
最近特别喜欢的情感句子 简短走心 情商超高


The best effort is to live up to the time, and the best self is to work hard 孩子的爱很幼稚 很迷茫 但孩子的爱 很认真 孩子的爱总会打水漂

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The best effort is to live up to the time, and the best self is to work hard.

孩子的爱很幼稚 很迷茫 但孩子的爱 很认真 孩子的爱总会打水漂。

Children"s love is very naive and confused, but children"s love is very serious, and children"s love will always drift away.


At any time, anywhere, if you are sincere and frank with me, I will repay you.

能哭就哭出来 眼睛又不能装泪

Can you cry if you can? Eyes can"t hold tears

人生总会有未来 就像春天永远有四季一样 不急不躁

There will always be a future in life, just as there will always be four seasons in spring.


Tiantai after a rain, fireworks all over the sky, you see, the world is worth it after all

轻柔的晚风 应该可以把所有的不快吹走。

The gentle evening wind should be able to blow away all the unhappiness.


Hate you destroyed my faith in love, is you let my light, let me no longer dare to seriously love a person.


I will be disappointed, sad, sad just did not say it

我会乱七八糟地想很多 我会莫名其妙不快乐 只要你把我给我台阶 我就会一直跟着 所以你能一直陪我吗

I will think a lot, I will be inexplicably unhappy, as long as you give me steps, I will always follow me, so can you always accompany me


To cherish the people you are the most valuable


Will you flatter me and say how are you?


After a habitual retreat, an occasional step forward becomes offensive.


Hot water is too hot for me to drink, and my heart is too cold for me to touch.

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