
超级实用 礼貌用语助你摆脱麻烦


Todays lesson is a conversational lesson 今天这堂课是对话课

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Hello. Welcome back to EngVid.


Today"s lesson is a conversational lesson.


We"re looking at phrases to help you get out of trouble.


How could this help you?


Well, we all have difficult times at work where you need to keep a boss (an employer) happy; or in a domestic situation, you may need to keep your partner happy, if they"re a little bit peeved-if they"re a little bit cross with you.


So, here are some phrases that will help you to do just that.


Now, you may remember a video that I did, which was looking at rumours and secrets, and the situation we had in that video was that Lionel Messi had apparently called Cristiano Ronaldo renowned slightly big-headed.


So, Cristiano might say: "Lionel, what"s going on? What did you mean by that"?


And Lionel is going to have to sort of say: "It"s okay, Cristiano. What I meant was that you have a healthy self-regard".


"A healthy self-regard", let"s write that up here.

"A healthy self-regard",我写在这里。

A healthy self-regard.


"Healthy" meaning, you know, good for you-not bad; "self", about oneself; "regard", a bit like the French word: "to look".


"What I meant was you have a healthy self-regard". So, it was a good thing; not a bad thing.

"我的意思是你对自己很重视。" 因此,这样一来,这就是一件好事,而不是一件坏事了。

Cristiano says the same thing:"Lionel, why did you say that"?


"Well, if I said that, I didn"t mean to". So, in this example, Lionel is basically saying: "Yeah. You know what, Cristiano? That"s exactly what I said, but I didn"t mean to".

"好吧,如果我这么说,我不是故意的。" 因此,在这个例子中,莱昂内尔就是说:"是的,你知道的,克里斯蒂亚诺,我虽这么说,但我不是故意的"。

"Didn"t mean to", I mean, this is quite a poor excuse, but it sounds polite, doesn"t it?


It makes it seem better that Lionel didn"t mean to say it.


It just. . . the words just came out of the mouth.


Better this: "Let me put it another way. It"s fantastic that you"re so confident; it helps you become such a good player". Okay?


So, if we say something to a boss or a partner and they don"t like the way we say something, we can try another way: "Let me put it another way. You"re fantastic".


Another way of. . .


So, these two are quite similar, here.


"Let me rephrase what I just said. . ." So, words can be interpreted in a very personal way, and different words make you think different things, so it"s really important, the words we do choose.

"我改一下……" 因此,单词可以用个人的方式来解释,不同的单词会让你想到不同的事情,所以选择单词是非常重要的。

If someone doesn"t like the words we have chosen: "Let me rephrase. . ." So, the prefix: "re" means "again"; "phrase", collection of words.


Let me put that into another phrase; let me rephrase what I just said. . . So, I"ve just said something in the past tense; let me say something again now.


Let me. . .


I"m asking permission.


"Let me say something again in a better way". Or we have another option, here, of saying: "No, no, no, no. That"s not true at all. That"s not what I said at all". Okay?

"让我用一种更好的方式来说一下。"或者在这里还有其他的选择:"不,不,不,不,这不是真的,这根本就不是我想说的。" 明白吗?

So, Lionel is saying: "No, Cristiano, what I. . . I did not say that. That"s not. . ."


So we have the negative before "what I said".

因此我们在"what I said"前面用了否定。

"That"s not what I said" okay?

就是"That"s not what I said",明白了吗?

"at all" just emphasizes it that little bit more.

"at all"是对否定的强调。

This follows on; it"s the same sense that the rumor-the secret-is not true: "I"ve no idea who told you that, but it"s not true.

I"ve no idea who told you that. I"ve no idea who told you", it"s quite a forceful means of expression, that.


It"s quite emphatic.




It"s definitely saying: "This is not true". So, being British, we always come up with quite polite phrases, as opposed to the Americans/North Americans who might not beat around the bush quite as much.


"I"m afraid that" is a slightly politer way of saying the above sentence.


"I"m afraid that just isn"t true", okay?


"Afraid" softens the blow ever so slightly.


"I"m afraid that just is not true". Okay.

"恐怕这不是真的,仅此而已。" 明白了吧。

Another very British phrase: "The fact of the matter is. . ." Okay?

另一个比较英式的短语:"事情的真相是……" 明白了吗?

So, you could just say: "The fact is", but we add in: "of the matter", to do with this subject.


"The fact of this story. . . Of this matter. . . The fact of the matter is I did not call you bigheaded".

So, if the situation is becoming a little bit heated and it"s coming into a little bit of an argument, you might just say: "Let"s get this straight. . ." Okay?

"这个故事的事实是……这个事的事实是…… 这件事的事实是:我没说你自大。"因此,如果情形变得有些紧张,或者可能会有一些争论时,那你就说:"坦白讲,直接说……" 明白吗?

So, why do we say "straight"?


Well, it"s because. . .


I know this is not a beautifully straight line, but things are a little bit muddled, a little bit confused-we don"t know who"s said what.


If I say: "Let"s get this straight", again, it"s saying: "I"m going to tell you what actually happened. I"m going to tell you the facts now; not rumours or secrets. These are facts". Okay.

如果我再说一次:"坦白讲……",意思是:"我要告诉你真实发生的情况,我要告诉你事实,既不是谣言也不是不可告人的秘密。这才是事实" 懂了吧。

So, we"ve got here nine sentence starters to help you steer clear of trouble at work and at home.


Hopefully you don"t need to, but as a last resort, try one of these phrases to get you going.


And why not try to do the quiz now to make sure you"re using these sentences in the correct manner?


Thank you so much for watching.


Do subscribe to my YouTube channel, so you know and you stay informed of what I"m up to next; there"s always new stuff coming onto this channel.


Until next time, see you.


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