

时间:2023-09-27 03:49:01



Unit 1 Why are you so happy?


again又,再次, glad高兴的, why为什么, book书, look for 寻找, get well 康复, messy脏乱的,missing丢失,hope希望,square正方形,worry担心

情绪类:sad悲伤的, surprised感到惊讶的, angry生气的, tired劳累的, excited兴奋的, upset苦恼的, worried担心的,


back at school回校, played too hard玩得太累, come back回来, go to the zoo去动物园, eat up fish吃光鱼, read books读书, get well康复


1. Why are you (so) happy? 你为什么(这么)高兴?

Because we are back at school. 因为我们都回到了学校。

2. Why do you look so sad? 为什么你看起来这么伤心?

Because my dog is missing. 因为我的狗丢了。

3. Nice to see you all again.很高兴再次见到你。

4. So do I.我也是。

5. Don’t be sad/upset. 别伤心/心烦。

6. I hope so. 我希望如此。

7. It’s square in shape and blue in colour. 它是方形,蓝色的。

8. Let’s look for it together. 我们一起寻找吧。

9. Don’t worry. 别担心。

10. She will get well soon. 她将很快康复的。

Unit 2 May I speak to Mike?


speak说话, robot机器人, housework家务劳动, Ms女士, Mrs太太, there在那里, really真的, bring带来, school学校, bad严重的, cold感冒, drink喝


have a look看一看, do housework做家务, hold on稍等, call back回电话, bad cold重感冒, go to school去上学, stay in bed卧床休息, drink a lot of water大量喝水, play football踢足球, come to my birthday party参加我的生日聚会


1. May I speak to Mike? This is Yangyang. 我能找一下麦克吗?我是洋洋。

Speaking. / Please hold on. …, it’s for you. 请说。/ 请稍等。…找你的电话。

2. Is Guoguo there? 果果在吗?

Sorry, she is not home / here. 抱歉,她不在家/在这里。

3. Is Miss Wang home / there? 王老师在吗?

This is Wang Ping. / Speaking. Who’s calling, please? 我是王萍。/请说。请问你是谁?

4. Do you want to have a look? 你想看看吗?

5. I’m doing housework with my mum. 我正和妈妈一起做家务。

6. Please tell her to call back. 请告诉她给我回电话。

7. Will you bring them to school tomorrow? 你明天能把他们带到学校来吗?

Yes, I will.是的,我会的。

8. What’s your phone number? It’s …. 你电话号码是多少? 是…。

9. What can I do for you? 我能为你做些什么?

10. I have a bad cold. I can’t go to school tomorrow.我得了重感冒。我明天不能去上学。

11.Please stay in bed and drink a lot of water. 请卧床休息,多喝水。

Unit 3 Will you do me a favour?


word字词, computer电脑, easy容易的, door门, kind体贴的, window窗户, glass玻璃杯, borrow借入, take拿到, fine好的,easy简单的, ping-pong bat乒乓球拍

文具类:剪刀scissors, crayons蜡笔, pencil sharpener转笔刀, markers记号笔, ruler尺子,


hold books拿书, close the window关窗户, turn off the light关灯, pass me the water递水, open the door开门, turn off the radio关收音机, turn on the light开灯, play word game玩字谜游戏, a glass of water一杯水, do sb. a favour帮忙


1. Would you please hold these books for me? 你能帮我拿这些书吗?

No problem.没问题。

2. Would you mind opening the door, please? 请问,你介意打开门吗?(mind + doing)

Sure. No problem. 当然不介意,没问题。

3. Can I borrow your ping-pong bat? 我可以借你的乒乓球拍吗?

Yes, of course. 是的,当然可以。

4. Would you like a glass of hot water? 你想要一杯热水吗?

Yes, please. / No, thanks. 是的,麻烦了。/ 不用了,谢谢。

5. Will you do me a favour, please? 你能帮一个忙吗?

Sure. 当然。

6. Would you show me how to play this word game on the computer? 你能告诉我在电脑上怎样玩这个游戏吗?

7. It’s kind of you. 你真是太好了。

Unit 5 Which kind would you like?


get获得, pen钢笔, kind种类, brown棕色的, think想、认为, pair一双, shoe鞋子, how much多少钱, buy买, shop商店, sell出售, trousers裤子, shape形状, colour颜色, those那些, these这些, comfortable舒适的, dollar美元

