: ANTYPEMain Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>New Analysis 或 Main Menu> Preprocessor>Loads>Restart2)加载3)设置载荷步选项Main Menu>Solution>-Load Step Options4)求解问题命令: SOLVEGUI: Main Menu>Solution>Current LS Main Menu>Solution>solution_method 多步求解命令: LSSOLVEGUI: Main Menu>Solution>From LS Files3. 后处理命令: /POST1 Main Menu>General Postproc命令 :/POST26 Main Menu>TimeHist Postpro

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  1. 背弃理想2024-03-10 10:46背弃理想[浙江省网友]
  2. 大熊猫2024-03-10 10:34大熊猫[广东省网友]
  3. 幸福指数2024-03-10 10:23幸福指数[西藏网友]
  4. TANG2024-03-10 10:11TANG[新疆网友]
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