
写进作文中的句子‖阳光越亮 阴影越深


In fact, the real parting did not take place along the Changting ancient road, nor did it persuade you to drink more It

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"In fact, the real parting did not take place along the Changting ancient road, nor did it persuade you to drink more. It was on the same morning as usual, and some people stayed yesterday."

2、一朵花的凋零荒芜不了整个春天,一次挫折也荒废不了整个人生,你一点也不差只要你想开始就可以随时启程 。

The withering of a flower cannot waste the whole spring, nor can a setback waste the whole life. You are not bad at all. You can start at any time as long as you want.

3、如果执意去做一件事了 , 就不要再问自己和别人值不值得 , 心甘情愿才能理所当然 ,理所当然才能义无反顾。

If you are determined to do something, don"t ask yourself and others whether they are worth it or not.


"We have all heard countless speeches, most of which are inspiring words, but after being encouraged or warmed up by the speaker"s passion, most of us will return to the original laziness, so repeatedly, without an end point. And those who succeed can often go on with their warm embrace for a few seconds and then rely on the remaining warmth, which comes from the heart of those who go on. "


Time, like goods, glides slowly on the axle of life. It glides and glides to the distance of life. What we have is also like light smoke, floating and floating. We do not know where it is. Therefore, we should cherish what we have.


I have a bunch of flowers in my heart that are born in the hot sun.More fragrant than any good wine.Hot fragrance flooded the scarecrow"s chest.The spirit of grass binding will live forever.

7、“无论你考了多少分 ,能不能去你想去的学校 ,都不用担心, 你能去你想去的地方 ,会带给你意想不到的惊喜 ,你会遇见一些人, 觉得相见恨晚, 或者遇到一个人觉得在哪里值得 ,这是命 遇见你该遇见的 ,接受你所不能改变的 ,中考高考的迷人之处不是如愿以偿 ,而是阴差阳错”。

"No matter how many points you get on the exam and whether you can go to the school you want, you don"t have to worry about the unexpected surprises you will get when you go to the place you want. You will meet some people who feel that they meet each other late or meet someone who feels that it is worth it. It is fate to meet you. You should meet and accept the entrance exam that you cannot change. The charm of the entrance exam is not what you want but what is wrong."


The young man"s shoulder should be just like this. Don"t worry about any hatred between the family and the country or any integrity. First, stir up the wind, bright moon, willows and grass. The young man"s shoulder should be full of beautiful things.

9、“我的眼里没有辰海万里,却也有星河滚烫,我的眼里没有万千星火,却也有炽热光芒,我也有坚定信仰 璀璨梦想。”

"I don"t have a sea of stars in my eyes, but I also have the Milky Way boiling hot. I don"t have a million spark in my eyes, but I also have hot light. I also have a firm belief in bright dreams."


A leaf is illuminated by the sun, and its back must be a shadow. The brighter the sun, the deeper the shadow.



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