
充满失落的伤心小短句 懂你的忧伤 句句有理!


Inexplicable waiting, is it for survival or for the uncertain future?莫名的等待,是为了生存还是为了不确定的未来?Waiting for an ho

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The same thing, if you think about it, is heaven, if you don"t think about it, it is hell.


Inexplicable waiting, is it for survival or for the uncertain future?


Waiting for an hour is too long. If love happens to be after that, waiting for 10,000 years is not long. If there is love, it happens to be compensation.


Wu Yifan, you told me you would come back, right? Our waiting was not in vain, was it? You can"t bear a brother, can you?


After waiting for so long, I don"t want to end up just saying" I"m sorry".


After years of persistence and waiting, they are all tired, they have not given up, and we should not give up. As long as they are here, we will always love, OK?


An injured person doesn"t know how to accept and give love.


For the past 24 hours, the pain was unparalleled. From 7:00 in the morning, I went to Tongji to queue up for registration, and then to the joy that the anesthesiologist helped me contact Plus, every minute I waited was a torment. The results of the consultation were unexpected, and there was no surprise. In the afternoon, I hurried to contact my friend to go to Concord Skin Center to measure my physique, which is not like scar physique. It is probably the greatest comfort on this day. Fortunately, because of my work, I can take fewer detours in the hospital and hear some truth. I don"t know how to decide, it"s probably the hardest decision. Tears are swirling at the thought of the doctor"s words, and only oneself can be responsible for oneself. I searched all the cases I could search for, but my courage dropped sharply. I didn"t dare to repeat the doctor"s words to my mother and aunt, so I didn"t want to increase their worries. I"m so heavy, and I have a job that makes me anxious to lose sleep every night. I"ll think again.


Destiny is not an opportunity, but a choice. It is not to wait, but to fight for it.


You don"t know that all the time you look at our chat window with your mobile phone and wait for your reply, all you get is a feeling that I slept.


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