鞋类:slippers拖鞋, sandals凉鞋(包括高跟凉鞋), boots靴子, sneakers运动鞋,

衣帽:T-shirt T恤衫, shorts短裤, overcoat大衣, cap鸭舌帽, school uniform校服, jacket夹克衫,


try on 试穿,go with与…相配


1. Which kind would you like? 你想要哪种?

This one looks nice. 这种看起来不错。

2. Excuse me. May I look at that pair of shoes, please? 我能看看那双鞋吗?

Sure. Here you are. 当然可以,给你。

3. The red one will look nice on you. 红色的你穿会很漂亮。

It will go with my trousers.它与我的裤子很搭。

4. Can I help you? 要我帮忙吗?(需要买什么?)

Yes. I want to get a pen. 是的,我想买支钢笔。

5. What colours do you have? 你有什么颜色的?

We have black, blue, green, and brown. 我们有黑色,蓝色,绿色和棕色的。

6. May I try them / it on? 我能试穿吗?

Certainly. / Sure you can. 当然可以。

7. How much are they? 他们多少钱?

Thirty dollars. 三十美金。

8. I will take a brown one. 我要买支棕色的。

9. I think so. 我也这么认为的。

10. It’s gettingcold. 天变冷了。

11. It won’tgo with my trousers. 它和我的裤子不配。

Unit 6 May I take your order?


eat吃, healthy有益健康的, cook厨师, duck鸭子, soup汤, sorry抱歉, change找给的零钱, money钱, healthy健康的,

食物类:Peking Duck北京烤鸭, pie酥壳有馅的饼, chicken鸡肉, hamburger汉堡包, vegetables蔬菜, meatballs肉丸子, soy milk豆浆, orange juice橘汁, salad沙拉, fish鱼, pizza披萨, sandwich三明治, mushroom soup蘑菇汤,Chinese cabbage白菜, apple pie苹果派, fried chicken wings炸鸡翅, dessert甜点, ice cream冰淇淋

味道:sweet甜的, salty咸的, sour酸的


take order 点菜


1. What would you like to eat? 你想吃点儿什么?

I’d like some vegetables. 我想吃点儿蔬菜。

2. May I take your order now? 现在能点菜了吗?

Yes. I’d like / I’ll have a salad, fish, and mushroom soup. 当然可以。我想要一个沙拉,鱼,蘑菇汤。

3. How much is it? 多少钱?

It’s sixty-nine yuan. 69元。

4. Here is the money. 给你钱。

Here is your change. 你的找零。

5. Can I have the sweet and sour fish, please? 我能吃糖醋鱼吗?

Of course.当然可以。

6. Don’t make them too salty. 不要做的太咸。

OK. I’ll tell the cook. 好的。我会跟厨师说的。

7. Do you have hamburgers and chips? 你们与汉堡与薯条吗?

Sorry, we don’t. 抱歉,没有。

8. What would you like for dessert? 甜点想吃点儿什么?

I’ll have ice cream. 我想来个冰淇淋。

Unit 7 What is nature?


become变成, clever聪明的, ice冰, walk散步, interesting有趣的, close接近的, farmer农民, lake湖, say说, air空气, live生活, water水, wind风, kites风筝, fly飞, pants植物, grow生长, below在…下面, zero零, degrees度数, Sydney悉尼, Alaska阿拉斯加, weekend周末, nature自然, vacation假期, internet互联网

季节及天气描述:hot热的, cold寒冷的, bad糟糕的, fine好的, raining下雨, shining阳光灿烂, snowing下雪,

季节:summer夏天, winter冬天,fall/autumn秋天,spring春天


ona farm农场上, in the forest森林里, on the grassland草原上, by the lake湖边, in the mountains大山里,go to parks去公园, take long walks散步, close to nature亲近自然, visit my uncle看望叔叔, find out找出、查明, on the internet 网上


1. How’s the weather in Sydney? 悉尼天气如何?

Bad. It’s raining. 很糟糕,一直在下雨。

2. Where does he live? 他住哪儿?

He lives on a farm. 他在农场上生活。

3. What do you do on weekends? 你周末一般干什么?

I often go to parks or take long walks.我经常去公园或者散步。

4. What is nature? 什么是大自然?

I’m not so sure. Let’s find out on the Internet.我不太确定。让我们上网找找看。

5. It’s five below zero. 零下5度。

It’s 20 degrees. 20度。

6. We can’t live without water. 没有水,我们就不能生存。

7. Ice can become water and water can become ice. 冰能变成水,水能变成冰。

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