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1. 什么叫动词的语态?


2. 被动语态的形式

1)被动语态的基本形式为助动词be + 及物动词的过去分词,即be done。被动语态的不同时态是通过助动词be的时态变化来体现的,其人称和数方面应与主语保持一致。在初中阶段要求掌握八种时态的被动语态和含有情态动词的被动语态,其具体变化为:

一般现在时的被动语态:am/is/are done

一般过去时的被动语态:was/were done

现在完成时的被动语态:have /has been done

过去完成时的被动语态:had been done

现在进行时的被动语态:am/is/are being done

过去进行时的被动语态:was / were being done

一般将来时的被动语态:shall /will be done

过去将来时的被动语态:should /would be done

含情态动词的被动语态:情态动词+be done



Where did they grow vegetables?(改为被动语态)

Where _____ vegetables ______?

3. 被动语态的用法


1)不知道动作的执行者是谁, 或者没有必要或不想指出谁是动作的执行者。

2)强调动作的承受者, 此时如想同时指出动作的执行者,可用“by +动作执行者”来表示。例如: Chinese _______ by the largest number of people.

A. speak B. is speaking C. speaks D. is spoken


1. 被动语态的考查形式可见于多种题型,如:选择填空、句型转换、翻译填空等。例如:


______ ______ ______ that ______ ______ is being ______ over the Changjiang River in Nanjing.


注意: (1) 有时 by短语可以省略。


2. 被动语态的考查不是孤立的,而是与时态紧密联系的。上文已提到,初中阶段要求掌握九种被动结构,其中,尤以一般过去时、现在完成时、一般将来时和含有情态动词的被动语态在考题中出现频率最高。例如:

(1) The boy ______ to get supper ready after school.

A. were told B. is telling C. was told D. tells

(2) A lot of new roads ______ built in the west of China.

A. must B. must be C. has D. have









⑧ 含有情态动词的被动语态

3. 注意被动语态的几个特殊情况:


① 把指人的间接宾语用作被动句的主语,如:

She gave me a book.→

I was given a book by her.

② 把指物的直接宾语用作被动句的主语,此时,间接宾语前需加介词to或for, 如:

She gave me a book. →

A book was given to me by her.

She bought me a present. →

A present was bought for me by her.

Her mother gave her a new pen. (变为被动语态)

A new pen ______ ______ ______ her by her mother.

(2) 原则上,只有及物动词才有被动语态,但是,许多不及物动词加上介词或者副词,变成及物动词短语,这时也可有被动语态。此时应注意短语的整体性,即后面的介词或副词不要丢掉。例如:

We should speak to old people politely. →

Old people should be spoken to politely by us.

She will take good care of the children. (变为被动语态)

The children will ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ by her.


My teacher made me do my homework. →

I was made to do my homework by my teacher.

Someone saw him swim in Qianling Lake yesterday. (变为被动语态)

He ______ ______ ______ swim in Qianling Lake yesterday.

4. 不宜使用被动语态的几种情况:

(1)有些动词如happen和动词短语如take place是没有被动语态的。


The cake smells delicious.

5. 熟记教材中与被动语态相关的固定搭配和句型。例如:be made of / from /in / by, be used for/ as 等。

—Your coat looks nice. Is it ______ cotton?

—Yes. It"s ______ Shanghai.

A. made of;made by B. made of;made in

C. made for;made by D. made for;made in

6. 被动语态上出错的原因一般有以下几个方面:

(1) 中文影响根深蒂固,没有明了中、英文的差异。在汉语中有很多诸如“作业做好了”、“黑板已经擦过了”等等不用被动语态的句子,但这些句子在英语中都得使用被动语态:The homework has been finished. The blackboard has been cleaned. 按照汉语的习惯来说英语,出错自然在所难免。


(2) 练习得不够,没有形成自觉的语法意识。没有把知识真正转化成运用能力。这和懂得篮球规则却未必能打好篮球是同样道理。因此,在复习时应尽可能多地进行练习,达到习惯成自然的境界。


① 当句中出现by sb.,with sth.短语时常使用被动语态,如:

The door was locked by me.(门是被我锁上的。)

The road was covered with snow.(马路上覆盖着雪。)


I _____ (ask) to answer the question.


The blackboard _______(clean).



( ) 1. The medicine in a dry and cool place.

A. keep B. must keep C. must be kept D. must be keep

( ) 2. A talk on Chinese history in the school hall next week.

A. is given B. has been given

C. will be given D. will give

( ) 3. Today ,the forests have almost gone. People must down too many trees.

A. stop to out B. stop from cutting

C. be stopped to cut D. be stopped from cutting

( ) 4. About 500 cars in the factory next month.

A. were produced B. will produce

C. have been produced D. will be produced

( ) 5. The key for locking the classroom door.

A. uses B. is used C. is using D. use

( ) 6. A new school over there in two years.

A. may build B. may be built C. is built

( ) 7. The man who lived alone on that island thought he never .

A. will ,find B. would ,be found C. is ,found D. had ,been found

( ) 8. Computers are very useful. For example ,they can sending e-mail.

A. use for B. be used of C. be used for D. use of

( ) 9. What a nice garden !

It every day.

A. is cleaning B. has cleaned C. must clean D. is cleaned

( ) 10. This work next week.

A. may finish B. finish C. finishes D. may be finished

( ) 11. My house in 1995. We have lived there for nearly five years.

