
极富品味的忧伤短句 字里行间的伤心 适合收藏


Distance is terrible, because you dont know whether the other person miss you or forget you 女:你喜欢喝水吗?男:喜欢

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Distance is terrible, because you don"t know whether the other person miss you or forget you.


W: Do you like water?M: Yes.W: Then you already like % of me.


"You"re bad!I"m going to tell mom that you bully girls!~ ~"


You are not my lover, how do I know my love.


What we have been looking for is what we already have;We always look around, but we miss what we want.


When we were young, we laughed and cried.When we grow up, we laugh and laugh, but suddenly cry.


Men like to make friends with beautiful women;Women like to find husbands who are obedient.


Friendship above, lover is not full, give up unwilling, fall in love with dare not.


If he calls you back, he"s on his phone.


?And will seek out the unsatisfied and the insatiable


You are not my lover, how do I know my love.


But, always smile so happy.

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  1. LL________2024-01-06 21:37LL________[青海省网友]
  2. 暖心※2023-12-28 14:31暖心※[辽宁省网友]
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