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Chapter1 Poor Catherine 可怜的凯瑟琳

He felt thathe had failed, and he carried this private blame for the rest of his life. 他觉得自己很失败,而且终其一生他都这么暗暗地谴责自己。Slowly Catherine realized that she was changing from a girl into a young lady. 慢慢的,凯瑟琳意识到自己正从有个女孩儿变成有个年轻女人。

Chapter2 A handsome young man 一个英俊的年轻人

Catherine always felt uncomfortable whenmeeting new people. 凯瑟琳遇到生人的时候总是觉得不自在。But before she could get embarassed, Mr Townsend began to talk to her with an easy smile.不过还没等他=她感到尴尬,汤森先生就已经带着轻松的笑容和她聊起天来了。She gave a little cry, which made Catherine blush, when she saw the young people still together. 当她看见这两个年轻人仍在一起时,不由得轻轻地惊呼了一声。Catherine listened with extreme interest. 凯瑟琳怀着极大的兴趣听着。

Chapter3 Who is Morris Townsend? 莫里斯.汤森是谁?

Morris Townsendagreed with her that books were boring-he had been to places that peopel had written about, and they were not at all as they had been described. 莫里斯.汤森同意她的看法,认为书很枯燥——他去过书里提到的那些地方,跟书中描写的一点儿都不一样。Doctor Sloper thought for a moment . "If he does not work, what are his means?"斯洛珀先生想了一会儿:”他要是不工作,靠什么生活?“He stared at her, smiling a little, and just for a moment there was an impatient look in those fine eyes. But he spoke softly and sadly. "Then I must try to make him like me." 他凝视着她,微微一笑,那双好看的眼睛里闪过一丝不耐烦的神情。不过他说话时声音温柔而悲伤:”那我只好想法子让他喜欢我了。”

Chapter4 Morris Townsend looks for a position 莫里斯.汤森求职

Morris listened to these sensible words in silence. 莫里斯默默地听着这些很实际的话。Catherine opened her eyes and stared at him. She could give no better promise than what he read there. 凯瑟琳睁开眼睛望着他。他在那双眼睛中谈到了她最坚定的承诺。

Chapter5 Doctor Sloper decides 斯洛珀医生的决定

The next afternoon the Doctor stayed at home, waiting for Morris Townsend"s visit. 第二天下午医生呆在家里,等候莫里斯.汤森来访。And Doctor Sloper went away with these words ringing in his ears.耳中回响着这些话,医生离开了。

Chapter6 Catherine tries to be good 凯瑟琳努力做好

Mrs Penniman was enjoying all the excitement of the romance and had no sensible advice to offer poor Catherine. 尼曼夫人喜欢浪漫故事中所有 激动人心的事情,可是她却不能给可怜的凯瑟琳提出任何明智的建议。Catherine sat alone by the parlour fire, lost in her thoughts, for more than an hour. 凯瑟琳一个人坐在客厅的壁炉边,陷入了沉思,就这样过了一个多小时。Her father, turning around in his chair, looked at her with his cold eyes, and she was afraid he was going to be angry.他父亲在椅子里转过身,眼睛冷冷的望着她,她担心他马上就要发火了。She looked at her father, and her eyes filled with tears.她看着父亲,眼中噙满泪水。The tears then ran down Catherine"s face , and she moved towards her father with a little cry. But he only took her by the arm, went to the door, and opened it for her to go out.泪水从凯瑟琳的脸上滑落,她轻轻地哭着走向父亲。但他只是拉着她的胳膊,走到门口,把门打开让她出去。He looked forward to seeing what would happennext. 他等着看接下来会发生什么事。

Chapter7 Catherine decides 凯瑟琳的决定

Morris looked at her, but said nothing. 莫里斯看着她,但什么也没说。"I am sorry," Catherine murmured. She felt lonely and frightened in this wild place. "对不起。"凯瑟琳喃喃地说道。在这荒凉的地方,她感到孤独害怕。

Chapter 8 The last parting 最后的离别

But he never stayed more than a few minutes, and seemed so uncomfortable that at last she became worried. 可是他总是待不上几分钟就走,而且显得心神不宁,最后她开始担心了。Morris kissed the top of her head. Catherine felt her heart beat very fast. 莫里斯吻了一下她的额头。凯瑟琳觉得心跳得很快。”答应我明天就来好吗?“‘I said Saturday!" Morris answered, smiling. “是的,星期六也来,”她答道,挤出一丝笑容。The pain in Catherine heart was terrible, but she was desperate to hide from her father what had happened, so she tried very hard to be brave. 凯瑟琳内心痛苦极了,可是她却竭力不让父亲看出有什么异样,所以她努力地坚强起来。

Chapter9 Morris returned 莫里斯归来

Very few things made Catherine angry, but these words brought back painful memories from the past. She felt that her father was pushing her too far. 很少有什么事能让凯瑟琳生气,但这些话把过去的痛苦记忆又带了回来。她觉得父亲实在逼人太甚。Catherine had listened silently, staring down at the ground. At last she spoke, "Please do not say more."凯瑟琳默默地听着,眼睛盯着地面。最后他说:”请别在说了。"



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