
怼人不带脏字的高情商句子 很犀利 让对方哑口无言


Havent we met somewhere before? I think you look very familiar You really look like a fierce dog I saw yesterday 今天都怪

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I think your previous life is probably a towel, otherwise why you in this life do things and talk so twisted bar!


I think you are a fierce man. I need a guard dog at Chick Farm. Why don"t you come tomorrow and fill the vacancy?


I sent you a message a long time ago, but you still haven"t replied to me. May I ask if I need to reply to my message? There are some words you don"t understand, so it is so slow.


Just shake your head, do you hear me? Is there a sound of water? If there is no water in your head, then why come out of your mouth, so water!


If you don"t like me, feel free to make fun of me! Whatever you say is right, and even if I listen to it, it won"t change!


Please talk to me, pay attention to the decibel of your words, after all, I have such a small courage, most afraid of listening to the donkey!


Excuse me? Do you have stomach upset these two days? Do you always have loose bowels? Maybe when you have loose bowels, you pull your brain out, too? Otherwise why always say something mindless?


Haven"t we met somewhere before? I think you look very familiar. You really look like a fierce dog I saw yesterday.


Today all blame me, not too good luck, go out when not careful, accidentally stepped on your tail, leading to you now here barking, really sorry!


Excuse me, is that head on your neck for the sake of looking good and being used for decoration? Why else do you never talk past it?


Although I sometimes speak freely, if one day I say a word that hurts you, then you must be bold to tell me, I can say it again loudly for you to hear!


You must have been a cook in a previous life? Why else do you spend your whole life adding fuel to a fire?


For those shameless people, I really want to say to him, really sorry, I have a bad memory, it seems that once again you as a person to see.


Some people, I just want to tell you, what I say and do do not need your understanding, more do not need your advice, you just shut up.




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