
朋友圈里很有意思的句子 句句搞笑雷人 看一次笑一次


In the morning, I had a breakfast of 10 yuan at the roadside stall The boss was very busy, so I put the money in the

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In the morning, I had a breakfast of 10 yuan at the roadside stall. The boss was very busy, so I put the money in the money box. But on second thought, the boss might not see it. I took out the money again. At this time, the boss saw it.


When a child is sad and angry, he will be happy if he talks with others. Adults can"t, especially women. He has to eat well, buy things, admit his mistakes sincerely, and write a guarantee if he can"t.


I remember that junior high school meeting, lunch break and friends hiding in the toilet smoking, friends see to have finished smoking, the last puff, then the head teacher came in, asked us why, I was a little nervous to look at my brother, he from the nose out of a lot of smoke, said I was angry.


On a high-speed train, a beautiful woman sat in the corner crying. The conductor was pitiful and said to him, "madam, are you ok?"? What can I do for you? The beauty wiped her tears and said, "I"ve missed my station.". The conductor said with a smile: OK, come on, please make up the ticket.


One day, my mother heard about my smoking and told my father. My father asked my mother, "are you sure?" My mom said, "it"s not sure." My dad said, "watch me at night." In the evening, my father gave me 60 yuan to buy three bags of Yuxi. I said it was not enough. It was still 9 yuan short. My dad said to my mom with a smile, "sure, fight."


Once I failed in the exam and was beaten by my father at home. I was very sad. Then I went back to my room. I wanted to see a joke to relieve my bad mood. Unexpectedly, I kept laughing after seeing the first one. I thought my dad didn"t agree with me and dragged him back to fight again.





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2023-08-29 #经典句子