
疗愈心灵创伤的小句子 富于韵味 内心爽朗


一个人若太具备感情,是会自伤及伤人的。的确如此。If a person is too emotional, it will hurt and hurt people Thats true 曾经的岁月不

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If a person is too emotional, it will hurt and hurt people.That"s true.


Once the years are not reversed, once we were young and frivolous.


I don"t know when I began to feel strange to myself.


Some people can"t afford one more failure.So weak!


How much courage, dare, never forget.


The most regrettable thing in life is to easily adhere to the shouldn"t adhere to, stubborn, give up shouldn"t give up.


Recently I have been wondering one thing: learning Chinese can talk to Chinese people, learning English can talk to foreigners, learning Classical Chinese you talk to ghosts.


Is there such a moment, you love my persistence.


If you can enter my heart, you will cry, because there are all your sorrow.


I did not participate in your past, but also did not have time to reach your future, and then I stopped, you go away.


Eyes follow you, both sad and happy want to tell you.


Happy face, others see.Who can feel the pain in the heart.


Sunshine on the face, piecemeal, like the heart without you, in a disastrous state.


"The guy who wants to be cool, drinks half his soda, gets up when the alarm goes off, never looks back, walks away with his hands in his pockets when he says goodbye."

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