
译林版八年级上册 Unit5语法讲解


情态动词主要有下列:can could, may might, must, need, shall should, will would

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情态动词主要有下列:can (could), may (might), must, need, shall (should), will (would)



2、无人称和数的变化(have to例外,如在一般现在时态下用于第三人称单数时用has to)。



例:① I cannot swim very well.

② —Can you swim very well? — Yes, I can. / No, I can’t.



例:I can speak a little Japanese.(我会说一点儿日语。)


例:---Can/May I borrow your bike tomorrow? 明天我可以借你的自行车吗?

---Yes, of course. You can/may use my bike tomorrow. 当然可以。明天你可以用我的自行车。


例:①He cannot/can’t be there. 他不可能在那儿。

②Can this news be true ? 这消息可能真实吗?


例:①Could/Can you tell me if he will go tomorrow? 你能告诉我他明天是否去吗?

②Could/Can I ask you something if you are not busy? 如果您不太忙,我能否问您一些事情?



例1:—May I smoke here? 我可以在这儿抽烟吗?

—Yes, you may. / Yes, you can. 请抽吧。

—No, you can"t. / No, you mustn"t. / No, you"d better not. 请不要抽烟。

2、may表示说话人的猜测,认为某事“可能” 发生,常用于肯定句

例:---Where’s John? 约翰在哪儿?

---He may be at the library. 他可能在图书馆。

3、might除表示may的过去式外,在口语中还常代替may, 表示非常委婉的请示或实现的可能性较小。这时might和may没有时间上的差异。

例:①Might (May) I speak to you for a few minutes? 我现在可以与你谈几分钟话吗?

②Might I have a photo of your family? 我可以要一张你们的合家照吗?

【知识5】must和have to

1、must表示说话人的主观意志,表示义务、命令或必要、应当和必须等。现在式与过去式同形。否定句中用mustn’t 表示禁止

例:①I must go to school today. 今天我必须上学去。

②He told me I mustn’t leave until my mother came. 他告诉我,在我母亲回来之前我不许离开。


例:①They must be very tired. Let them have a rest. 他们一定是非常疲劳了。让他们休息一会儿吧。

②Jack doesn’t look well. He must be ill. 杰克看上去气色不太好。他一定是病了。

③Jane’s light is on. She must be at home. She can’t be out. 简的房间里开着灯。她一定在家,不会出去的。

3、以must开头的疑问句,肯定回答用must;否定回答则常用needn’t,意为“不需要,不必”,相当于don’t have to.

例: ---Must I finish the work today?

---Yes, you must. /No, you needn’t (don’t have to).

4、must和have to意思都是“必须”,常可以互换使用。但have to用于强调客观需要,意为“必须,不得不”;must用于表示主观意愿,意为“必须”。

例:①We’ll have to ask Zhang Hong instead. 我们必须去请张红代替了。

②We must work hard at school. 我们在学校必须努力学习。


need作情态动词时,一般用于否定句或疑问句,无形态变化肯定回答常用must或have to;否定答语常用needn"t.

例:①You needn"t do it again.你不需要再做了。

②He needn"t worry about it.这件事他无需担心。

③Need he do this homework first?他需要先做这些作业吗?

【知识7】shall/ had better


2、had better意为“最好......”,后接动词原形,否定形式在后面直接加not,再接动词原形

例:①Shall we start the meeting at once? 我们立即开会好吗?

②It’s late. You’d better go and look for him. 太迟了。你最好去找他。

③ You’d better not read books in poor light. 你最好不要在微弱的灯光下看书。




例:①Will you get me some chalk? 你拿些粉笔给我好吗?

②Would you like some bananas? 来点香蕉好吗?



You should be polite to your teachers.

You shouldn’t waste any time.


The film should be very good as it is starring first-class actors.

They should be home by now.

【知识10ought to


You are his father. You ought to take care of him.

You oughtn’t to smoke so much.


Han Mei ought to know his telephone number.

There’s a fine sunset; it ought to be a fine day tomorrow.



1.Marcia said everyone should_________(keep) quiet in the dining room.