A. was build B. has built C. is built D. were built

( ) 12. The lost boy early this morning.

A. found B. was founded C. was found D. founded

( ) 13. That white building two years ago ,but it is quite old now.

A. built B. was built C. is built D. builds

( ) 14. The big tree by my mother ten years ago.

A. was planted B. planted C. has planted D. was planting

二. 用括号中动词被动结构的适当形式填空。

1. English widely (use) in the world.

2. These pictures must (keep) well.

3. She (fall) ill last night ,and she (take) to the hospital at once.

4. Now rice and wheat (grow) in my hometown ,too. Look !The crops__________(grow) fast in the fields.

5. The Great Wall (know) all over the world.

6. the street lights usually (turn) on at seven in summer evening ?

7. this kind of car (produce) in Wuhan ?

8. the doctor (send) for last night ?

9. We used a teapot before the thermos (invent).

10. Three children (take) good care of by the nurse.

11. Some new houses (build) by the villagers themselves.

12. What language (speak) in Japan ?

13. The black bike (buy) in that shop three days ago.

14. The doctor said Jim must (operate) on at once.

15. The big tree (blow) down in the storm last night.


1. You needn’t do it now.

2. You must finish your homework now.

3. We can do the work today.

4. She had done the work by the end of last month.

5. The writer has written many stories for that magazine(杂志).

6. He was doing his homework at this time yesterday.

7. My brother is reading the book now.

8. They founded that hospital in 1996.

9. Yesterday we played football after school.

10. People all over the world know the Great Wall.

11. He often helps his brother.

12. Do you learn Unit 8 ?

13. Does Li Lei do his homework at home ?

14. Did Miss Gao speak English yesterday ?

15. When did Mike visit China ?

16. Why do you tell her the thing ?


一. 单项选择

( ) 1. — Oh, this is really a big cinema. Do you know when it ?

— Sorry, I have no idea.

A. built B. was built C. has built D. is built

( ) 2. The doctor examined Simon carefully after he to the hospital.

A. takes B. is taken C. took D. was taken

( ) 3. Today English by more and more people around the world.

A. is spoken B. was spoken C. spoke D. speaks

( ) 4. It is said that potato chips by mistake about a hundred years ago.

A. invent B. invented C. are invented D. were invented

( ) 5. — Computers are very important today.

— Yes, they widely in both cities and towns.

A. are used B. were using C. were used D. are using

( ) 6. — Did Simon come to the Jane’s birthday party yesterday?

— No, he .

A. wasn’t invited B. didn’t invite C. isn’t invited D. hasn’t invited

( ) 7. — Mum, may I play computer games this afternoon?

— You can if your homework .

A. has done B. will do C. is done D. will be done

( ) 8. This painting to a museum in New York in 2002.

A. sells B. sold C. was sold D. is sold

( ) 9. I believe that those mountains with trees in a few years.

A. are covered B. will be covered C. are covering D. will cover

( )10. It is said that about 6,000 cars in the factory next month.

A. were produced B. will produce

C. are produced D. will be produced

( )11. — When this MP4 player ?

— Last year.

A. did; make B. was; made C. is; made D. has; made

( )12. — Can you tell me whom the play in 2000?

— Sorry, I don’t know.

A. was written by B. was written C. is written by D. is written

( )13. — Where are the students?

— Oh, they football on the playground just now.

A. were seen play B. were seen to play

C. have seen to play D. have seen play

( )14. No one knows how the huge rocks and without modern machines eight hundred years ago.

A. were cut; moved B. were cut; move

C. are cut; moving D. are cut; moved

( )15. — What does the radio say?

— It says that another park in the city in a year.

A. is building B. was built C. is built D. will be built

( )16. When and where to build the new hospital yet.

A. has not been decided B. are not decided

C. has not decided D. is not decided

( )17. — What did Miss Zhang say to you just now?

— She said that all the books should to the library on time.

A. are returned B. return C. be returned D. be returning

( )18. Mary doesn’t have to be made . She always works hard.

A. learn B. to learn C. learned D. learning

( )19. The old man was quite weak after the accident, so he .

A. must be taken good care B. must take good care of

C. must be looked after well D. must look after well

( )20. This pen well.

A. is written B. will be written C. writes D. is writing

二. 将下列主动语态的句子改为被动语态,被动语态的句子改为主动语态。

1. I bought a nice present for my teacher.

2. You must finish the work before Thursday.

3. We call the little boy Daniel.

4. He turned on the computer an hour ago.

5. We often hear her sing this song.

6. Yao Ming is regarded as one of the most popular basketball players in the world.

7. The bike was mended by Mr Black.

8. Daniel was seen to swim in the river yesterday.

9. The elephant couldn’t be made to go (by them).

10. Have many man-made satellites been sent up into space by them up to now?



1~5 BDADA 6~10 ACCBD 11~15 BABAD 16~20 ACBCC


1. A nice present was bought for my teacher (by me)./ My teacher was bought a nice present (by me).

2. The work must be finished before Thursday.

3. The little boy is called Daniel (by us).

4. The computer was turned on (by him) an hour ago.

5. She is often heard to sing this song (by us).

6. People regard Yao Ming as one of the most popular basketball players in the world.

7. Mr Black mended the bike.

8. Someone saw Daniel swim in the river yesterday.

9. They couldn’t make the elephant go.

10. Have they sent up many man-made satellites into space up to now?


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