
优美有内涵的小句子 每一句都能带给你力量!

时间:2023-10-06 04:18:01


优美有内涵的小句子 每一句都能带给你力量!

一、在这个世界上,真的会有一个人默默地关心你,爱你,但再也不会靠近你。想见到你的人,走完山河,总会来找你;不想见你的人,下楼时懒得打开窗户。真正爱你的人不会害怕麻烦或忙碌。In this world, there will really be a person who cares about you and loves you silently, but will never be close to you again. Those who want to see you will always come to you after walking through the mountains and rivers; those who don"t want to see you will not be bothered to open the window when they go downstairs. People who really love you are not afraid of trouble or busyness.

二、路人匆匆路过,走过铺满青石的小路,也许只有她们才能真正感受到永恒的魅力;女人们,在林溪台阶上洗衣服,十指浸泡在江南的水中,只有她们才能体会到水乡的柔情。Passers-by rush by and walk along the path covered with blue stones. Perhaps only they can truly feel the eternal charm; women, washing clothes on the steps of Linxi, soaking their fingers in the water of the south of the Yangtze River, only they can feel the tenderness of the water village.

三、生活是不断寻找自己的过程。我们努力向上,不仅让世界看到我们,而且让我们自己看到世界。当我们一步一步地前进时,我们会发现生活中每一步的进步都在使我们的生活变得广阔。Life is the process of constantly finding oneself. We strive to make progress, not only to let the world see us, but also to let ourselves see the world. As we move forward step by step, we will find that every step in our life is making our life broader.

四、生活不容易。你不必渴望别人的理解和认可,而要平静地过自己的生活。如果心脏不动,风也帮不了它。如果你不受伤,年复一年都会好的。Life is not easy. You don"t need to be eager for other people"s understanding and recognition, but to live your life calmly. If the heart doesn"t move, the wind won"t help it. If you don"t get hurt, you"ll be all right year after year.

五、每个有勇气的人都有一段时间的沉默。那一段时间,就是付出了很多努力,忍受孤独和孤独,不抱怨也不抱怨,以后再谈的时候,连自己的日子都能感动!Every brave person has a period of silence. That period of time, is to pay a lot of efforts to endure loneliness and loneliness, do not complain and do not complain, later on when we talk, even their own days can be touched!

六、忘记一个人,不是因为这个人有多好,而是在你的生活中,留下了一个独特的记忆,这是别人永远不会给予的。向前看和向后看,没有出路,害怕结束,永远不会成功,想要幸福,为自己奋斗,美好的生活,靠自己奋斗。Forget a person, not because of how good he is, but because in your life, left a unique memory, which others will never give. Looking forward and backward, there is no way out, afraid of ending, will never succeed, want happiness, strive for themselves, a better life, struggle on their own.

七、人生旅途中,不能用双眼捕捉别人故事中的点点滴滴,用自己的双手创造自己的梦想。不要嫉妒对方的生活,没有人比别人生活得更自由。那些生活得很美好的人,只会在晚上咽下心痛和委屈,在早晨擦干眼泪,继续穿着盔甲生活。During the journey of life, you can"t use your eyes to catch other people"s stories and create your own dreams with your own hands. Don"t be jealous of each other"s life. No one lives more freely than others. Those who live well will only swallow their heartaches and grievances at night, wipe their tears in the morning and continue to live in armor.

八、很多恋爱中的男女都喜欢让对方猜,猜猜他们喜欢什么,猜猜他们想做什么,猜猜他们是否喜欢对方,猜猜到底没有表现出他们的意图,迟早有一个人因为疲劳而离开。Many men and women in love like to let each other guess, guess what they like, guess what they want to do, guess whether they like each other, guess whether they do not show their intention, sooner or later a person left because of fatigue.


When you are full of thorns, I embraced you, I smoothed all your edges and corners, but later, I can only watch others hold you almost perfect. It"s already cold. I"ve grown up, I"ve learned to smile, I"ve learned to be strong, I"ve learned not to cry, but I"ve learned not to forget him.

十、只有一个人孤独地坐下来,才能重新获得声音;只有当一个人耗尽了他的悲伤,才能重新获得快乐;当一个人尝到苦涩,他才会自然地回到幸福。相信这些,你就能更从容地面对生活的沟壑,穿越四季风霜。Only when a person sits down alone can he regain his voice; only when a person exhausts his sorrow can he regain his happiness; when a person tastes bitterness, he will naturally return to happiness. Believe in these, you will be more calm to face the gullies of life, through the four monsoon frost.

十一、最好做一个善良的人,一辈子都要敞开心扉。别做伪君子,要珍惜你的生命。人活一辈子,睡得舒服,笑得灿烂,这是一生的胜利。Better be a kind person, open your heart all your life. Don"t be a hypocrite, cherish your life. People live a lifetime, sleep comfortably and laugh brilliantly. This is a lifetime victory.


But now, in this city thousands of miles away, when homesick, only through telephone contact, shed sad tears, but also silently bear in their hearts, afraid of their own troubles. And music, has become my best companion, accompany me to cry, laugh together, spend a long lonely night together.

十三、无论经历有多美好,无论悲伤有多深沉,都会像时光流逝一样无情地落在昨天。生活就像一个愈合的过程。我们受伤、痊愈、再受伤、再康复。每一次恢复似乎都是为了下一次受伤。也许要彻底绝望才能重生。No matter how good the experience is, no matter how deep the sadness is, it will be as ruthless as the passage of time on yesterday. Life is like a healing process. We are injured, healed, re-injured and rehabilitated. Every recovery seems to be for the next injury. Perhaps it takes total despair to rebirth.

十四、我真的很想和你有一个长久的未来。我真的很想得到你所有的祝福。我真的很想陪你度过你的一生,互相温暖,互相尊重。因为爱太深,越来越任性,越来越多的沉默是因为痛苦,因为失望而变得越来越礼貌。I really want to have a long future with you. I really want all your blessings. I really want to spend your life with you, warming and respecting each other. Because love is too deep, more and more willful, more and more silence because of pain, because disappointment and become more polite.

十五、如果你想过平凡的生活,你会遇到平凡的挫折,如果你想过最好的生活,你一定会承受最大的伤害。世界是公平的。如果你想要最好的,你会感到最痛苦。成功并不取决于你有多聪明,而是取决于你能否在困难中发笑。If you want to live an ordinary life, you will encounter ordinary setbacks. If you want to live the best life, you will suffer the greatest harm. The world is fair. If you want the best, you will feel the most pain. Success does not depend on how smart you are, but on whether you can laugh in difficulties.


Memory is sometimes the most painful thing, because it means uncovering those scars again. Memory is sometimes the happiest thing, because you can see again how two people love each other.


Don"t get upset about trifles, don"t stumble over difficulties. If you want to get out of the darkness, you have to stand up, because no one can help you, only you can save yourself.

十八、人生没有多少注定,但是既然注定,就要学会权衡利弊,既然学会了算,就不要怕别人说三道四,这个世界是奇妙的,也是无知的,学会离别,也要学会放弃。Life is not much doomed, but since doomed, we must learn to weigh the pros and cons, since learned to calculate, don"t be afraid of others to say three things, the world is wonderful, but also ignorant, learn to leave, also learn to give up.

十九、当爱情缺席的时候,学着过自己的日子。过自己的生活,好好宠自己。好多事情,不会因为你在乎而改变,也不会因为你在乎而变成你喜欢的样子。Learn to live your life when love is absent. Live your life and pamper yourself. Many things will not change because you care, nor will they become what you like because you care.

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