
20句甜蜜情话 既文艺又唯美 致给至死不渝的爱情!


Dont take the moon for you for nine days, the moon is not as cute as me 四,晚睡的小孩不会有美梦的光临哦Children who go to

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一,想带你去吃烤紫薯 然后对你说我紫薯于你

I want to take you to eat roasted purple potatoes and tell you that I am purple potatoes to you

二,我对世界说晚安 唯独对你说喜欢

I say good night to the world and only say yes to you


Don"t take the moon for you for nine days, the moon is not as cute as me.


Children who go to bed late will not have a good dream


When quarreling with people, it is best to go to the stairs to argue: the advantage of this is that both sides have steps down after the quarrel


Tonight"s moon is a coin I flip, dreaming of you on both sides.


I haven"t even eaten candy since I met you. Why You are too sweet.


I"m in good health. I can carry a rice bag and a gas can, but I just can"t stop thinking about you.


It"s okay to be bitter. I"m sweet


To put it bluntly, my mate selection criteria is just one word: you.

十一,刚刚去参加全国可爱比赛 被保安拦住说对不起 职业选手不准参加

Just went to the national cute contest and was stopped by security and said, I"m sorry, pros are not allowed


The heartbeat is: it"s over

十三,你笑时 雷声温柔 暴雨无声

When you laugh, the thunder is gentle, the rain is silent


Today"s mood is a parabola of upward opening

十五,夏天这么长 一定会找一个挑西瓜的人在一起

Summer is so long, I will definitely find someone who picks watermelon


Meat can be reduced when it grows out, but those snacks can no longer be eaten when they expire

十七,一生谈三次恋爱最好: 一次懵懂,一次刻骨,一次一生 我多希望这三次都是和你 多希望你是陪我走那一生的人

It is best to talk about love three times in a lifetime: once ignorant, once carved, once in a lifetime, I hope that these three times are with you, I hope that you are the person who accompanied me for that life


Although i am not the first person you like. not the first person you hold hands and hug and kiss. but i hope i can be the first person who wants to talk about pain. the first person who wants to share happiness. the first person who wants to rely on setbacks. can i be the only one you can be with to old age.


I always feel very proud when I hold you, even if it is rainy, I will feel the weather is very good

二十,你是我的乍见之欢你是我的眼神所向 你是我温柔的归宿你是我嘴角扬起的理由

You are my first sight, you are my eyes, you are my gentle home, you are the reason for my mouth to raise

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