
现实入心的句子 温柔唯美 值得细品


1 嘴在逞强,心在投降。明明很在乎,却装作无所谓。然后静下来时,自己便笑话自己,何必把自己伪装的那么坚强。The mouth is showing off, the hea

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The mouth is showing off, the heart is surrendering. Clearly care about, but pretend it doesn"t matter. Then quiet down, they laugh at themselves, why disguise themselves so strong.


It takes a moment to reach out, but it takes many years to hold hands. No matter who you meet, he is the person who should appear in your life, not by chance. If there is no debt, how can we meet.


There are two ways in life. One is to walk with heart, which is called dream; the other is to walk with feet, which is called reality. If you walk too fast, you will get lost; if you walk too fast, you will fall; if you walk too slowly, you will pale the reality;

if you walk too slowly, your dream will not fly high. The brilliance of life is that the heart goes well and the pace is just right. Control your heart, let it go right, go well; speed up our pace, let the dream give birth to beautiful wings.


Like a sentiment, shallow light, not far not near. Read, there is a kind of heart warm, intimate soft. Years of rotation, Shaohua gradually old, I wish people are still quiet, gentle.

After years of life, I wish my feelings were still as quiet as ever. Silent time on the other side, let me rather wait for an inevitable spring. Even if occasionally there will be a surge of emotion, it is also quiet and dignified.


The vast earth is broken with a sword, where is the prosperous song falling. Send you a song, do not ask the end of the song, people gathered and scattered. The breeze is moist and the tea smoke is light.

The old dream is gone. You can still drink tea quietly and break the fireworks in the flourishing age.


Wanqing silk, pull love, let the ups and downs, life is not afraid. Floating a dream, drunk eyes, the sea as wave, heart as bright moon, snow as heaven. You are enchanting, I am with you.

Never abandon each other! If the heart is drunk, if the heart is broken, then Rouge button, only to leave the aftertaste. If life and death into tears, should be like this, you from flutter, I from aftertaste. Wake up to know, green silk in, to think hard with.


Happiness is simple, it will not bring any impurities, as long as you have a good heart, you will always feel its existence.


Chunchun time, through the veil of memory, to see through that curtain of rain falling dream, I seem to hear a trembling sigh, gently penetrating the frozen soul, this is the decadence left by youth, like the early winter sun, lingering in the evening wind, slowly withering, scattered into ash.


Life is plain, life is ordinary, and happy to live, the life of the most dynamic youth cast in the border. Walking on the winding border line, with a sincere, go through hardships without regret, let life watch a responsibility and morality!


In those days, no matter from what angle I read you, you are perfect. What you lack has already been filled with my imaginary brush.


You walk in the rain, you never take an umbrella; you have your own sky, it never rains.


Standing in the cold wind of winter, the snowflakes are enveloping the cold city. I can"t help tears when I think of the lost sincere and priceless friendship.


Count the fallen leaves in front of the door, listen to the rain outside the window, wade through the sound of this ring, your heart is still wet by rain.



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