2.I must (finish) this before I go.

3.She shouldn’t _________(go) to the zoo now, she must __________(stay) at home.

4.My mother can’t __________(find) her glasses. They _________(be) in her bag just now.

5.I can __________(get) up early. I __________(do) morning exercise at six.

6.What can I (do) for you?


1. Must I borrow the book with my ID card? No, you ________. (must,needn’t )

2. ________ I use your car? Yes, you can. ( May ,Would)

3. ________ I go home now? No, you _________stay here.(May, may ; May, must)

4. My mother is ill. I _________ stay at home and look after her.( must ;may)

5. ________ you like some tea?(Would,Can)

6.Must I borrow the book with my ID card? No, you ________. (needn’t, can’t)

7. ________ we play basketball this afternoon? (May ,Shall)

8.You ________ take more exercise. (shall, should)

9.The watch ________ tell us the time. (can, Must)

10.________ you tell me how to get to the Xuanwu Park? (Must, Can)


()1. you like some milk ?

A . Would B. Could C . Can D.Must

()2. We pick the flower in the park.

A. mustn’t B. don"t C. couldn’t D. may not

( ) 3.We should more trees, and we shouldn’t cut any trees.

A. plant B. planting C. plants D.planted

( ) 4.Shall we visit the factory?---- .

A.Yes,we do. B.Yes, we shall. C.All right. D.Yes, we can

( )5.It is late. I go home now.

A. could B. would C. must D. will

( )6.What I do at the meeting?

A. has to B. would like C. should D. not should

( )7. you tell me where the Hualian Market is?

A. Could B. Must C. Should D. Have

( )8. --- you to have some pudding? —Yes, please.

A. Had. . . better B. Ought.../ C. Would…like D. Would…mind

( )9. You’d better you know when you don’t and it’s better for an electrician.

A. not to pretend... to send B. not pretend…send C.not to pretend…send D. not pretend…to send

( )10. —Shall I tell Michael about the news? —No, you . He’s already known it.

A. can’t B. mustn’t C. needn’t D. don’t


1. 概述:


2. 用法:


(1)常见的能带动词不定式作宾语的动词有:want,like,love,wish,hope,need,try,ask,seem,help,learn,decide,plan,start,begin,forget,remember,choose ,prepare,agree等。

e.g: ① Kate wants to be a doctor when she grows up.

② He decided to buy a new MP4.

③ We all hope to go to Taizhou next month.

④ I don’t like to be late for school.

⑤I forgot to bring the MP4 hem.


e.g: ① I find it interesting to play computer games我发现玩电脑游戏很有趣。

② We all think it very difficult to finish the work in an hour.


1. When I saw Jim on my way home, I stopped _______ (talk) with him.

2. I forgot_______ (tell) him about it and told him again.

3. You can ask that strong man_______ (help) you_______ (move) the big stone.

4. Who told you_______ (do) this?

5. Mary decided _______ (do) her homework as soon as she got home.

6. Do you plan_______ (take) Linda out for a walk after supper?



e.g: ① I don’t know what to do next.

②Can you tell me how to get to the hospital?



e.g: To help others is our duty.帮助他人是我们的责任。


To learn English well is very important for us

=It is very important for us to leam English well.

It is very difficult for me to work out the Maths problem.


My wish is to be a basketball player.

My sister’s dream is to be a nurse.


I have two new books to read.

Do you have anything to say for yourself?

(三) 在部分动词和形容词加后缀 –ing, -ness, -ion构成名词

shop-shopping happy- happiness decide-decision

invite-invitation discuss- discussion celebrate- celebration feel- feeling meet- meeting

sick- sickness dark- darkness kind- kindness begin- beginning collect-collection

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  1. 流年,轻许容颜2024-01-14 07:27流年,轻许容颜[重庆市网友]
  2. 玻璃洋葱2024-01-09 00:27玻璃洋葱[陕西省网友]
  3. 落落之心2024-01-03 17:27落落之心[国外网友]
  4. -Missing2023-12-29 10:27-Missing[台湾省网友]
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