
适合发朋友圈的句子 精致走心 值得分享!


Memory has three faces, your side, my side, and the most real side 天下最悲哀的人莫过于本身没有足以炫耀的优点,却又将其可怜的自卑感,以令人生厌的自大、自夸来掩饰

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Memory has three faces, your side, my side, and the most real side.


The saddest person in the world is that he does not have enough advantages to show off, but he disguises his poor sense of inferiority with disgusting arrogance and boasting.


If your heart can accommodate unlimited experience, although experienced, but can maintain simplicity, this is simplicity.


We are all turtles, carrying responsibilities and dreams, but also had resentment, one day, you will find that they become your only dependence.


I used to think that rough days would not be mediocre, so I was keen on running. Later, I found that this is the real mediocrity.


Some stories teach you to be grateful, inspire you to give, but they don"t tell you that many things can be fought for, changed, or have another ending.


There is a Doraemon in everyone"s life, but you don"t know it. There is no lie machine in life, let us get back, lost is forever.


Now, listen to the story. Look at things, no longer feel that it is just someone else"s experience, can always find their own shadow, will also envision the future.


Those passers-by in life, good or bad memories, let you know yourself better.


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