
失恋后伤感的句子 戳中现实 虐哭无数人!


You use silence to avoid me, then I use not to contact to complete you 02、马不停蹄的错过,轻而易举的辜负,不知不觉的陌路

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You use silence to avoid me, then I use not to contact to complete you.


Never stop missing, easily failed, unknowingly stranger.


Tears are true, heartache is also true, the original want to live with you is true.


Our love, time has become a third party.


It turns out that time destroys not only the appearance, but also the three league oath we once had.


After breaking up, I found that I could only love one person in a moment, and gradually became selfish.


If we meet later, you just gentle, I just mature, we will not come to the end.

08、 世界上最酸的味道不是吃醋,而是你无权吃醋!

The most sour taste in the world is not vinegar, but you have no right to be jealous!

09、 记忆像是倒在掌心的水,不论你摊开还是紧握,终究还是会从指缝中一滴一滴流淌干净。

Memory is like water in the palm of your hand. No matter you spread it out or hold it tightly, it will flow through your fingers drop by drop.


There"s a lot of potential in your heart, and one day when you look back, you"ll know it"s absolutely true.


Love to shepherd"s purse grass grow like crazy, and fade like the tide.


Sorry, it"s an excuse for disappointment. It"s OK. It"s a reason to give up.


Love out of the wish, things have no regrets, do not talk about debt, only thank meet.


I love you, but I won"t like you any more. The first half of the sentence is from the bottom of my heart, and the second half is the decision made after I was deeply disappointed.


I when the sea, you when that little trouble, I can accommodate you all.


7-22 cry in the second half of the night, no songs, no lights, only the night with me.


The thick nasal sound and red and swollen eyes are evidence that I loved you.

18、要适应世间所有的温度 不止是季节,还有人心。

To adapt to all the temperature of the world, not only the season, but also the heart.


Life is a thousand models. What suits you is the best.


Maybe one day I hear your name again, I will smile and say, I don"t know.

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