
朋友圈很走心的心情句子 亲自品尝才能知道它们的真正味道!



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There are so many things in the world that you have to taste themto know what they really taste like. Long dust road, you must walk,to know its length and distance. People always have some memories inlife, some people will remember them deeply in life, and then have abright life.


Miss you, listen to a song, miss you is far away. Full of feelingssurging in my heart, who see my thoughts turn around. Clear and softthoughts, placed in my warm heart, make my words and soul moist andsoft.


Time flies and the rings are endless. From birth to death, it"sjust a distance. Yellow spring is blue, missing the pain is notclear; The world of mortals, v. endless sink.


Several times li SAO is enchanting. It takes a lot of courage toget up when you slip. It"s all tangled up in your memories, and youcan"t escape it or avoid it. Fly to your place on the wind? Thedistance between you and me may not only be geographical, but also adifference. You never know me, and I don"t know your inner world.


Life has lost the meaning of existence, everything is blurred,sooner or later will be unified, why struggling in the mire to bearthe burden! I can not put down, also dare not touch the memory. Thedistance between heaven and earth is the definition of the universe,the constant encounter is only in an empty dream.


The human world is full of tenderness. Looking back, the distanceof horizon is so short, the attachment of previous life is so thin,the lovesickness is so full, overflow his heart.


There is no distance between hearts, nothing can stop two lovingsouls.


In the dream, flowers bloom and fall, you come and go, familiarfigure gradually far away. Tomorrow is the distance between seabirdsand fish, is the distance of the ends of the earth. There is no traceof stagnant water, when the wind is light and the clouds are light, Ilook back and see only dim lights and slim figures.


All the experiences in this world are to be cherished, and all thedeep feelings must add up. Do not know how much time to go throughfrom spring to autumn, from beauty to white hair to go through howmuch wind and rain. I only know that the distance between the heartand the heart should be measured by knowing. Thank you for giving mea piece of plain paper, called life, so THAT I can grow flowers withthe sun and the moon above. Let me wash away all the lead. In thefireworks of the world, I wander only for a person, turning myeyebrows into lotus flowers.

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