
治愈系奇妙句子 一句比一句精辟 直击人心!


After years, sigh the two young, an amazing time, a gentle years 我在时光里享受温暖,我在流年里忘记花开

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After years, sigh the two young, an amazing time, a gentle years.


I enjoy warm in time, I forget flowers in the unease.


Stand in this time, look at the time, all karma has become clear.


Smile and shake hands with you and then gently say goodbye, andthe word that has not been exported, you will never know, it will bedeep locked in the river bottom of the surging and passing time.


Time is an open sea. We are like fish, although in the samedirection, but can not get close. Loneliness is the blood hidden inthe heart, whether it should or should not, it is there, withoutknowing where it comes from, where to go.


Holding hands with you is like drinking the most sweet wine, untilthe end of time, but also reluctant to let go.


If you leave, it is the dust of amazing time, spread the years,love hate sorrow like ever hurt. If you return, it is gentle years ofpeople, out of time, let you pour the world gentle and what harm!


Time flies, we gradually grow up, gradually mature, but have longforgotten each other the original appearance, only remember once weinnocent, happy. Time a time, please go slowly, let the young us,enjoy the joy of this gone forever, without leaving any regret.


One"s life is destined to meet two people, an amazing years, agentle time.


When the United States is collected by the time, by the time ofthe wind and sand gently covered, will be like a match likeextinguished can not be polished again?


Time, time. Did you ever tell me that you never miss me? Or do youleave in such a hurry that you forgot to leave this sentence for me?I have lost my way for you in the night wind.


First love is beautiful because we can never go back to that timewhen we were young and pure.


I don"t know if I wasted years, but maybe those years weremeaningful, so I can"t regret it.

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