
520情人节甜到心窝里的句子 深情走心 恋爱必备!


Recently, I always have toothache, which may be the reason why I often dream about you, because dreaming about you is the

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Recently, I always have toothache, which may be the reason why I often dream about you, because dreaming about you is the sweetest thing for me. If I dream about you more often, I will get cavities.


Don"t raise more meat. Raise me. More meat. Don"t hold the quilt. Hold me. I"m warm. Stop eating candy. Kiss me. My mouth is sweeter.


Recently, I"ve gained weight, but I"ve never eaten. I just secretly put you in my heart.


It"s not necessary for us to be vigorous, or for the whole world to know how much we like each other. As long as you recognize me, I will definitely live up to you.


I want to pamper you, hold you tight, and prove to you that no matter how harsh the world is, I prefer you.


In fact, I open a little flower for you in my heart every day. When you live in, you will have a big garden. I"m not happy.


To see you is to hold a handful of delicate sunlight, everywhere is sunny, think of you, is to scoop a bowl of thick night, dreams are full of sweet.


I just went to the express delivery point and wanted to send your baby to you, but the courier disagreed with me, saying that I am a living thing and can"t send it randomly.


The things that make me very happy are: the missing numbers on the weight scale, delicious snacks, and seeing you every day.



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