
治愈高品质的温柔小短句 深情浪漫 抚慰伤痛


If I can, I will look for a sunset embrace in this season Even though the sun has lost its light, that embrace will al

The chances of exchanging disappointment for hope are really slim.


If I can, I will look for a sunset embrace in this season. Even though the sun has lost its light, that embrace will always belong to the sunshine and warmth. When night falls, the snuggling of two figures is the beginning of the day.


Tears flow down, just know, separation is another kind of understanding.


Parting is temporary, and sharing life together is forever. Parting breeds lovesickness and makes our love hotter.


Maturity is a painful word, which may not be obtained, but will be lost.


If you are not happy, try to laugh. At least if you try to smile, you won"t feel so sad.


I would like to forget, and wish you a happy life after that, and I would like to have wine and dreams to accompany your dreams in the future.


To stop being sad, to stop crying, to stop hurting and to stop being confused, I decided to abandon all my memories. From then on, we are just strangers.


Time is a master of healing trauma, but it is by no means a master of solving problems.


I wish I can always just shoot the mosquitoes buzzing around my ears. I wish I often find the leftover change in the clothes for changing seasons. I wish I would not refuse to take the empty bus on the road when it rains. I wish my new food is always better than I imagined. I wish I would never forget my dreams. I wish I would always feel like a Friday afternoon. I wish I would always live like a child.


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