
收藏很久的句子‖最终倦鸟归栖 大家各自认命


In the end, the tired birds returned to roost and everyone accepted their fate 不是所有人单身都代表是可撩状态 ,有些人对恋爱没什么期待 ,只想安安静静读几年书 ,然后发财

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In the end, the tired birds returned to roost and everyone accepted their fate.

不是所有人单身都代表是可撩状态 ,有些人对恋爱没什么期待 ,只想安安静静读几年书 ,然后发财。

Not all people who are single are considered to be in a throwaway state. Some people have little expectation of love. They just want to read quietly for a few years and then get rich.

以信任之心不限制对方自由 ,同时又以珍惜之心不滥用自己的自由, 做到这两点都会很幸福。

It will be very happy to do these two things with the heart of trust, not restricting each other"s freedom, but also with the heart of cherish, not abusing one"s freedom.

感情就像往一个杯子里面倒可乐 ,倒得很猛 ,气泡会很快漫到杯口 ,等时间沉淀下来才发现 ,原来杯子里面的可乐还不到一半。

Feelings are like pouring coke into a cup. The gas bubbles will quickly overflow to the mouth of the cup and settle down only to find that the coke in the original cup is less than half.


"Be a romantic person. Start by buying flowers for yourself."


"Staring blankly is the only way to roam the universe without paying."

感受到忽略或敷衍的感觉, 真的提不起兴趣去多说一句废话。

Feeling neglected or perfunctory, I really can"t interest myself in saying more nonsense.


You have to understand, in hot water will cool, in full enthusiasm will fade away, again love will leave, so you have to be good, to grow up, don"t speak is to have longer, we have to get used to people walk tea cool.


The night sky in the city is only the moon. When I miss you, break the mirror on the lake and let the stars float up one by one.


I like to suddenly fall into a brief carnival, and also like to suddenly surround myself with love.



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