
伤心时看的高级伤感小短句 懂你的忧伤 温柔又治愈


What we are directing is nothing but a cleareyed play 不是你的错,不是你的过只是我太傻,只是我太笨

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What we are directing is nothing but a clear-eyed play.


Not your fault, not your fault but I was too stupid, but I was too stupid.


Some people, see, also underestimate.


Love to sing broken heart, love said to tears.


Don"t try to make excuses for yourself. No one likes to hear excuses for mistakes.


Betrayal is like a knife, mercilessly inserted in my heart, even if you pull it, there is a deep wound.


Wishful thinking does not make people sad, what makes people sad is clearly wishful but still holding the expectation of the two.


Maybe hurt, will finally let me forget;Perhaps let go, is doomed to leave me.


Staggered line, distance after all more and more far.


How am I supposed to protect myself if I have to pull out all the thorns.


I was waiting for your attention until my heart says no.


Once you love me, love so lovey-dovey, now only I see a love novel.


In fact, there is no "what if", everyone"s life can not be redesigned.


I"ve always thought the worst part is love, from its initial happened already had arrived at the peak, the heartache, the urge to want to harvest each other, that can"t wait. You want to get to the future expectations, both at the beginning of love has been predicted, from now on, back to the way is downhill.

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