
仙女偷偷记录的温柔小句子 写入心坎 句句精致!


Ill cut a section of Milky Way for you, so that you will not be inferior to the fireworks all over the sky 二、就想安安静静的做好自己,在一些方面偶尔发一点光

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I"ll cut a section of Milky Way for you, so that you will not be inferior to the fireworks all over the sky.


I just want to be myself quietly and give some light occasionally in some aspects.


I hope someone drinks and tells you romance and love with sparkling eyes


You look at the sea, the mountains are high and the water is far away, my world.


The girl has her future, with all her stars and her bright moon hanging high, if you can hope for the future to make her stars make her gentle, maybe she.

六、向着月亮出发 即使不能到达也能站着群星之中。

If you can"t reach the moon, you can still stand among the stars.

七、少年的胸膛是风永远穿越不透的空旷 这句话我记了好多年。

I have remembered for many years the saying that the chest of a teenager is an empty space that the wind can never pass through.


It is said that "stars are getting married in the orange-red sky".


Every sunset is the last tenderness left by the sun to the sky.

十、喜欢其实很简单 就是自己吃好吃的东西的时候心里想着你 然后拍下来发给你。

Liking is actually very simple, that is, thinking about you when eating delicious food and then photographing it and sending it to you.


Love can be simple but not casual

十二、总有一天 我们不用再说再见,只需互道晚安。。

One day we don"t have to say goodbye, just say good night to each other.


Now the moon is well and the stars are slowly shining.

十四、生活的理想 就是理想的生活。

The ideal of life is the ideal life.

十五、全心全意开始 开始生活 开始爱自己。

Start living with all your heart, start loving yourself


I hope we are all honest, don"t violate our original intention and don"t fail to meet each other.

十七、青春是泼出去的水 用力的浪费 再用力地后悔。

Youth is a waste of spilled water and then regret it


Knowing that contentment is bliss, one will have a full pocket of happiness every day.

十九、做一个可爱的人 不烦世事满心欢喜。

Being a lovely person does not bother the world and is full of joy.

二十、等夕阳掉进水里 我就背上你 去寻摸一池的星星。

When the sunset falls into the water, I will carry you to find a pool of stars.

二十一、叶子的离开 是因为风的追求 还是树没有挽留。

Leaves leave because of the pursuit of wind or trees did not retain

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