
字字入心的伤感小句子 精致而高级 温暖入心!


If the relationship doesnt make you a better person, then you are with the wrong one 我不是碰不到更好的,而是因为已经有了你,我不想再碰到更好的


If the relationship doesn"t make you a better person, then you are with the wrong one.


It"s not that I can"t meet someone better, but because I already have you, I don"t want to meet someone better.


"Do you know what fruit I like best?" "What fruit?""It"s you, the happy one."


The person you like also happens to like you, which may be the happiest thing in the world


The vast sea of people, once injured I finally found my favorite, I would like to grow old with you, whether happy or sad, remember that I always accompany you.


In such precious time,


The first cry because you are not, the first smile because I met you, the first smile tears because I can"t have you!


The most romantic story has no ending, the most happy love has no words, only the fit of each other"s hearts.My love, say nothing at all!


Grow up suddenly feel, be time to live up to, perhaps is a kind of happiness.


Can not go together, not love, is unable to love.


If we are destined to pass by this life, then I deeply wish you happy forever.Then put away all the little affection, looking forward to meet you in the next life.


Some people can"t afford one more failure.So weak!

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  1. 张炜杰2024-01-19 13:24张炜杰[网友]
  2. 笑怼亾泩2024-01-18 17:31笑怼亾泩[网友]
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